Execution of Daniel Shaver

Sup Forums will defend this.


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>cops natural predator is a hotel door

well that explains vegas

Poor dude. That cop wanted to put bullets in him. I could hear it in his voice.

None the less if i ever in his situation.
Ill lay down and not move for 1 second.

>Sleeve tattoo
Why are these people allowed to exist?

Can't say I care, Danial Shaver doesn't affect my life in any way.

the pig ordered him to crawl. and when he did as ordered (which was an unnecessarily humiliating command) he murdered him and a jury of stateist imbeciles let him off.

Rundown of what happened.

>Daniel shaver was in the hotel for a business trip
>He was involved in pest control
>He showed a few friends his air rifle he was using to kill birds inside grocery stores?
>Air rifle at some point was pointed out of the hotel window
>People alerted police
>Daniel shaver complies with police
>Gets shot, dies even while complying with police
>Police officer goes to court, pleads not guilty, was charged with second degree murder

Don't know if he got convicted.

for real? im suprised he didnt get the death sentence for this. Hope that poor dude has an angry psycho relative

you ignored the part he was drunk and reaching for his waist to pull his pants up
that shows personal bias

Arizonan here. These fucking piece of shit deserved to fry but my disgusting statist neighbors let him off scott free. I masturbate to the thought of this disgusting piece of vile human filth writhing in agony in the deepest part of hell for eternity. Fuck him.

>he dindu nuffin

Does it even matter?

>Hurr durr I have an AR15 rifle pointed at a drunk guy who was clearly shitting himself
>Pulls up pants because it was falling down and cop overreacts and shoots him

The cop did not even do proper protocol.

And none of you noticed the guy stop crawling then reach down to his right side? That's what prompted the shot?

I just learned about this but I am furious. What a fucking tryhard piece of shit. I guarantee he became a police officer so he could potentially legally kill someone.

i noticed and if i was the cop i wouldve shot as well. the dude was a drunk idiot.

he did not comply with police.

He was told not to do something again, and he did it again.

saw it plain as day, is this not a commie shill thread? was i supposed to respond?

He absolutely complied with the police, are you fucking kiddie me?

>*complies* "please don't shoot me"
>*complies* *cries*
>*gets shot*

The problem of things like BLM making a fuss over obvious cases of nigs being nigs is that actual cases of police brutality get swept under the rug. Setting precedents, but idiots dont care because its niggers getting btfo. Then they are silent, or worse yet, argue for the cops, in cases like this.
Fucking glow in the dark CIA niggers.

why would americans be outraged at being murdered by their government or its proxies? its happened again and again with nothing arising from any of it.

It is time to stop. You are embarrassing yourself with those asterisks.

He reached his hand behind his body while crawling.

>that fuckin fear and tremble in his voice
>y-yes sir *sobs*

fucking gave me chills..
I normally don't condone violence against cops but I hope that man gets turned into swiss cheese by niggers.

let the bashing begin, my body is ready

Look at the grand scheme of things. Cops show up based on a call of a hysterical woman. They find a guy in shorts and a t shirt who is clearly unarmed and they start pointing rifles at him and screaming at him that they're literally about to kill him. He understandably starts crying and gets confused by their conflicting orders and in his LEGAL drunken state has difficulty comporting himself. And here we have a man who was not breaking any law, not causing any trouble and was fully within his rights to be where he was and do what he was doing, shot five times with a 5.56mm rifle round in the fucking head. You need to be very careful how comfortable you get with allowing cops to kill ordinary people. Sooner or later it's going to be you that a stupid 50 year old roastie reports to the cops for triggering her anxiety.

Burn in hell, Philip Brailsford.

Look, as soon as the guy had this hands up, the police should of moved onto him and put cuffs on him.

This is how every other police force does things, not making one crawl on the ground.

What is the proper protocol then?

Nobody with an iq over 40 would think he had a gun in those shorts.

Oh, right.

a little pussy manlet on a power trip. most likely a MGTOW faggot that posts on here. execute him

Why do newfags use this symbol?
Fuck off

See They even had more police there as backup in case anything did happen, it was unnecessary.

Watch it in slow mo. Looks exactly like someone pulling a gun out of their waistband. That said, the cop should have approached him when he had his hands up instead of going on a power trip. That negligence right there is what got the dude killed, and that is the cop's fault.

>be burgerclap
>have autistic 50iq policemen with fucking assault rifles gun down an unarmed drunkard in shorts and a t-shirt
>defend it

9/11 2.0 when



Of course it matters, the cop doesn't have any way of knowing if he had a handgun in his back pocket.
Just don't put your hands out of sight and they have no reason to shoot you.
He should have kept his hands in the air while crawling on his knees and let his pants fall down.

Based on what? Hindsight?
gg fag


The officer was totally off his head, you can hear it.

Some questions

>Where did "crawl toward me" come from?

There's a reason they tell you to walk backwards toward them with your hands up.
So they can SEE.... your fucking waistband

>Why does he have to scream at the guy that he "wont survive" and other such nonsense?

Give him a simple command to follow, and let the gun be its own deterrence. If you break someone down into a psychological mess, you can't expect them to follow directions very well.

Also he doesn't have to scream like a faggot, the guy is ten feet away, indoors.

>Why is he behaving like he's in Bin Laden's compound?

He just killed a fat blue collar slob. There is not a death squad planning a terrorist attack out of a fucking La Quinta Inn in Gransbury, Texas

He was white so yes im outraged.

If he'd let his pants fall down the cop would have seen how much bigger the guy's dick was than his and shot him in a fit of rage.

> "dont reach to your pants or we will shoot you"
> reaches to his pants
> gets shot

Horrible police work though.
Just have him lay on the ground hands spread out. Then approach and cuff.

First thing i'd do if cops are after me with guns drawn is have my hands away from my pants and fall flat on my face. I've seen too many liveleak videos and so should everyone else.

IQ under 40 confirmed.

Sup Forums is full of bootlickers. Not even a video of one executing a drunk white guy will convince them otherwise.

>Pulls up pants because it was falling down

Oh, that's what he was doing?

I reflexively pull up my pajama bottoms all the time. If I was drunk and had 5 armed thugs screaming at me with rifles commanding me to do twister while crawling toward them I might reflexively pull up my pants, too

Yeah. Cop sounds like he went into full military mindset and thought he was shooting durqas again so it didn't matter.

> cops warns you he's been told you have a gun and dont put your hands down or you'll be shot
> act like your drawing a gun
> get shot

I would wager that he posted that 'You're Fucked' etching somewhere on /k/, probably with some other damning evidence that he's a trigger-happy lunatic.

Also this guy sounds EXACTLY like stonemountain64.


>if you put your hands down i will shoot you
>crawl towards me

>clearly unarmed

Yeah, the dude is fucking retarded

>shooting durqas
why is this so funny

Victim wasn't black. Niggers won't do shit

someone appears to be drawing their weapon, what would you do?

I'm going to guess the media will sweep this under the rug because he's white

It looked exactly like pulling a gun from a waist. There's only a split second to react and if it would have been a gun and that police wouldn't had shot at the time he did, the police would be dead.

I don't think I could ever be that fucking drunk that I'd do quick moves with my hands when somebody is pointing a rifle on me. Natural selection in action.

>go to random hotel and see random guy who vaguely matches description of what hysterical old lady blabbed over the phone
>t-shirt and shorts
>drunk in a hotel room with a girl

I agree holy shit anyone defending this cop is just being a contrarian faggot

This cop is clearly a power drunk asshole. He wanted to punish him for not listening exactly to his contradicting demands. Crawl but keep your hands up wtf

Nice explanation genius, I now fully understand how you can use your x-ray vision to see if someone is armed or not.

cause you're a stupid CIA nigger attempting to soften the rage by suggesting that its just a returned "warrior" that got stuck in his "warrior mindset"

this is the cop by the way
can someone say soy?

why did he ask him to crawl, which led to that mistake happening, instead of following proper procedure?

He reached and was shot. Really simple.

>Sup Forums is full of bootlickers.
Yes, too many anons on this board need some sort of leader who will tell them what to do or else these faggots will succumb to degeneracy.

Are you literally retarded?

>Sup Forums will defend this.

the cop is getting shit on everywhere
he had arm tattoos and "you're fucked" inscribed on this rifle
that was his personal rifle too that he was using

You see how they moved on the room at the end? The police dont know whats going on in there and thats why they wanted both of them to come forward.

5 times isn't really that much. pretty controlled as far as these situations go

>Police CREATES a situation where if there WAS a gun it allowed the person to DRAW a gun
>INSTEAD of moving in on the suspect WITH hands up in the air.

Do you understand?

Yeah, this explains it all. Look at him.

Ignore my retardation I thought this story was recent

actually, the proper protocol for
> guy alleged to be armed does not comply to instructions, appears to draw weapon
is to

>There's only a split second to react

Yeah, there's a split second for 6 officers with body armour to react to a drunk slob's draw, which is the fastest in the west, before he guns them all down because he's fucking jason borne and the pants-shitting mental breakdown he's having is all a clever ruse

cop was a kid that played too much Call of Duty
has fucking arm tats

Did the jury actually go for this?



exactly this. just don't fucking move because cops are too shitty to give any speeches.


I've read the police reports, witness interviews AND trial testimony, and looked at all of the ballistics reports. It's all on the maricopa county website. Look for yourself

I get that they fucked up protocol, but that wasn't the argument now was it?

That's like Seb Gorka level of utility gear. That's not a compliment.

He reached to the back of his waist, good shoot

Give me one good reason for him to stop and reach behind himself like that

Yeah, agree. Cop should have been worked over by his boss for being a showboating drama queen.
Drunk/crawling guy should have ignored his pants falling down and kept his hands in sight when dealing with a power tripping asshole like this.

Survive the encounter people. That's your only job when shit like this goes down.
Muh BLM, police brutality/incompetence. That's a meme. When it's real, just survive the encounter. Get "political" about it afterwards.
Don't be emotional. Don't try any sort of "I has an upset" pantomimes that got you out of trouble with your folks when you were a kid.

wrong. and you're an idiot who would get shot if you were a cop.
or a hypocrite who is lying about what he'd actually do.

cannot tell the sorrow i feel watching this video, that man should get killed himself

For what?
Your claiming it's not possible for a man that isn't wearing shoes to have a gun in his back pocket or waitband

Found not guilty. This is what a little kid who had a gun looks like.

why couldn't that stupid fucking roid monkey put some cuffs on him, he was wearing gym shorts falling down what did he think there was a glock, jesus the kid wasn't even black give the fucking pig the chair.

>bootlickers will defend this
enjoy your assfucking by the zog hitmen feds you reddit fags.

>If you put your arms down for any reason I will shoot you
>Now crawl towards me
Ah YES, the Kafka school of policing.

No, I wouldn't have the guy crawling toward me because I'm not an idiot.

>idiot drunk's sense of decency even in his state gets him killed as he tried to pull up the fucking shorts falling off his mutt body as he crawls along the filthy hotel floor

he was drunk, under EXTREME duress, getting conflicting orders from the cop, and he was crawling and his pants were coming down
if you were in that situation would you be thinking straight enough to consider that trying to pull your pants up (a very automatic reaction) would be seen as drawing a gun?

give me one good reason for the cop to order him to crawl towards him instead of just keeping him there while another officer cuffed him


The cop was legally justified in shooting him but used shitty tactics. The cop had more than enough reason to believe Shavers was armed and has no the cop has no duty to retreat. Tactically speaking if the cop truly believed Shaver was armed he should have conducted the entire stop from behind some sort of concealment.

making someone do soemthing it is nealry impossible to do without flinching in someway doesn't make killing them justifiable. ... the pigs commands were extreme and uncalled for not only in hindsight due the the fact THE GUY WAS TOTALLY UNARMED AND INNOCENT OF ANY CRIME WHATSOEVER but that his commands were not proper procedure in that there were more effective ways of getting him in the position desired. the pig was an idiot and an asshole and it is out plight that we get so many pinheads as cops/

>Survive the encounter people. That's your only job when shit like this goes down.

funny how none of the other cops opened fire
maybe they just weren't as professional as mr. customized personal weapon

Drunk, confused, terrified, a lifetime of wearing shorts, trying to comply with conflicting orders, reflexively pulls up his waistband because his shorts are being pulled down because the cops are ordering him to play twister. Maybe in his drunken state he thought his pants would fall down and he would get caught in them and not be able to comply and get shot?

hang out with niggers
act like nigger
get shot like a nigger
no complaints here.