Jews are white

half of Jews look white why to you hate them and why are you supporting the Palestine LIE?

Other urls found in this thread:

I am against racism and colonialism

Daily reminder that Israelis are white. You can't be part of the alt-right if you don't support Israel and follow Richard Spencer. Ashkenazi are white.

>look white

heres a spider that looks like an ant. ants should let it into their colony

You're a fucking retard, see above.

Eternal sage.

You see, the thing about Jews is, that they will take on whatever form is needed to survive.

Sure thing, nigger. Jews are "white" when it suits them. Fucking sage.





Me reading Butthurt replies from Nazis

>that flag

Leaf, ffs, don't give me a heart attack
>leaf makes succinct and coherent post instead of shitty and abhorrent post

Jews are ungassed.

>why are you supporting the Palestine LIE?
Because Hitler did so.

Sup Forums is anti-nazi BOARD!

It's always amazing to me how people think those kinds of post aren't a bit too obvious.

Jews have high rates of psychopathy
they cant feel emapthy and arent really human

Let's face it. It wouldn't be as juicy as it is if it were fake.


Its always amazes me how fucked the usa actually really is.

Jews are black Palestine is the victim of Zionist scum. Israel bombs universities hospitals homes restaurants theaters. The kill count is staggeringly unbalanced in the favor of the Jew. Fuck the Jews.

All these fucking roaches.

Yeah we're right up there with the best of them (you).

This how average Pure blood Jew looks like Palestine is not white

Lol stupid amerimutt larping as krautchan. ;)

I am white nationalist, not white fundamentalist.
Nations criminals should be persecuted - not rewarded.

Good for you. You make me have hope in the white race.

are serbs white?

>comparing yourself to an ant
goyim... I

If you are white then you can't pull the antisemetic card Shlomo not a very good strategy

nice proxy, good luck on convincing Sup Forums to like israhell you feeble-minded retard

Jews are not white, it is not just skin color, then the slavs would be white which they are not.

Jews are demonic parasites and nothing else.

> Kike semites
> White

Wew lad

Ashkenazi Jews ar white but it dose not rely matter becus romanians are also white but i would prefer a Botswanen imegrant to a romanian one

All you did was show 8 regressive leftists squawking popular leftist ideas nowadays.
Now show me a right wing jew talking about whites or whatever, in this manner.
Protip: you can't

If jews did not act like cunts to europeans and backstab even their most loyal followers (anglos and mutts) maybe jews would not be disliked. But as it stands you've been cunts for thousands of years and backstab europeans to this day. I do not know if there are good conservative jew types that aren't acting like leeches (ben shapiro minus the Israel first agenda for instance.. when in america.) if there are, maybe those do not deserve the scorn. Everyone else? They can fuck right off. Now please step into the shower.

>a fucking serb
>talking about someone being white

My blood is jewish

Jews are the master race ;)

That's because they are all about subverting a nation's values.
