You fucking japs. apologize to my mother, Give her money, and kill yourselves.
2 nukes werent enough. Japan should get nuked again. Long live Korea.
My mother was raped by the Japanese
>mom was born on 1920.
>Korea was already colonized.
>she was a korean farm girl
> raising cows and chickens for food and money.
> 1939, japanese police Officer raped her.
>he left her gold coins.
>mom was sad, cant abort cuz 1939
>Gave birth to me. a half blood.
>She treated me like shit
>I fucking hate Japs.
>while living in niponland
>>mom was born on 1920.
That makes you ~60 years old.
The Japs have such small cocks, can it even be classified as real rape?
Go back to korea if you dont like japanese, クソ朝鮮人
Do note the Korean peninsula was raped several times by Chinese an Japanese. North-Korea is China's bitch.
Korea could've been part of glorious Japan, but no you wanted to be a little independent country. So the cycle continues.
>a 77 year old Japanese guy posts on Sup Forums
this isnt /b you fuckin retard. back to your trap thread faggot
오피 애미 걸레 창년이였네 ㅎㅎ
아아앙~ 더 세게 아하아앙
Sorks are so sjw these days
>gold coins in 1939
>half-superior race child
there were thousands of korean women who would've killed for that opportunity, and your mom just bitched about it
Title: Banzai with deep emotion in whole of Korean Peninsula
昭和16 = 1941
Korean, thanks for cheering Japan. We Japanese never forget it.
There are war crimes (including death penalty) of Korean also at WW2.
Korean, let's apologize with together!
The issue of comfort women began with the fabrication article of the newspaper Asahi.
President of Asahi apologized for the fabrication article.
If you think the issue of comfort women as "Japan vs Korea", you will misunderstand it.
Because there were Japanese comfort women the most.
So the issue is related with poor area at the time.
What? Did you fail at math? Are you from Berlin?
Somone born in 1939 would be at least 77 years of age.
What is Asahi?
Beer or news paper
Im going with newspaper
Okay, I just read about that on Wiki.
So basically that Yūto Yoshida guy made up stories about holocauster rides and how he and his grandparents got killed 6 gorillion times?
Sound like prostitute. Not rape.
Good asahi is beer in Japan. Other asahi is newspaper with no integrity.
Fuck japs are one weird fucking race maybe america shouldve just kept dropping nukes until the island sank
Asahi is the one of major news-media in Japan. It is affiliated with NY Times.
Fuck hanz, this is like a 3rd grade math story problem and you focused on the wrong part of the story to solve the problem.
Thanks. Just read about that whole story.
Getting paid for fuck isn't rape
>Japanese flag
>"Japs raped me mum"
>he left her gold coins
Koreans are ugly. Also, if you get raped by a nigger you won't get anything close to gold coins. You get aids.
Your mother was lucky to get something other than aids from someone who isn't nearly as fucking ugly.
That's not to say Japs aren't ugly too; they're less ugly. The bar's not that high when it comes to Asians.
Was the Bataan Death March real, Sup Forums?
No. It was a movement of prisoners and the march was very long and food and water supplies were scarce so little could be shared with the prisoners, therefore many died of exhaustion. Also around 20,000 japanese died as well, including soldiers and engineers.
Your mother lied to you. She was prostitute.
Your mom was a prostitute admit it
Like all women she cried "rape" after wards
>> 1939, japanese police Officer raped her.
>>he left her gold coins
Sounds like a service to me.
then, more japs died in the march than the prisoners, according to jewpedia?
S Korea is gay. Long live the north!
Hangul plebs BTFO. Forever cumdumpsters for superior Nippon master race.
How fucking old are you?
My great grandmother was raped by the japanese.
also, was there a plan B for usa to get Casus Belli if the japs never pearl'd their harbor?
[spoiler]Fuck Mussolini and japlord for being shit allies. Fuck Franco too[/spoiler]
The Korean race lies again.
God damnit muhamed, if you insist on replacing white people you are going to have to at least use a fucking calculator.
Just be friends.
America and Canada are friends, why can't you two get along?
bad falseflag thread
too blatant
no she wasn't, you fucking liar.
>Where were you when common core destroyed the world?
Wtf I wouldnt have left a wooden coin for a gook bitch. He should have killed the whore after
I got just the thing for this.
1 That's a Chinese boy
2 He's happily married
3 You're still shitposting
It bothers me about pol that we can never tell for sure what someanon's motive for writing his post is. Is Hans actually retarded or is he just pretending? We will never know.
Your Mom deserved it
This but unironicly.
Studio Ghibli should be forced at gun point to make an moon-toon about Unit 731 and every nip should be forced to watch it.
>My mother was raped by the Japanese.
>You fucking japs. apologize to my mother, Give her money, and kill yourselves.
2 nukes werent enough. Japan should get nuked again. Long live Korea.
>does it still count as rape if she had to ask if it was in yet?
KYS desu.
Nips are cancer, you are the niggers of Asia. I bet you think you aren't and will say it's the Chinese or Maylasians but you're wrong. You guys are set to stir shit up in Asia every 50 or 75 years or so just like the fucking Germans do and wreck everything because you chimp out. Mark my words you rice-niggers will stir something up and we'll have to push your shit in again.