Got my 23 results today, niggers.
Got my 23 results today, niggers
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>.5% unassigned
I knew you bastards were lizards!
>Kike got his dna done and is confirmed a kike.
Wew lad.
>not a trace of middle eastern heritage
>Colonizes middle eastern territory because it's supposedly the Homeland
Never change Jews, never change.
So you Jews really like racial purity by the looks of it?
Polish lineage?
>one X chromosome
>no Y chromosome
What do you call this genetic defect
so, nothing semitic at all, eh ?
>that chrm 14 homologous recombination event
>Sup Forums for the humans
Pretty sure that would be called Turner syndrome, user
Enjoy having your identity and DNA stolen and used in a CIA mass shooting event
I got .1% American Indian and .4% Ashkenazi Jewish die to black Dutch ancestry, Can I live in Israel???
Let us lay eyes on you or fuck off.
Also, Am I white? I’m an unironic fascist American who volunteeres and contributes to his community while striving for political offices. if I’m not white I’d probably rethink my political spectrum.
most likely. the kikes always put in half a percent jew just to keep you on your toes
0.5% unassigned
you might as well be a nigger
Ok good, I’m not mad about the .1% American, but I always assumed that the .5% Jewish came from my mothers mom who claimed to be a ‘black dutch’ but the she took a 23and me test that was 100% European even though she had brown hair and eyes. It’s hard to trust such a liberal company. I guess it’s pretty cool to prove the whole brown hair and brown eyes meme wrong tho
ye u white.
Here's my eye
The wizard is here to help!
i have the same coloured eyes as you. do you have any anglo-celtic blood?
Upload your results to gedmatch for a better and more detailed analysis
>those chromosomes
post your snout gonzo
>46.9% goy
Neck yourself shegetz.
I will tear your heart out with my bare hands if that's what it takes to prove I'm a white man in body, blood, and spirit
lizard eye
these tests are quite unprecise
i am 50/50 Spanish Danish but apparently, i am neither according to the test. just 1% Iberian and Scandi
there´s also twins taking DNA tests who receive different results even though they have the same DNA
Who's your adoptive Spanish parent lad?
>putting your own name on a DNA test.
That Irish DNA seems to get everywhere.
you have to go back
Schizo detected
i am not adopted if that´s what you are asking
So you're 99% European but you larp as a semite. If you lived in Israel 3000 years ago you would have died of skin cancer before the age of 20.
My condolences lad, it must've been hard to find out that way
>not 100& ashkenazi
why do you even continue to live on?
>pedigree goblin
Why publish that. I'd be fucking mortified.
The testing institute should write whether you passed or failed the whiteness test at the very top.
More than 20%kike should automatically result in a Judenstern printed on the result sheet.
Southern Danish will come up as French German.
Im sure 23andme added the .5% as the racist white male tax that comes with the test.
>also checked.
i am not from southern denmark
i also have about 22% British/Irish none of my family members are even remotely british or irish it´s just unprecise etc
Why did this DNA analysis trend suddenly pop into existence, and why do people keep falling for it? I thought that it was supposedly a bad idea for government and corporations to have samples of people's DNA and just a few years ago people would have resisted their collection. It's like Bill Cooper et al didn't try to warn us of the future that is to come.
Now, all some stormfag, or leftist, or intelligence community member posing as one (because lets face it, most of the women/niggers are shit threads come from the left or three/four letter agencies when there's a good thread that needs to be slid - even if it's true we all know the score by now), needs to do is go "hurr durr prove ur hwhite u jewish nigger" and you're falling over each other to voluntarily give up your DNA so you can post your results on some anonymous forum for hwhite boy points where nobody knows who you are and nobody gives a shit anyway. If people were idiots for freely giving their information to kikebook, then they must be complete imbeciles to actually voluntarily pay a company with ties to who-knows-what to analyse their DNA.
If you must submit DNA, fuck with the system by providing your dog's DNA or something, else expect to see the Georgia Guidestones plan to come to fruition.