Sup Forums is dying

>HUNDREDS of millions of SJW's who legitimately want all whites to be replaced
>maybe a couple million people who actually don't want their race to be destroyed

>for (((some reason))) the alt-right/far-right is the one that's autistic and needs to be made fun of
>all this constant in-fighting
>tradthot wars, just a bunch of faggots deplatforming their own public figures

I've said this for years but the age of Sup Forums is coming to an end. the more advanced and intelligence aspects of this "movement" is already overtaking the shitty memes that have converted the incels that populate this board.

in 5 year time the e-celeb white nationalist/Identitarian movement will be organizing massive rallies and political movements with 10/10 chads representing them

and Sup Forums will be doing le epic trolls on Sup Forums- perhaps with the occasional ""operation"" (probably will be a communist board by then)

I've spent the better half of my life on this shit hole and I can say this with certainty. It's all down here from this point forward.

>the incels
What the fuck are you babbling about. This board has sucked since the Zimerman trial.


yeah Ive noticed. Its all down hill from now. The tradthot thing plus the weak threads are it for me. Thing is all the good old 4chaners have probably moved on and are out and about making a difference for the right and what is left are reddit tier newfags and the dregs.

Can it, faggot

It's our turn now. Wh*tes are finished.

>giving up so easily
The ride is far from over.

we keep getting flooded. and yes most of Sup Forums is too stupid to organize. it's sad. but Sup Forums are amateurs playing at a game they dont know how to play. you cant be shocked they are losing to professional paid people. with more passion and drive to shape this board

most people on here dont care about Sup Forums. they dont care about much. they just want people to tell them it'll be fine. There's no fighters on this board. Just commenters. That's why so many on Sup Forums think they "win" by having logic arguements. it's the dumbest shit ever. You don't win by being right you win by beating the other side

Protect those most important to you. Forget about NPCs, they aren't going to be saved.

>Sup Forums is dying
It's been dead since last year thanks to all the dumb fuck plebbitors. Even more so since Sup Forums harbor

and then all the whos down in jewville went back to plebbit, and Sup Forums lived happily ever after.

the majority of people here are ironyfags who think that constant shittery and shitposting is "pol/ culture"

and they're not entirely wrong which is pathetic. honestly anyone with any interest of actually changing anything has probably left and
>ironically enough
became e-celebs to convert teenies and normals to white nationalism

there is absolutely no organization on Sup Forums which is good short term but falls flat on its fucking face long term (as anyone with an IQ above 90 could see by now)

can't wake up

Israel will be nuked before our work is done shlomo.

>muh moovment is dying
>muh secret club is le ruined

r t drump faggots destroyed thisbplace long time ago now we can see the fruits of this disaster.Kikes taking over and we can do no nothing.

do you even have neighbors that live closer than 10 miles to you?

there has never been a movement here

desu most people honestly left the board after moot was gone. mots people are on other sites. Sup Forums just got taken over by reddit

37% of all of the US wants to preserve the US's white European heritage.
That is with all the non whites without them it might be 50-60% of whites.
All we need to do is find a way to appeal to them.
Trump appealed to them on that implicitly.

>I've spent the better half of my life on this shit hole
so you're like 12?

Nigger who cares just speak for yourself. If a movement dies based on anonymous trolling it's a flimsy movement to begin with. If you truly believe in nationalism you will believe in it regardless of how your favorite whores on the internet are treated. Get a grip motherfucker.


no he's saying the "movement" itself is maturing and Sup Forums is going to be left with /r/the_Drumpf-tier retards and edgy autistic losers trolling violently against the wind. You can kind of already see it, to be honest.

Oh no user, you don't need to worry about that. Whites in America are inevitablely going to awoken, it's already happening at estonishing rates. quicker than ever before- actually.

I'm just stating that it CERTAINLY won't be Sup Forums leading the charge in any sense.

Sup Forums has been cancer for over a year now. The past couple of months alone have been unbearable. But if you want serious discussion I've gotta say I think everyone is full of shit. There is no saving European man now unless we start removing non-Europeans/whites from the Anglosphere & Europe, stigmatise racemixing, and help save women from themselves.

He needs to come back, would perma ban all this ptg posters.The acutal mods are drump faggots with Kike fetish.

Why do mods delete threads about political violence and tension? Why do they enable constant concern trolling about lower class problems such as promiscuity?

Remember the last time dedicated concerted trolling managed to meaningfully change the culture of Sup Forums?

Me neither.

>I've spent the better half of my life on this shit hole and I can say this with certainty.

>I've spent the better half of my life on this shit hole
No you have not.

>I've spent the better half of my life on this shit hole and I can say this with certainty. It's all down here from this point forward.

Whatever man, you don't know shit. The fact is, this place is an incredible meeting place for minds. If you think it ain't big enough, you just don't know shit. Trust me.

refute a single point, faggot

most mods are honestly sjws. after gamergate and the fappening we got such an influx of people angry at Sup Forums rather than who enjoy Sup Forums. a lot of them ended up becoming mods


How do we fix Sup Forums guys?

>HUNDREDS of millions of SJW's
Sound statistics.
Are you hitting the crack pipe?


>these two idiots probably think that Sup Forums is the most cutting-edge rightwing place on the internet
Sup Forums is so cucked that I can't stomach lurking here for any significant length of time.

I've been here forever. It never changes. Someone will make this exact same thread next year. Sup Forums is legion. Sup Forums is infinite. Sup Forums is Ouroboros.

Well yeah obviously, it would probably be a movement of normies basically that get tired of shit and reject all the (((cultural Marxism))) and realize they were supposed to have a country for their people like the founding fathers intended.

it was never a movement, Sup Forums is mostly underage kids who want to be edgy and flip flop from stance to stance (net neutrality, israel, trump, christianity, ect) depending on whatever is anti-mainstream that nanosecond

you know it's true. open your eyes and take the sperg glasses off for just one second. you'd be hard pressed to find a single "awoken" person on the streets of Europe or America. ask your average white and they're a literal cuck


I ain't ding bitch ass nigga.

through memes. it's simple. our voice carries through memes.

pic related, faggots.

exactly right

Pretty much this. It's not just pol though, Sup Forums is full of counter-culture faggots. In politics and hobbies.

>europe is one country

>and Sup Forums will be doing le epic trolls on Sup Forums- perhaps with the occasional ""operation"" (probably will be a communist board by then)

Anons got Trump elected, the alt-kike LARPers got Trump denouncing them and calling them terrorists.

Thanks to the internet, the whole world is my neighbor

>hobbyists will organize

Absolutely fuck off and die. You have no idea. From having been around here for ages, know for a fact that you are just making shit up. Plese you people, just leave

>Sup Forums is dying

Translation: I keep losing arguments here because I believe stupid things.


the alt-right is only just slightly less sperg than Sup Forums. im saying that in 5 years it will be a completely new organization or movement that will be leading white nationalism.

as another user correctly put it, the movement is maturing past the spergy fucks that has been keeping it held back for so long

>Sup Forums is the most cutting-edge rightwing place on the internet
Just stop.

You sick fucks are here to sap morale. Don't worry, I'll be back soon and I will lay waste to you fuckers

this is probably the most accurate picture about this i've seen


you're not the kind of neighbor mr rogers knew you could be

no, youre clearly someone who has only been ehre the past year. you dont understand what he meant. nor will you ever. your privilege blinds you

Pol's ideals will never be acceptable to any normal person, thus we will always have a large group of people with extreme views here so long as our freedom of speech and anonymity are protected

>I've spent the better half of my life on this shit hole

No turning back now mate, stand tall and craft superior memes.

>t. Zimmigrant


Kys faggot always the same shitty response from you drump subbumans

Soros should just buy Sup Forums from Hiroshi. It would be easier and no less transparent than paying faggots to shit up the board

t. /r/politics

pol got shit since we got trump threads here

Would you have rather Hillary?

Implying that the shills are not pissing into an ocean of piss.

you mean as a president? for me, someone living in poland it would make no difference who is in charge, they both don't give a shit about us
i didn't imply trump threads were good or bad, i just said that pol got shitty when these threads started to pop up

Okay, I was just asking you a simple question.

no i think the board became shit when people used it as a battleground.

am i the only one who remembers the first 2 rules of the internet?

also come on lets not pretend we aren't being invaded by JIDF, Shareblue and many leftwing discord groups

i dont care if you are left wing or right wing. but you have to be here to talk. not shill. you cant be a group who is here simply to shill for other sites or groups


He outed himself as a commie. Only they say incel.

Poor post, pretty long and dumb and appeals to feels, but 1 small subversive element i will award points for: trying to stop us memeing.

Hurr durr dont be retards stuck doing the best thing you do that undermines the left. You should really stop memeing guys and go becomes a legit irl political force with the same failed strategy as every other one before it.

Fake and gay 4/10

It's not over. Most of us are young and will never change our views. Wait until we start filling positions of power and start bending society to our will just like the jews

You fags better get gud.

Sup Forums is going through massive happening withdrawal symptoms. We are so used to big things happening that the smaller things no longer interest us. Even big things become far less interesting when they happen too often or fail to cause an impact. The liberals seem drained too, most of them gave up and are no longer causing drama for us. We are literally searching for happenings at this point since everything is so slow and tedious. And when there is nothing to find people get bored and shill.

That's low. Hard to get honesty there. I just need to live in the world to know that's low.


I'm the devil.

>Tfw paid shills make 5,000 threads every day to character assassinate and shame our trads
>But then they are just making advertisement for them and the amount of followers surge making them stronger every day HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Lauren Rose has attracted another 1,000 followers (20% growth) in the last few days.

The left can't meme. They can't wield the power of Sup Forums. It's useless without us and its too late for them to stop us from infecting the rest of the internet. They can't be everywhere. They are fighting a battle they cannot win

Lauren Southern's latest stats. The shills are helping us unwillingly.

You're a fag.

I wonder what she'll turn into knowing she has been found out.

Ofc I am hehehe

When we win I don't know what I will enjoy more. Sending blacks and Mexicans back to their places of origin or sending all their enablers back with them


Is that a giant pokemon ball on the left?

I actually think both Lauren's are hot as fuck, gorgeous actually. at least 9.5/10 and would worship if given the chance (never would be)

They'll be dead if we win.

Yes. We are going to catch the commies with it and send them to live in their Ethnic Utopia - Africa

>Sup Forums becomes new Sup Forums
always remember what happened to Sup Forums

normies shit up everything. true redpilled fellas will find a new place to start ideas. the death of Sup Forums won't mean much, in the end.
go look at Sup Forums right now if you want to see what a former IRL trolling, MSM & scientology meming, popular website ddosing, plague of the internet group of shitords board looks like now. that will be Sup Forums in a couple years or so if normies keep coming here.

here, i'll even give you a link
but it's okay, because as i said, we'll just move on to somewhere else.

There is no moving anywhere. Our position must be set in stone; and you must sacrifice your life for it.


The fagflag is right. The people who aren't as genetically gifted are valuable assets to have on our team. They do great research. That's why these kikes need to stop putting the tradtitbags in front of our men distracting them.

>probably will be a communist board by then
don't worry, i know you don't realize this now, but you will be redpilled like never before. literally all it takes is to get you on board with reasonable discussion instead of logical fallacies and you'll see.

It's a board, not your fucking country retard. Shit dies all the time and we always find some place else. A good reset would do this community well anyway

Maybe you like running, but I'm tired of suppressors.

Bro it's not running it's just opening a new tab on your browser. Just like threads die this board must also die.

decentralized Sup Forums will be the future and communists will be trapped with us everywhere