>As of December 7, 2017, the Department of Defense is beginning its first agencywide financial audit.
>The audit will involve a whopping 2,400 auditors.
>The DoD is estimated to hold $2.4 trillion in assets, and is the world's largest employer.
>It conducts anywhere from 15 to 20 million contracting transactions each year.
>This is not a one-time deal. The DoD will be audited annually from here on out.
>Comptroller for the Homeland Security Department, David Norquist, is aiming to complete his full report by March 2019
((They)) foresaw this and moved s.a.p.s and dark programs to private mil industrial complex companies.
(((They))) are done once Mueller comes out of the shadows.
in b4 plane flies into the auditing office
Don't give them any more ideas
Sup Forums about to lose funding
Those assholes let these black cube shills all over this site. If they indeed fund Sup Forums.
This, but it's unlikely they could move ALL of their holdings to the private side of the military industrial complex.
Also, if this audit is done properly, they could assess the sorts of crazy shit the DoD has gotten away with, such as paying "contractors" for 10 years to produce nothing. If they don't get them on treason, they can get them on fiduciary charges, similar to how the mafia was brought down by taxes.
Why do audits take so long?
>first time ever
It's been under persistent audit for over a decade
Does anyone feel this? The last week and a half.. I've just been so anxious and I just don't understand. Nothing about my day to day routine has been much different. It was incredibly normal. But I have such a strange feeling right now. Something is up, something is going on. I can feel it in the air.
Does anyone just feel so goddamn close to the beginning of the end for these kikes? That 'the day of the rope' might stop being a meme?
Yes. We've all been left in the dark for so long and it feels like someone is about to flip a light switch on. Very weird feeling.
Just think about it. If the National Guard, under the directive of the President, dragged all these (((contractors))), """"intelligence"""" agents, and traitors out in the street beat the shit out of them until they squealed on their superiors actually running the show, they'd have the nation cleaned up in a weeks time. I can't wait until their domestic shitposting and shilling OPS are shitcanned once and for all.
This Black Cube shilling is insufferable.
i doubt they ever did any of the real shit on the books anyways, or spent 'real' money on it.
I'm not familiar with Black Cube shilling. What is it?
The fuck is black cube.
Wow great news, hope they find that 6 trillion that went missing on September 10, 2001 and then was never heard of again
Look up Harvey Weinstein Black Cube Mossad. It was mainstream news recently.
Remember when it happens the media will complain 24/7 about literally Hitler and "This is Nazi Germany all over again what about Freedom this is a witchhunt mah constitution blah blah blah". They are going to project and deny and have experts and plead for sympathy and create hysteria and every propaganda trick in the book to avoid justice.
We really need to bring back public hanging and make a scene out of as a clear example that we will no longer tolerate being looted blind. And we're not paying that fucking $20 trillion debt unless it is with money confiscated from the crooks in the style of the King of Saud. Arrest all these fuckers and waterboard them until they cough up the trillions they've stolen from us.
Google and facebook about to get nationalized.
Holy shit this is huge news. Who set this in motion?
Trump and Mattis
Trump is really happy with Mattis as he said at the Cabinet meeting
What does this mean?
This is a big fucking deal. I've worked in audit, there's gonna be some juicy stuff coming out of this. But, once again, as someone who has worked in audit, these people have their work cut out for them.
Important takeaways from the article - they will be using independent auditors from companies like KPMG, DeLoitte, PWC. Having worked extensively with these companies, i can say there is almost NO government overlap. Meaning it isn't the IRS jerking off the Justice department, this is mainly anal retentive white men and asian women who chose the most anal retentive job in the world. These people are not easy to sway or buy off with favors.
this is going to take years. the first audit is the hardest, because everythings new and its a rat's nest of documents and shitty practices, you have no idea how information flows or who to ask questions of, cause they've never had an auditor up their ass telling them how to do shit properly. Expect a lot of delays and overruns, but juicy juicy shit.
Leaks will happen. How they deal with security clearance i have no idea, but you are sending college educated wide-eyed capitalists (trust me, there are no liberals in accounting classes) into the defense department to document their dirty laundry. leaks of horrible shit are going to happen.
screen cap this. this will provide entertainment for years to come.
I work in the DoD an designed my agencies procurement process before moving back to the tech side. This is just an audit of our procurement programs, planned and known about for several years, of interest to our logisticians who have been prepping for it for 2 years, but definitely not a holy shit worthy event.
Better yet, hang all these fucks, and erase the debt and reset everything. Everyone gets a blank slate. The only people who stand to lose in this deal are the very people who prop up this gross system in the first place. They want you to believe a few black lines dropping down on a silly little graph, which is nothing but a worthless analog to the real world economy, means anything. It doesn't mean a goddamn thing.
Rebuild the system from the ground up to a system that rewards smart investments, such as smart infrastructure and sustainable/cheap energy, discourages usury and subprime lending, and make government currency flows extremely transparent so we know exactly who runs (((think tanks))), (((charitable NGOs))), and (((political donations))).
>All those poor auditors having to deal with decades of retarded S1 mistakes, rug sweeping, and outdated/unorganized systems throughout the military
God give them strength through the hard times.
How much?
If I had to guess
It would mean the dod is being audited for the first time ever
9/11 part 2 incoming
2.4 trillion in assets
I feel it too user.
I can't even think straight anymore. I feel so restless and anxious.
And to be honest, my days and lifestyle are great. I have nothing out of the ordinary going on. Everything is normal.
But I can't shake this feeling.
Nothing that used to matter to me matters anymore.
I have zero patience for anything.
Or anyone.
Feels like something is coming.
Hopefully soon desu, I need to sleep well again.
It feels like we are in the middle of a war.
And probably - we are.
But it's not like I expected... at all.
quick rundown plz
this is near my house. ive seen them in other parts of the country
The jews are a 4000 year old cult that sacrifice people.
oy vey, the plot thickens. but why are they referred to as black cube?
there's this.
ty. so we have reddit, shareblue, CTR, soros, and now the new jews shilling here? how do they even know who to shill at that rate?
No. Shareblue and Soros and CTR at this point are all false flags for the Jew shills. It's all Jews at tihs point.
This is huge and another win for DJT. This guy is creative destruction personified.
I can start telling him about your friend Arnon if you want?
give them ideas? They literally did this on 9/11
guess what part of the pentagon was hit?
Yeah, the part investigating a bunch of financial fraud and auditing shit
same deal with the SEC files for investigating stock market fraud in the trade center 7 building that wasn't even hit by a plane but collapsed anyways
shareblue is still shilling here, guy just spilled all the beans in another thread:
tl;dr there's going to be a flood of "trump must step down because sexual allegations" shillposts according to this guy
It's another false flag by Black Cube ZOG shills. Please stop moishe.
you arent the only one. at work 2 customers start talking in my line, and one says to the other "yeah well i think the reason music and TV are so shitty lately is that hollywood and the media are owned by satanic pedophiles"
couldnt have been older than 25, and the boomer she said it to looked at her like she had two heads. i said "plenty of proof for that" and smiled at her on the way out the door
You know the comped meme you linked and the spam was to alert other agents that they've been compromised?
saved for posterity
we'll see how it holds out when it's 2020 user
>dana white
that's like calling myself john nigger.
better than sheniqua
Trump deserves to receive a Nobel Prize in every category just for this.
Have you schizos never been inside a ripleys museum before?
It's a fucking glass cube and it's an homage to an architect who loved building that kind of shit on buildings he worked on (not the cube specifically but glass portrusions), it's not some "ancient symbol", it's a basic fucking geometric shape, and it's an impressive feat in terms of engineering architecture.
red pill me if I'm missing something about this that makes it sinister.
That's good news.
I'm glad the word is spreading.
The internet is a miracle.
Oh fuck major terrorist attack on several locations including the auditing office imminent.
Come on that was all a series of coincidences. Ha ha ha ..
I really used to think cynicism was a permanent condition.
>smart investments, such as smart infrastructure
don't forget smart contracts
invisible plane 2 trillion boogaloo
ok, but what about
it's not a shill you dumb fucking redditor
A cube tilted on its axis makes a hexagram. Muh sacred Babylonian geometry/star of Remphan/as above so below
you seem to be confused
>I work in the DoD an designed my agencies procurement process
Im sure you did, buddy
THat is retarded.
They stole the kaballah from Egypt.
WHAT funding? lol
That's freaking awesome
WHoever wrote this theory is a genius
Audits are designed to find things that are wrong. Ops that are off official books are something wrong.
People create religious symbols out of mathematical symbols, Pythagoras did it, hitler did it, etc. Jung can tell you why better than I can.
Mathematical symbols reflect the natural order of things because that is the purpose of math?
Pretty simple shit here.
Now if we are talking about legit occult symbols (goetic summoning symbols, explicit eyes of horus, etc.) these are much more obvious as non-coincidences, that shit you can have your own theories on.
The shit you are quoting is the equivalent to you tube videos pointing out triangles in videos as illuminati symbols.
Stop Chaim. The Goyim know.
Hard to find posts like that on the chans anymore. Good stuff.
The bolding and capitalization of the word Trump, and the italicization of the title of the book Art of the Deal makes me think that the writer was someone on the inside.
The last time they tried to do this they found trillions of dollars missing and then a few days later the September 11th attacks happened and they swept it under the rug and no one ever talked about it again.
Gee I wonder if this will happen again when they find all the trillions missing this time
When is the Federal Reserve being audited?
its getting shut down on feb 22nd.
>Now if we are talking about legit occult symbols (goetic summoning symbols, explicit eyes of horus, etc.) these are much more obvious as non-coincidences, that shit you can have your own theories on.
I am just trying to bring your attention to real esoteric symbols, which are more complicated (obviously) than a fucking cube or hexagon. Stop trying to believe in simple truths just because they are simple, things are far more complicated than you realize.
>(((auditing yourself)))
Yep! All checks out!
Where did this meme come from,
and does it have any validity?
>new mexico fag