You looking at me edition

Sup Forums is he OUR GUY?

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Travis Bickle is based AF do not even dare to ask again.

Travis is Sup Forums incarnate.

U think?

>Taxis some cucked Jew around to see his wife getting fucked by nigger
>Kills white men to "save" some rostie coal burning thot

The guy and and the guy who plays him are literal cucks

You talking to me?

Travis did nothing wrong. That is why he did not start a mass shooting during the politician's speech. He realized he was a mad dog, not a monster. Before taking his own pathetic life he decided to give a chance to that girl to have a life and also get rid of the scum smearing his neighborhood. Every villain is also a victim.

Well in the only one here

Do I know you?



Dear Mr. Bickle: I can't say how happy Mrs. Steensma and I were to hear that you are well and recuperating. We tried to visit you at the hospital when we were in New York to pick up Iris. But you were still in a coma. There is no way we can repay you for returning our Iris to us. We thought we had lost her, and now our lives are full again. Needless to say, you are something of a hero around this household. I'm sure you want to know about Iris. She's back in school and working hard. The transition has been very hard for her as you can well imagine. But we have taken steps to see she has never cause to run away again. In conclusion, Mrs. Steensma and I would like to again thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Unfortunately, we cannot afford to come to New York again, to thank you in person or we surely would. But if you should ever come to Pittsburgh, you would find yourself a most welcome guest in our home. Our Deepest Thanks, Burt and Ivy Steensma.

maybe his characters. in real life he's another whiny liberal Hollywood boy. he'll say anything like all attention whores like him to be the cool, likeable guy. he's a fool.

Pol can’t Bickle.

Nah, he was a retarded pedophile who wanted to go on a shooting spree to impress a 12 year old....

Shit maybe he is


he only wanted to wash the scum from the streets, nobody likes a skunk pussy.

He's the best parts of pol, k, and fit

with some /r9k/ too...

But.. is he /ourguy/ pol?

Great dissapointment for me, I used to respect him a lot.

In the script the pimps were niggers

In these progressive times the most likely new monarch would be a lesbian muslim with 2 failed companies and current welfare dependency. Ie, the immigrant success story.

The man would be a man with previous history in AL Nusra, Al Qaeda and current strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

I say no. Let the old monarchies live, but once a new is to be reinstated just detonate a north korean nuke in the city center, knowing it was for the greater good.

>I used to respect him a lot.
Same, I'm glad Trump took power so all these faggot actors/actresses would show how they are such useful idiots.