post what territory your country will recognise
Post what territory your country will recognise
australia is stolen from the noonga peoples
Post what territory your country owns or could take.
Too bad neither of you could get it back from the emus
It's not my fault your mother was halfjew and you're spurned by the other desert thieves.
which one is your sister ?
I’d take that redhead qt mid left and jam my dick down her throat. Oh, what was this thread about?
Canada officially recognizes that the world belongs to Canada.
France, the elder daughter of the Church, officially recognizes her territory belongs to God.
>all these false equivalencies.
Israel fucking won Jerusalem from the muzzies, it's not like the palestinians control anything that important in the city.
texas, nevada and california used to be mexican territory, some say that illegals are slowly retaking their mexican ancestors lands, but who are we kidding, only drug mules, indios and cartel members cross illegally
>post what territory your country will recognise
Germany recognizes that most of France, Poland, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Bohemia, Austria and Luxembourg belongs rightfully to Germany.
Spain recognizes that any gold located in any Spanish speaking country belongs to Spain.
don't forget the colonies in africa and, of course, mallorca.
Just Bohemia? You're making the rest of the Czechs feel left out!
i just want what is rightful chilean clay thats all
we don't need to recognize that since they already are by default
Your country belongs to Italians, Spaniards, Moortuguese and Africans
meant for
We're still the largest
Israel officially recognizes that europa belongs to the muslims.
At this point you can't even claim your own country, Sven.
No, thanks. I'd rather keep being a shitty country than having anything to do with Trudeau.
Please, you can take that useless moneysink. Go right ahead.
That's very rich coming from you. For example, we have 315 000 niggers here, you have over 40 million niggers. We are 91% white, you are 56% white, probably even less since you even count middle easterners as white. Your entire state is ran by Jews, to serve the Jews, while your "culture" and society is literally Jewish endgame.
t. Åland islander btw
Yeah, sorry, it wasn't a comprehensive list.
Err, this country was originally native... I don't think whites have any reason to boast about keeping America pure. Swedes are the indigenous people of Sweden, so it's a bit of a different story, no?
You win this round.
Don’t post on the sabbath.
Well, you american whites built USA. Us Swedes built Sweden. Therefore USA should stay white, and Sweden should stay Swedish.
Shame Antarctica isn't in the pic because we do own the biggest portion of that.
We built a deprave empire that gorges itself on blood. Nothing to be proud of or to want to conserve unless you're retarded.
Falklands and Gibraltar 4EVA idst
It's just a matter of days... I can't wait
They'll never see it coming
I'd rather Russia have it, to spite everybody.
I'd gas everyone in this photo, starting with the men.
Suid Wes Afrika is rightful Safrican Clay
>native to Sweden
Burger education indeed. Swedes slaughtered the first people when claiming Swedish soil. This is pretty much to every country. And they own it now. If we were concerned about the peoples who lost the territory in the first place, we wouldn't have gotten far as a species.
Mainland Europe should all belong to Russia.
After 500 years of grievances the Russian people had to suffer from Western Europe always trying to conquer it, it only makes sense.
Hope it'd come to realisation if war breaks out between Russia and NATO
>Germany not chiming in.
Top kek left meme there.
See I gave a (not comprehensive) list.
We officially recognize that Trst,Istra and Zagorje is ours.
History is literally defined by conquest. The winners win, and the losers don't exist. The problem is countries are now being invaded from the inside. And everyone is letting them do it. Sweden and Germany are already lost and people here are letting the dindus slowly plant the seeds for another civil war.
I recognize Israel as capital of africa.
south west africa was a german colony m8
The Netherlands is German clay anyway.
The Netherlands officially recognizes that Belgium and Luxembourg belong to the Netherlands.
Watch Daniel Shaver get executed and then tell me how proud you are to be a stupid jewish slave.
All ur balkans are belong to us
Sweden recognizeses that all the parts of The Swedish empier shall be retrurnd to her
Wake up morons
IF someone gives us Asia Minor back you can take all the shitty balkan land you want
Everyone comes here from Africa and the ME for gibsmedat, so we should own them too
Let's pray for the day, when Hymns of Jesus will be sung in Hagia Sophia once more, brother
"Germany" officially recognizes Germany belongs to the UAE. (Seriously, Merkel has to go).
The german people officially recognize that Schlesien, the baltics, Danzig, Austria and Südtirol are rightfully german (Not Alsace though - they seperated democratically instead of being annexed by bolshevics).
the People of germany also recognize North korea and Catalania as independent states and Crimea as rightfully russian based on the concept of the people's sovereignity.
Shitty country is an understatement, i’d much rather live in Canada lmfao
That's the spirit, I would love for the entire world to just go out and say that the world is theirs because fuck everybody. Might makes right, Cunning wins the running
I find primal honesty very refreshing instead of all the moral highgrounds and grandstandings bullshit soap operas that make up our "foreign relation" nowadays.
Everybody is entitled to whatever they can muscle or scheme out of the other dumbfucks, fair is fair.
Like Risk
Thailand and Singapore
Before you get mad I am not a Malaysian just shitposting
No asked you anything, burger. At least my country isn't apologizing to faggots and making it illegal to misgender someone.
Is that some sort of sci fi shit?
How much time was spent on this?
this is my clay. Sieg Heil!