Is she /ourgirl/?
>Comedy that appeals to young people can be surreal and dark — and completely meaningless.
haven't read the article but the headline is 100% correct
bruenig is comfy hot
she can be my girl anytime.
Milennial humor is really bad. Between the overly sanitized tiptoeing around possible micro aggressions and retarded quirkiness, there is nothing to laugh at, but the attempt at humor itself.
Kind of postmodern, really
She is a hot milf anyway.
The Tim and Erik style humor she's talking about drives me nuts. It sucks. There is no other word for it. Complete shit. The "omg so random lmao" bullshit is fucking lazy, untalanted, phoned in, and only embraced by faggots who grocery shop for tv dinners and donuts in their pajamas on a Wednesday night. Fuck those people. Destroy the welfare state and humor like that and its followers disappear.
Wtf? she looks like 25 at most, how old is she?
well, she is a mom according to her website
MILF is not an age based criterion. If you have a kid and you're sexy, you're a MILF
damaged goods
Didn't knew she had a kid tho
Makes sense now
>MILF is not an age based criterion
In porn, the Wests' gauge on such matters pertaining to "hotness", age and maternal status; The term "Milf" more often than not describes childless paid professional of a larger bust and seemingly "older" variant of the "Teen" category. Often these women can be interchangeable despite with regards to lightning, hair and clothing used in the commission of their work.
>59% of millennials are single and have never been married
>60% of millennials do not have any children under 18 in their household
just fuck my generation up sempai
>having children by 25 is a bad thing
found the millennial
Is she married? Single mothers are damaged goods.
Appreciate you doing the work for my lazy ass.
I guess she not damaged goods.
>MILF were specifically attributed to matronly women like Stifler's mom.
>"no you just have to have a kid"
Absolutely retarded.