Is holohoax really a hoax ?

Is holocoast really fabricated ?
I saw some threads where people who were advocating for holocaust made some good points like saying that burning kikes massively was possible because the ovens were always active
So i want to see a full debate in this thread

>inb4 using photos that were only seen on stormfront

Other urls found in this thread:,000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php,000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php

The jews tried this shit a million times before it finally worked at the end of WW2. It's a complete fabrication.

Fun Fact: the gas chambers were real, but they were used for delousing jews. They were so filthy and unkempt they had to be forcibly cleaned before they could be healthily integrated into the work camps.
Patton talks about it pretty curtly. This is a General who famously hit a soldier for exhibiting signs of PTSD (pussy that served dishonorably) but attests the jews were so disgusting it caused him to physically wretch.
>they would eat in one corner, leave trash in the 2nd, shit in the 3rd, and sleep in the 4th



Moses had his hand turned white as snow meaning he had melanin

Calling themselves jews is the biggest jewish lie

The delousing chambers was Block 3 outside the wire

Kremas I-V were gas chambers

a study found cyanide residue from the Zyklon B in all of them despite Nazi demolition of them during their retreat from the Soviets

Deniers have no explanation of this because most of them repeat the meme that these Kremas were morgues since they're unaware of the report .

If anyone is actually interested in this and isn't trying to push an agenda from one side or the other, some user posted this excellent imgur archive that debunks every single Holohoax meme infograph I've seen and many more I haven't

there's literally nothing else to discuss. If you think you have a spicy piece of proof the Holocaust didn't happen, i guarantee you it's bullshit and is in the archive.. maybe not some really esoteric shit like arguing over water table levels at KL Auschwitz or something lpl but that's probably there too

The first man Patton slapped was diagnosed with malaria. Second man he slapped was a four year veteran the doctors ordered to evacuate for medical reasons but who begged to stay with his unit. Patton pulled out his pistol on the second occasion. Patton was impulsive and completely out of order. An interesting, even admirable figure, but Sup Forums's faint obsession with him is stupid.

If this is the imgur I'm thinking of it annoys me. Too much of the author's personality and histrionics leak in. Starts off with assumption that entertaining Holocaust denial is silly because "then you'd have to believe in a conspiracy theory etc." - real dull critical thinking. That said, I'm more annoyed by the rhetoric than by any objections to the evidence. It's very reddit internet-y - professional historians writing on the topic, to my pleasant surprise, don't engage in this sort of moralistic incredulity.

Thoughts On The Holocaustâ„¢ by Dr. William Luther Pierce

But why would they delouse them ? Isn't it better then they die from desieses instead of gassing?

Do lice even spread disease? From what I've read they are more or less completely benign.

So far no good points against holocaust . What about OP's pic related and experts saying that there couldn't be any gas chambers because it would blow up the entire camp

And is the 6000000 gozzilion meme real ?

CN requires very high concentration per unit of volume to be explosive, so this is BS too. Besides it doesnt even make sense as an argument since Holocaust deniers try to say that Zyklon B was used - just only for lice (which require more to deinfest clothes vs kill humans in fact)

There were death camps and concentration camps. Auschwitz was actually 3 camps within a few km and had elements of both, read a wiki. Whether it was a labor camp or a death camp with some Jews being kept alive to work (along with non Jewish prisoners), Typhus outbreaks will disrupt labor and be dangerous to the staff as well. Not everyone is these camps were killed right away, not even Jews (Although the Jews would be all liquidated eventually)

But was it actually 6 million?

I agree he's a bit a snarky in some of his breakdowns but you can't argue with the sheer amount of research he put into debunking every single shitty meme. When you spend some time debating with Holocaust deniers, most of them are a lot worse in this regard and a bit of patronizing tone is the least of your troubles compared to constant opinionated personal attacks by people who don't know shit about what theyre regurgitating, shilling accusations , as well as the inevitable tangents and shotgun arguments that they fall back on

He makes also good point that nearly everyone who believe 9/11 was an inside job believes the Holocaust is a hoax. Not too get too (((Freudian))) but it's probably a result of a certain personality type

they spread typhus, the allies used ddt to delouse civilians during ww2, the germans used zyklon B to delouse clothing

people like patton because he was redpilled on the jews

You're right. I'm guessing the stuff I saw was relevant to normal lice infection in developed countries and normal conditions.

Yes, or 5.7 million or something . Low info ppl like to make fun of muh 6 million, cite some Jewish religious references before the war (come on) etc but that's about 60% of the European Jewry which is more or less the kill ratio of most modern genocides..

Besides, they still can't explain what happened to these people. They joke about Nazi plans to send them to Israel or Madagascar (lol) before WW2 but obv. this didn't happen. The implication is that millions of people were secretly resettled by the Nazis and kept their mouths shut for generations up to this day, along with every Nazi or collaborator involves and witness who saw it. This is completely ridiculous even to ppl who unironically believe in a Jewish hivemind so they tend to avoid this line of argumentation - other than to repost the tired World Almanac Jewish population misinformation.

the thing about the holocaust is that it has never been truly investigated, all of the information we have on the holocaust comes from the nuremburg trials, where a number of nazis confessed to murdering millions of jews which is where we get the 6 million number from. but there has never been any investigation to find the bodies, and some of the numbers the nazis confessed to were wrong, rudolf hess the commandant of auschwitz confessed to killing 3.5 million people, but todays figure is 1.1 million

>He makes also good point that nearly everyone who believe 9/11 was an inside job believes the Holocaust is a hoax
I don't think that's true at all. If it were the other way round, maybe. Holocaust denial requires several more layers of social and political deviancy than 9/11 conspiracy theory - thinking poorly about the U.S. Government is taken for granted, a majority of Americans think something is amiss with the JFK shooting etc. Holocaust denial is a much more touchy subject and directly implies Nazi sympathies - whereas 9/11 conspiracy theory is relatively neutral and generally associated with anti-Bush sentiment, which is hardly controversial.

tldr: both versions of history are possible, but the holocaust story is far less probable

Once you look at it from a skeptical view, everything starts to make sense.

Anyone who thinks that atrocity propaganda has never happened before isn't paying attention

>all of the information we have on the holocaust comes from the nuremburg trials
Literally untrue, a very important point. The Nuremberg trial is not . You also contradict yourself, if we rely on the Nuremberg trial why would Rudolf Hess' numbers have been corrected? And there's been several investigations to "find the bodies".

see how much Russians got killed with conventional weapons

Then imagine if 6 "mere" millions could be killed with camps designed to kill

Not a jew supporter but ffs there is plenty of evidence

I don't have an opinion either way - both sides are incredibly biased and untrustworthy. That being said - can you imagine having to plan the genocide of 6 million people? What a logistical headache that would be.

He revised the numbers down a short while later, he said the initial number was something he heard from Eichmann - who knows

Holocaust history absolutely doesn't rely on the Nuremberg trials and everyone readily admits the problems with that trial.
Archeological investigations are a bit political due to Jewish burial laws but they have been done at Auscheitz after the war, Belzez in '46 and 2000 that i know of .. both cases had heaps of ash mixed with partially decomposed human remains. Im sure the imgur archive has several more examples of digs that most people don't know about.

Besides that we have millions of documents that are pieces together to get the big picture. At the most basic level are train and transport records showing Jews sent to death or concentration camps, and the trains coming back empty, rinse and repeat..Those records corroborate both Nazi and witness accounts in several camps. Stories about gruesome torture of Nazis by Jews at Nuremberg are completely fabricated (ball crushing) although I don't doubt these guys probably got smacked around and threatened with worse (it was the 40s after all)

Get in, build your camp, get gas'd, get burned

Lel No. The disposal alone would be a nightmare. 6 million is a very fucking big number. Hell imagine rounding that up. That is two times bigger than everyone in my entire city.

Yep. They already had the camp network in place, they already had the Jews all rounded up waiting for deportation in ghettos in the cities. And they already had experience using gas when they were killing cripples and mentally retarded people in the 30s during Aktion T4. Several of these guys went on to help with the Final Solution

Rounding up the Jews? Deniers don't deny that millions of Jews were rounded up into Ghettos, then sent to camps. They just dispute what happened to them. Although they can't actually explain what DID happen to them, other than that they weren't killed and everyone who says they were is a shill or JIDF

I didn't deny anything read my posts. I said it would be annoying to do and not easy. I said it would be a headache. Although.. You guys were pretty quick on your triggers when I said that. I don't believe in your impartiality anymore..

what is a ghetto

what is cattle trains

are u stupid or just in denial

Belgium and Poland were not rationales for "unprovoked" wars. It requires an amazing spin to arrive to this conclusion. If you were a German nationalist who believes in the cause of mother Germany, sure, whatever, but from a foreign perspective it's really hard to justify. Britain obviously had its own interests in mind, but this is a moot point since so did Germany in its entire foreign policy and justification for the war anyway. Austria-Hungary exploited Frans Ferdinand for BS landgrab/annexation of Serbia, gave them an impossible ultimatum which Serbia tried to fulfill all but 1 of the 20 so points, so within 24 hours Austria declared war. Germany likes this and uses it as an opportunity to invade France. They invade neutral country Belgium, UK gives them a 24 hour grace period... rejected

The "Lost generation" has nothing to do with being "betrayed by true enemies". It's close to understanding the phrase but fatally blinded by ideology. World War I was basically the death of Europe, and the war's absurd futility and meaningless combined with its industrial brutality and unprecedented destruction - as well as the collapse of nation states and centuries-old empires - all of it led to this persistent, fatigued ennui. The phrase "fin d'iescle" refers to the slow, dangerous decay of European morals, culture, religion, stability at the turn of the century, well, WWI was its apex.

It's an important part of historical research to separate fact from fiction. The screenshot is from a Jewish interest site, probably very pleb cultural and religious focus but not scholarly or serious - just look at the font. It's an article by a Rabbi. It's like reading folk accounts of saintly miracles by provincial priests and rating all historical conclusions related to saints on the same level.

People still believe myths like soap and lampshades, which were dismissed as atrocity propaganda in courts and professional history since before the 1950s.

Is it tue that hitler asked allies to take in jewish reffugees before putting them into POWs ?

>Is holocoast really fabricated ?
All of the evidence was under Stalin's control.

The camps are real. There were an assload of fatalities, and executions. The real question to me is how many of them were intentional, and how many were from disease and neglect.

I've found the idea that this cannot even be explored in many countries to be highly offensive. It's not as if claiming that it was a massive GULAG system where the mass fatalities were just a somewhat desirable side effect makes the operators into humanitarians.

Consider the Rwandan genocide. Something in the neighborhood of a million fatalities in a hundered days. Or the shit in Cambodia or the Ukrane.

What's the Revisionist "version"? They don't have one. They might as well say these people got teleported into another dimension. At least the official narrative makes sense, in that people went into camps, were killed, then cremated / buried. They can't account for all these millions that went into camps and never came out. They can't explain even directly worded documents describing mass shootings of Jews in the East if there was no policy of genocide (remember, historians estimate 1/6 million were simply shot by Einzatsgruppen)

no, people can never truly be impartial you're right. I'm just used to a lot of low effort meme attacks by deniers , but I don't think I was being that defensive. At least I try to investigate the info if someone raises an interesting point, most won't even read 2 sentences before they call you a shill. Not my intention to strawman

All you need to ask is why of all the places where homicidal gas chambers were alleged, the only ones where the allegations stuck were with the camps liberated by Soviets that the Allies never inspected right away. Nobody got any kind of look at Auschwitz until at least 1947, when many of the buildings were rebuilt

Most Americans didn't even know what the Holocaust was until a massive advertising in the 60's, right around when Israel was desperate for help in their wars. They needed some effective propaganda to stir up the American people to their side. If you were to ask someone walking around the street in the 1950's what the Holocaust was, they'd have no idea what you're talking about.

>The screenshot is from a Jewish interest site
This is the kind of academic stuff you will find in Holocaust studies departments in universities all over the world. It's almost as bad as Black Studies departments which present a completely a-historical version of history designed to cast whites as oppressors and blacks as victims (this is where all the "We Wuz Kangz" stuff originates from).

Alright well just for future reference it kinda came off that way. I was just saying as someone who works logistics, I would never want to have to organize that shit. People have no idea how ridiculous it gets, even the simplest of shit like deliveries.

Is there any good rebuttal for this one?

Hi. Former Nazi here.

But more than that, I'm a man who understands how math works and also technology in the 1940s and would like to know where you'd find the army to man the ovens.

Most of the Jews were in the East, there was no point shipping them to Berlin or Munich from Poland or Ukraine. Also, Germans and Austrian civies didn't like seeing the dirty work being done

You get the Jews to do it

the supposed gas chamber design in auschwitz birkenau with the long room filled with a couple of thousand jews for each gassing whose corpses were dragged out using canes,tight corners and small elevator up to the ovens is one of the most unbelievable things in the official story.

I have asked the same question for years to the people believing in the holohoax. How's it possible we don't have the 6 million names with proofs they existed??

>Most Americans didn't even know what the Holocaust was until a massive advertising in the 60's, right around when Israel was desperate for help in their wars. They needed some effective propaganda to stir up the American people to their side. If you were to ask someone walking around the street in the 1950's what the Holocaust was, they'd have no idea what you're talking about.

Most people didn't know about Bolshevik atrocities until after WW2 when the Russians became the enemies again, thus Bolshevik atrocities were hoaxes

Then explain to me why the Jews claimed there were ONLY Death Camps before the allied invasion and the oONLY Death Camps behind the Soviet lines.

Explain the necessity for the Haavara Agreement. Why was Hitler asking for peace midway through the Polish war?

Why are the only documented numbers ranging from 200K to 800K dead and most from starvation?

Why'd they doctor the photos? Why'd they doctor the numbers?

The phrase 'Holocaust' wasn't in use, and yeah, it wasn't as well known or as much of a cultural phenomenon for a while, but people knew that the Nazis had been killing Jews. The other user also makes a good point - people had a vague idea about Soviet atrocities, but no one knew of their extent, and they didn't have much of a cultural impact until the 1980s or so.

>This is the kind of academic stuff you will find in Holocaust studies departments in universities all over the world
Do you have any proof of that, user? The site in your screenshot is certainly not academic in the slightest. It's not linked to any universities, or academics - it doesn't even have citations.

>The Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team was founded by Carmelo Lisciotto and Chris Webb on October 8th, 2006.
>H.E.A.R.T research and material is contributed from a group of independent Holocaust researchers who devote their spare time to research for the production of this website and other forms of related publications, such as leaflets and books.
"Independent" meaning amateur, non-professional. If you want to see what diverse opinion historians of Nazi Germany have - even within Germany itself - look into the Historikerstreit.

The tickle torture thing also comes from a book called 'The Men with the Pink Triangle' where it is described as a singular instance of cruelty - not a regular occurrence, or even something that happened more than once. The people who wrote the article didn't do their research, and especially telling is the fact they didn't attribute the claim to the source Heinz Heiger since it is so specific and unusual.

>Then explain to me why the Jews claimed there were ONLY Death Camps before the allied invasion and the oONLY Death Camps behind the Soviet lines.
Can you tell me more about this "claim"? Can you point me toward any evidence of it?

>thus Bolshevik atrocities were hoaxes
I haven't looked into it, but I have heard from some lefties that a lot of the atrocities are overblown.

But consider this.
It was openly known at the time of WW2 that the Soviet union had massacred and starved millions of their own people. Both the Soviet union and Germany invaded Poland (so both should be equally guilty in that respect). And yet, the Soviets became allies, and the Germans became enemies.

It's because Germany was a threat to Britain, the Soviet Union wasn't. The reason Britain was fighting so hard to prevent the re-unification of the German Empire is because they wanted their power over Europe to go unchallenged. They were perfectly fine with Germany being an economically depressed backwater with a 50% unemployment rate and hyperinflation.

Remember, at this time in history, Britain was a massive colonial superpower with 1/2 a billion people under it's rule and colonies all over the world. Germany had no colonies whatsoever

>They joke about Nazi plans to send them to Israel or Madagascar (lol) before WW2 but obv. this didn't happen.
Bullshit. Until 1942, there was an official cooperation between the german zionist society and the NSDAP that supported jews willing to emmigrate to israel - the idea was that the jews would buy german goods which were shipped to israel, and sold there so the jews could get their money exchanged into local currency while circumventing the restrictions placed on germans. While I don't know the exact numbers by heart, IIRC this organization allowed some hundredthousand jews to immigrate to israel before the brits began blocking their efforts in '39.

>I don't think that's true at all.

Nobody gives a fuck what you"think", cunt.

No, but it is impossible to do real research on it, and it is very likely exagerated.

>But I thought the victim totals came from census data and thus are unquestionable
Maybe next they'll explain why the Germans chose to build their "gas chamber" right next to the recreational soccer field

Which Jews? All of them? Didn't some Allies say that as well? I don't know, they were wrong. It doesn't change anything. You can't just throw all the rest of the evidence in the garbage now

The necessity of the Haavara agreement is that the Nazis wanted Jews gone from Europe (some were okay with just deportation, some wanted them exterminated). The former strategy become impossible after WW2 started and only 60k Jews got out (mostly rich Western ones). Thus the real "necessity" was how to deal with millions of more Jews in freshly conquered territories in Poland, Hungary, and the USSR. Enter the Final Solution
Hitler never wanted peace with Poland during the war lol where did you get that. The whole point was living space

Documented numbers are covered in the imgur archive - the red cross gambit.
It documents only German Jewish deaths , and only ones that were registered. Most Jews weren't German, most killed weren't registered.

Soviets doctored the numbers to inflate the number of regular Communists killed so that it wasn't just about Jews (no one really cared that much about them especially in the East). These numbers weren't taken seriously by historians. Some photos were probably doctored for propaganda purposes but this again is accepted by historians - no conspiracy. That being said, it's less than you think, the Imgur archive has several pics touted as forgeries that are actually real or completely unrelated

The Jews claim pre-invasion that every Nazi work camp was a Death Camp. The Allies began taking over the work camps and found they were very similar to the Japanese internment camps the US had set up, but that everyone was dying of Typhus and starvation (Allied bombing was very effective).

After this, the Jews changed the claim to only the Soviet occupied camps as Death Camps.

Go look at a map of the camp locations vs demarkation lines. There was a video that showed a lot of this information with maps, but YouTube poofed it.

>It's because Germany was a threat to Britain, the Soviet Union wasn't
You're half-right. Germany was a threat to everyone, the Soviet Union couldn't be, and didn't want to be, a threat to anyone except Finland and Slav countries. Communism was feared intensely, but moreso locally rather than from the Soviet Union. Many people in the UK, America, etc. were sympathetic to Nazi Germany during peacetime because they preferred National Socialism to Communism, and were sympathetic to Germany's plight. You have to understand that, in the UK, the shift of power and opinion from Appeasement to War was always in direct response to the actions of Hitler and the German state. People in the UK thought Churchill was a warmonger and a madman and both the common man and the highest levels of government had no interest in pursuing another war. The British were fine to let Hitler annex Austria. They let him take Prague. They got stern when he occupied the rest of Czechoslovakia, but even then were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. But they gave the Germans "last chance" with Poland, starting an alliance to deter Hitler from invading. Guess what? He invaded. Even former German and Nazi sympathisers at this point side with Churchill. Britain declared war, but didn't get into open conflict for about a year, hence the name "Phoney War". Hitler invaded Norway in this period to prevent British naval power here. OK. Then he invades France. That's when the real war breaks out.

>Germany had no colonies whatsoever
Germany lost its colonies in WWI. Britain wasn't interested in controlling the continent - they wanted the continent to be stabilised. Britain rightfully recognised Germany as the country most likely to fuck shit up and send the continent into conflict and political disarray: all their concerns on this point were vindicated.

>The Jews claim pre-invasion that every Nazi work camp was a Death Camp
what the fuck. can you be more specific

Yeah. You didn't answer any of my questions.

The Zionist Org of America.

The Haavara agreement was broken by an embargo.

Imgur is your source? Gas yourself, kikefag.

And change your fucking flag. You're a goddamn embarrassment to Kek.

>only 60k Jews got out
America has 6 million jews today. Almost all of them from Eastern Europe, most of them from Poland
America got massive tidal waves of jewish immigration at this point in history

All you need to know about the Holocaust is:
>it's illegal to have an open debate on it
>all the people studying it are jews with a vested interest
>the Allies also had a clear incentive to push the story
It's almost certainly garbage

Pic related, they've cut the death toll at Majdanek by 98% at this point.

Which Jews? Who? The ALLIES though Buchenwald etc were death camps and confused delousing chambers with gas chambers iirc but this was corrected by historians. Again, if it's a big Conspiracy, why correct it at all? Why give Conspiracy theorists more ammo?
And I've explained several times most Jews were in the East and Germans didn't like seeing civies executed in their backyard, Jewish or not

Wouldn't be surprised if that actually was the case.
Nowadays, people claim that the red army raped and murdered german civilians everywhere, but everybody I've spoken to who actually lived in russian-occupied territory (13 people total) claims that the russians were peaceful and polite - two people who travelled from the eastern front to western germany in '45 and saw both russian and US occupation even said outright that the russians were preferrable to the americans as the ruskies didn't massacre children for allegedly being part of the Werwolf, they didn't rape women for being out after dark, and the soldiers interned in the POW camps were got Blankets, tents and medicinal care and weren't executed without process.

Truth that allied bombing caused so many deaths would be bad for civilian morale
Russia was an Ally, so truth about mass executions in Poland would be bad for morale

Both were pushed onto Germany
This also had the added benefit of shaming the German people and keeping them meek while being occupied
Its the period where the story was being created that shrunken heads, skin lamps, and silly numbers were invented

Years later it was to late to back out and Jews benefited from the Story, so it was refined and stuck around

But yes Germany did kill people, even mass executions. Just like almost every military power in history.

The 2 million number is made up, 1.5 is from the Soviets, most historians debated within the 50k-300k range. Records can be sketchy. None of this is controversial

Jewish immigration of survivors to US or Israel is presumably well documented. Historians have gone through millions of records and they cant account for 6 million people. You can't just make "just so" statements and ignore the facts


>if it's a big Conspiracy, why correct it at all
Because, the story was completely untenable. Like when they first claimed that Auschwitz had 4 million victims. All it takes is simple math to prove this wrong, they needed to reduce the number to something that wasn't obviously untrue, mostly because people were pointing out the obvious stupidity of it. That's why they had to make questioning the story illegal, and punishable by decades in prison.

They have been constantly retreating, and retreating their story.
The cartoonish Hollywood version is no longer tenable, so they take a few more steps back.

Pic related, how did these "fingernail scratches" appear in this concrete wall? For years, they claimed it was the gassing victims. Again, they had to retreat from this claim, because it's obviously ridiculous to say that fingernails can make scratches in a concrete wall

You keep saying "they" as if everyone who has ever said something about this massive historical event is part of the same group. You say that the initial claim was 4 million, and then reduced to 1.5 million, and then say that they did this because "they needed to reduce the number that was obviously untrue".

The fingernail scratches seems like more of a popular imagination than a historical "fact". If the Holocaust is so brutally unquestionable, how do revisions keep getting made? When professional historians revise their numbers, you say with a blanket assumption that it's part of a nefarious ideological agenda to increase the believability of the Holocaust. When Nazi sympathisers do it, they're just investgiating the truth....................................

Only a very small handful of witnesses claim to seeing gassings or executions. We're talking around 10 people.
Many people testify to being rounded up and put in camps, but only a very few exaggerating liars claim more than that.

>When professional jewish historians revise their numbers
fixed that for you

That's covered in the imgur

>Scratchmarks on the interior of Krema I's gas chamber
Holocaust deniers will often ironically point you to the "scratch marks on the gas chamber wall those desperate victims made" and then ask you how this is even possible if the chamber was partially reconstructed by the Polish-Soviet authorities in 1947. They lay out the word "partially" as a bait because anyone who goes on to defend the scratch marks by saying this part of the wall along with the scratch marks is genuine, will take the bait hook, line and sinker.

>According to the Auschwitz museum[1] the scratches were not made by the victims - they were made by tourists who, over the past decades, have thought it funny and cool to scratch and deface what should be a very sombre and horrific site with sharp tools such as their keys. If you wish to independently verify the above, simply contact the Auschwitz museum directly and ask them about it. They've gotten a number of inquiries. Or, you know, you can just look at the Stars of David present in the picture, as well as the letter P.

>Given that the chamber sees a million tourists each year, and with there often being no museum personnel keeping watch inside, it's not surprising that the walls have become subject to vandalism

Check it out

Also denying Communist crimes is illegal in some former Soviet bloc countries but that doesn't mean it didn't happen right

"Hey Germany stop marching through Belgium, a neutral country. No seriously srop or we will declare war."
Germany ignores them, UK declares wae.

((((U N P R O V O K E D))))))

Sure, I'll start believing it happened.

As soon as someone shows me the proof.

Bullshit, the UK wanted stability in Europe, that's it. They actually had an interest in a democratic economicly strong Germany. France didn't want that as they rightfullt believed Germany would do them under.

Can't see shit
Hat does it say?

Lol, UK didn't declare war on Germany when they marched through Belgium you brainlet.

>if real
then it was desserved
>if not real
then it would have been desserved and need to be made real.

>suppress evidence
>prosecute anyone who bring evidence
oy vey, there is no proof, see? it happened goyim

>the Belgian intellect
August 4:
>Germany invades Belgium
>Britain protests the violation of Belgian neutrality, guaranteed by a treaty
>German Chancellor replies that the treaty is just a chiffon de papier (a scrap of paper).
>The United Kingdom declares war on Germany.

Remember, jews never lie
I'm sure the "holocaust researchers" are completely honest in everything, and have no Zionist agenda at all

Whether it happened or not isn't important. The important thing is that it is a boon to Zionism.

Imagine for a second you are a Jew living in a western nation.
>You live in a place that is peaceful for the most part
>Your neighbors are like you contrary to what everyone says there are no Nazis running around
>A pro Zionist group comes into town looking for potential Israeli settlers or financial support
>You have never been in danger, your community is insulated and no goy dares touch you out of fear of judicial repercussions because the (((justice system))) almost always leans in your favor, to the point where if you commit a crime they sweep it under the rug and nobody gives it a second mention
>(((Coincidentally))) ant-semitic activities take place AFTER the Zionists are told there is no need for protection or resettlement
>Jews begin to question the closest neighboring communities and if enough (((pressure))) is exerted through false flags they become paranoid of all gentiles
>Jews never assimilate into their host nation because they believe all non-Jews are enemies
>Zionism gains more support and Israel gains more settlers

>British declaration of war on Germany: 3 September 1939
>German invasion of Belgium: 10 May 1940


>thought people were talking about WWII
>didn't assume that, since the facts didn't match, people were talking about that other war...

>Jewish immigration of survivors to US or Israel is presumably well documented.
This claim is ridiculous. Given the increased scrutiny of travelers, the anti semitiisim in the US at the time, and the thriving black market in illegal documents/illegal immigration, it would be idiotic to think this was the case.

Open in a new tab and remove the m letter from the filename if you're a phoneposter.

Nazis always use this lie by omission - stilla lie though

all sorts of numbers were thrown around - just picking out the ones that say 6 does not make it a conspiracy

fun fact; you canno tuse zyklon b to kill lice on people without killing th epeople. it takes a higher concentration of the poison to kill lice, and a longer immersion time.

so if you are claiming tha thtye were put into showers adn covered in zyklon b to delouse them, you are sying they were killed by zyklon b long before the lice were.

silly argument, and quite sad that you should be so ignorant.

Also Patton was a racist and total cunt. Courtney Hodges was a far better general and did far more to win the war.

>William Luther Pierce
posts link to total cunt talking shit

really convincing

Trust a frenchman to call a highly esteemed American general racist and total crap. Very objective there mate. Didn't you have some more Somalian cock to chock on in the pathetic excuse you have for a country?

it was about 5.5 to 6.3 million killed across europe and the Ukraine and russia. Most killed in the Eastern front, most killed by Estonians, latvians and Ukrainians under German authority. The extermination centres were a late development, mostly they used male prisoners for slave labour, while half starving them and allowing unsanitary conditions to kill them. they just killed the children and the old and unfit immediately. Later they started wholesale killing because they had too great numbers to deal with and they were shipping entire country populations to the central killing sites.

the inflated figures the soviets gave were not trustworthy and never accepted int eh West after the war - the 4 million at Auschwitz, etc, because even the jewish historians said there were not that many jews available to be killed.

in Auschwitz it was at least 900,000, possibly 1,3 million jews, (records were not kept - but a local railwayman had records of all the trains and the numbers of wagons - his estimate was 1.5 million, but that is extreme - 1.1 million is the most likely number) at Treblinka it was 750,000 to 1 million, probably 900,000

the other 4 million (or 3.5 - jewish population figures show a fall of about 5,5 million over the war period, but there was considerable movement so it is hard to be exact) were mostly killed in the Eastern front areas in pogroms and mass executions, although many were killed in small numbers at other concentration camps - a few hundred here, a few thousand there. It is quite chilling to talk in such terms if you think about it like a human being for a moment.

the use of the gozzilion term is of course a foul little bit of sick "humour" to demean the reality of massive human suffering and murder, torture, rape, slave labour, deliberate starvation and disease, beatings and hangings and electrocutions, shootings gassings and stabbings. And medical experiments, those are well documented - by the doctors.

>I saw some threads where people who were advocating for holocaust made some good points like saying that burning kikes massively was possible because the ovens were always active

ehm that's NOT what was said EVER here, liar
the math actually shows THAT IF the furnaces burned 24/7 for 6 years STILL it wouldn't be enough to soap the kike .

>how's that bunch-of-lies shilling going for ya today ?

Hess was not the commandant - it was Hoss (with and umlaut on the o)


the degree of mental gymnastics to accept "otherwise unprovoked" as a being some sort of cover for the Germans is amazing. What France should have said "apart from invading our allies and tearing up all our agreements, Germany has done nothing wrong."

as for the silly assertion that the mass murder of millions is 2far less probable" please do tell us how this probability is worked out? how improbable is it - 1 and a hundred, or 1 in a thousand? what is the probability? and how did you determine this?

or were you just bullshitting?

no, it would be easy.

6 million only sounds like a big number.

you have 13 million soldiers, plus the co-operating police and armed forces of the conquered territories - the romanians helped to kill more than 90% of their jewish population wit great enthusiasm.

in contrast remember what the Swiss prime minister said when the Germans threatened to invade with two million men. he said that would just mean that his one million armed citizens would go out, take two shots, and go home for lunch. it is easy to kill a million or six in a few years across a huge swathe of territory if you have millions of soldiers and willing civilians to help.

no, all holocaust denial material is bullshit taken out of context praying on the average laymans assumptions, like that all 6 million jews died in gas chambers, so your noggin gets joggin if you read that that wasn't possible, which no historian actually claims

but you know that millions were killed all across the Eastern front - you don't need to round them all up in one place, just do it in each village you come to, shoot them and move on. and you do not need to dispose of the bodies - leave a few hundred corpses and the locals, or the forces of nature, will take care of them. go to next village, rinse and repeat.

the SS came back from the East to France, and tried the same tactics - see Oradour Sr Glane. they didn't need to dispose of bodies - they just put everyone in the church and set it on fire. this was common tactic in the East.

You are thinking far too tidily and modern - like the idiots that compare modern crematoria with the industrial rendering and burning ovens they used in the camps.

yes it takes three hours to cleanly reduce a person to fine ash in a modern crem, from cold to cold. But if you burn them five at a time, continuously feeding in new bodies as the first are burned down, the German records show that five ovens can burn 60 men in one hour. And they had fifteen ovens at Auschwitz of that design, plus a dozen others that were less efficient - more than enough to do the job.

Did your Bull let you touch the Computer because you sucked him good enough for a few minutes worth of Internet?

pre war, yes. he was keen to get rid of them, and the final solution had not been formulated (nor could he get away with it in peacetime to be honest)

I am convinced the holocaust happened, but it was a policy developed over time, barely dreamed of in the 1930's, but inevitably the conclusion of the thinking that went on then and developed as the war went on.

no you need to ask more than that. You need to ask why there are detailed blueprints in the archives, and letters to the engineering firms who made the crematoria, and the memoirs of the commandant Hoss

read this