A year into Trump's Beautiful America:
How many of you guys supported Trump for the memes?
How many supported him, but now don't?
How many non-Americans support him?
A year into Trump's Beautiful America:
How many of you guys supported Trump for the memes?
How many supported him, but now don't?
How many non-Americans support him?
Whoever voted for Trump is a moron.
all hes done is improve this country, think before you speak.
He is a commie, he can't think
I meme'd for Trump solely to watch the media freakout and resulting moral panic. I'm actually kind of surprised he turned out to be a pretty good President, his shenanigans aside he's prob the best leader Ameri-faggots have had in half a century.
By "this" country do you mean Israel? If so then yes he has.
As for the USA the only good thing he has done is a lousy temporary travel ban.
Coming from sonmeone whose country is literally run by a closet homosexual who cucks himself in order to pay reparations for slavery
Support him for his policies. I don't even like the guy but he's doing thing that other Republicans just talk about.
White Californian that supported him since the first republican debate.
I want beaners gone and the criminal, corrupt beaurucrats hung.
I was a full on magapede for a while
He's been pretty disappointing, not as strong on the right issues as I'd hoped, and also obviously slightly unhinged
Still glad he got elected though
I thought I would park my vote on someone who seemed like a pause button on absurdity of the right and left. I felt like Trump kept us from a Clinton or a Bush, and that was worth spending 1 term in limbo with a president who couldn’t accomplish anything. I couldn’t help but feel like all the people who got saltiest deserved it the most, and if he really turned out to be a loud mouth idiot, it’d be fun to force congress to answer to him for 4 years. Then he got in and has been the single most exciting political force I’ve seen since Bill Clinton. Hated slick willy, don’t get me wrong, but he made an art out of politics. Now Trump has the same gift, with a tenacity and fervor rarely seen, and he seems incapable of shying away from the problems past presidents have hidden from or exacerbated. Never been so proud of a vote in my life, and I will pray every day that no one can kill this man.
Fuck off shariablue. You post this five times a day.
I fell for the memes, but we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.
It's happening!
jk it's not.
but seriously I'm very happy with his performance so far.
MM is so good
as roach, i enjoyed the shit out of his run for presidency, i was happy he was elected, then he started taking in goldman sachs kikes, and he started waving his kike son in law, and i was like
>ooooohh.. well played shylocks
now he be like "jerusalem is israeli capital, come at me shitskins" its funny to see that pol got royally btfo'd by shylocks again lmao k1kes win again
So far I'd say he's well on track to being one of the greatest Presidents of all time.
Why is anyone a moron for voting for a man who's done or attempted to do everything he campaigned that he was going to do? Fuck off.
Well I voted him cause fuck communism. Going to keep voting based on party cause again fuck the communists.
only anti american libshits dont support him. patriots know he is fighting to destroy rampant corruption and speaking up against the establishment MSM and two-party dictatorship
>did it for the lulz
I love how murrica got shredded by cons, more to come.
Hello Buzzfeed
That's such a bullshit image
this whole thread.
>Inb4 I'm a commie for not dickriding out Russia appointed president lol
Still support him.
Things arent going to be pretty, but they will be right.
I support him.
Makes me wish I were American, living in the States.
Will go down as one of the most important figures in history.
People act like he was Hitler 2.0 when he ran for president, not just the libtards but also the stormfags here. Ffs, he spent his whole campaign shitting on Obama for what he considered his poor treatment of Israel, he's never not supported them. Gtfo shills, find some new material.
Trump is fun and Hillary is a con man. Memes were just the icing of the cake. Obviously I still support him because he pisses off the media non stop. So that means he is doing pretty well
what dont you like so far?
Best ever!
OP is a faggot.
The three options are "How many aren't real supporters" "How many stopped being supporters" and "How many are foreigners"
Also, Plebbit spacing.
>He's been pretty disappointing
How exactly? He's doing a pretty good job considering all the stalling from the Senate.
>but in all seriousness we can't let him get thr mecha-godzilla codes
I just voted to spite libshits. I want nothing more that to see them in misery for the bullshit they've pulled in the past 9 years. I voted for him for that reason alone, but now I truly love the guy more than ever, and every attempt to dethrone him only makes my loyalty stronger. I'm pretty confident he's going down as one of the best presidents ever.
Trump is a racist sexist arrogant rapits and me and my transgender friend hate him so fucking much it makes both of us bleed out our ears and eyes.
Don't talk shit about Justin.
Hillary will win the next election
Please don't be racist.
i haven't followed burgerpolitik closely but yeah, he seems to be doing alright. considering the hysteria over every irrelevant non-issue and minor controversy to do with him, it's pretty obvious that his critics are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Trump needs to fuck off
Don't mock the integrity and hard-working of journalism you fucking retard.
I would shove my throat down his throat if that would get him to should his racist mouth
Well yeah, it's not like you can bleed from your junk in rage. You do it already after all.
Please point out how he is racist, he is anti-illegal immigration not anti-Mexican people
Please point out how he is sexist. The ONLY example is some locker-room talk about how famous guys can get girls easily
Please point out how arrogance is wrong for the POTUS
Please point out who the fuck he RAPED what the fuck.
Me and my transgender friend love him.
Oh my god, stop fucking posting! At the very least condense them into one big post dipshit.
As for "Integrity" and "Hard-Working" I have only one thing to say:
Pic related
Nice bait leaf
Quit spreadsheet your racism and evil right wing propaganda you fascit jerk.
Okay, this has to be bait.
Learn two spell dumbass.
>calls people moron
>flag of starvation
He's racist because he wants to keep people out. To quote the hulk from Lego marvel "WALLS KEEP PEOPLE APART! HULK SMASH!" Trump openly bashed Rosie O'Donnell saying she was an unlovable pig, being arrogant leads to his country being bombed by North Korea, for the rape look into it yourself since Aussie internet is as slow as your mom crawling out of my bed after I fucked her.
Isn't it way past your bed time leaf?
Aslo, plz dont insupt my transgender friend, she only started dressing as a boy and hasn't started soon to be his HRT yet. I was the one who suggested her new name (old Amber new Julian).
Go drink some tea or eat a sheep heart or something.
>Reeeee defend these points! So I may make up new ones and never address your response!
Don't play defense against retards like this. Mirror their bullshit: Prove to me Trump isn't a sexist, jew loving, wallstreet bought, limpdick! Protip, you can't.
love to all
We all support him. Shareblue really wasted money on you.
Why can't you use emojis on this site?
Have a (you).
This has actually gone to the point of cringe
Look at the stock market, reddit.
I really like him. This latest Jerusalem trolling that resulted is mass triggering of muslims world wide was glorious (although Jerusalem is still rightful Christian clay, please return)
I'm not a fan of his environment policies, but other than that he seems to be doing most things right.
>CIA at it again
>not even trying anymore
You are a faggot sir
Cringe of the fact that your being transphobic and an asshole online all fothe tsakef your imaginary brownie points so you can tell you're mom how cool you are on the internet. Whoa dude! Your so awesome and radical and tubular good job!1!1!1
By doing what?
I love how it triggers you people so much because deep down you know it's true. You are pawns for large corporations like the fossil fuel industry. Now go get your cheerleader uniform and get out on the streets, you peasant.
This, amen.(except god isn't real and Christians literally destroyed the world)
see It's the Democrats who are poor.
Like him colluding with a hostile foreign government to jeopardize the legitimacy of the USA's elections?
4 of his colleagues have already plead guilty and if you are paying attention and not just reading conservative, I mean watching and listening to conservative media, you will know Trump's indictment is inevitable at this point. Kushner is next then maybe Sessions but Trump will go from living like a king to being a mouse in a cell and it will be oh soooo good.
Enjoy his last days bergers.
Don't insult the LGBTQ+ community! I hope you get stabbed at a soccer game or a pub you son of a bitch.
I keep getting emails from Eric asking me to donate immediately.
Mr Billionaire needs more money to continue his meme assault on SJW's. 9D chess is expensive business
I hope youre an ironic American using a dynamic IP or whatever to leafpost. You are making me laugh, godspeed
The white house could use a transgender president. In Canada there's a rumor that Andrew Scheer is genderfluid, we are also going to ban Christmas music next year to appeal to the new Islam laws.
did it for the memes but I put some cash in the stock market a few days after he was elected and made out with about 50k in the year. as long as the stock market keeps going up I'll like him
Why do nation's need anthems? I wish they all got rid of them. Nationalism was popular in a place called Nazi Germany. I'm also for Sharia law except for days that have LGBT and women's rights marches.
Could you link me to the real evidence of this please, or at least point me in the right direction? All i really see is slander towards these officials, people conflating talking with Russia and colluding with Russia. Also i dont really see why we need the argument that the Russian government needed to interfere with elections, when it was 1) an open secret that Hillary is not trustworthy, and 2) she got +3mil votes over Trump anyway.
Additionally, what is the reported motivation for Trump colluding with Russia? Again, im not finding a clear answer on this.
I didn't vote for Hillary because she's a corrupt communist married to a known rapist, who committed numerous felonies by emailing Top Secret info in cleartext.
Also was viscerally opposed to the notion of another Clinton vs Bush election.
Wanted Cruz/Rubio ticket for GOP.
Got Trump.
Don't care anymore. Country is fucked.
To all the manly men out there, it's all about feelings and relating to others these days, I don't care if you're testosterone levels is over 9000 (mine is only 320) you should learn to treat others the way you would want to be treated.
He cant get anything he wants done because of the deep state. Look at his travel ban for example. The deepstate runs washington and has probably got to him at this point too giving him an ultimatum " play by our rules or something is going to happen to barron/ivanka"
He ran a great campaign which is why he won. Voting for him was a great choice. Unlike bernie hillary and other deepstate puppets he seemed like he really wanted/could shake washington up.
The onebig reason i voted for him was because he didnt need this headache. He would have been fine continuing on being donald trump.
Voted for Gary Johnson, now I'm 100% MAGA.
First President that has done what he promised as much as he possibly could, with EVERYTHING opposing him.
Eat a dick.
I used to support him so that we could break out of stagnancy and remove (((them))).
Now I support him so that the world could devour itself in nuclear ashes. Clearly he is one of (((them)))
>Clinton is a communist
hes a racist and he hates women.
You think Bernie is deepstate but Trump isn't?
The fake-news MSM reported on trump 24/7 but they were careful enough not to give Bernie any publicity. The deepstate is controlled by the monopolies and that's why they hated Bernie more.
>Implying communism is a bad thing
I wish bill Clinton or Dubya could be el presidente again, they were so comfy.
Fuck off pussy.
Act aggressive towards me now but I'll be the one fucking chicks as they cry on my shoulders.
I agree
>Hitler = argument lost
This shit needs to die. You literally can't pretend he isn't authoritarian. He tweeted a Mussolini quote for fuck's sake.
Mussolini is a state, you dumb Americans are no joke, eh?
fellow California 'pede. Completely agree.
I love the guy, wish he would invade us. And setup shop.
Republicans: I believe in states rights (unless the federal over-reach is happening from the hands of a republican. In other words I'm a fucking hypocrite.)
He has done all he promised to do, pretty unusual these days. Lel CNN even ran an article complaining about it.
No dude, Canada is post nationalism, we're aboupve that kind of racial garbola. Im for more LGBT and women's rights and a place for refugees and Muslims to be welcomed and loved unconditionally.
Donald Trump makes me laugh on a daily basis. I can only say that about one other person in my life. Trump's okay with me.
Trump is such a piece of shit. I can't wait or Mueller to apply some more pressure to the senile old cocksucker so I can laugh at all the insane tweets as the noose tightens.