>tfw 19 year old incel who's flunking college
jesus christ, i feel so fucking hopeless.
Tfw 19 year old incel who's flunking college
Rape someone.....or something.
You seriously need it
>he fell for the college meme
drop out before you go too far into debt and get a manual labor job. once you sort your shit out re-enroll if it's what you want to do.
Become a transgender and read Sup Forums threads and beg for money and /r/the_donald will support you.
>20 y/o kv
>have a high paying part time job
>doing well in school
what's worse, being a burnout or a jerkoff? serious q.
I never graduated, now I'm Mayor!
Tricked by the college jew... Get a skill and admit defeat.
Get it together faggot. Life is too short to waste a single goddamn second. Stop worrying about what you've missed and start focusing on what you want to do, and for fuck's sake stop going here and start going to class
Read some Stoicism if you don't think drugs and pea-brained high school friends are cutting it
>tfw 25 year old incel whose graduating college
Better luck next time dorkaringus.
While there is breath in your body, there is the possibility of change. Hope is the carrot at the end of the stick to keep you mindlessly trudging along. Remove the carrot and trudge on, eyes focused on the path yet to be walked. If you do not wish to go through college, do not. If you do, then try harder. If you wish to be more sexually active, then do so. Stop wanting. Do. No-one can fix your problems but you, and no-one can give you unfixable problems but you.
I suggest meditating and practicing yoga or qigong, they will sharpen your mind and they will reinforce discipline if you do them daily. You by sounds of things, sorely need discipline.
Study, retard
If you're a brainlet, then make up for it with dedication.
Or just use CRISPR to become AzN.
That's totally normal. I didnt take college seriously until I was like 24 and that's only because I met a woman who I wanted to marry and provide for.
I regret not joining the military out of high school and starting my college at like 22. If I did college now is be a straight A student.
Don't feel bad user. Id suggest dropping out for a while working, and then coming back when you're more mature.
Don't be so hard on yourself buddy
I live with a gf and have a well paid job.
For this life has awarded me with: constant stress to maintain, chest pain, panic attacks, neurosis and no time to fap or play vidya
What state do you live in
You are hopeless.
Actually not really. The world is fucked. You either get fucked up or get fucked up and then die.
I guess the choice is yours.
Back to R*ddit. You're a virgin here.
Actually, I'm a refugee from /r9k/. The trannies have taken over that board.
You belong with the trannies.
do the self-authoring programme
Go learn a trade faggot.
Stop drinking, stop doing drugs.
Only have friends if they are friends worth having.
Only support and love family worth your love.
You are alive, if you didn't matter, then why arent you dead?
/r9k/ was cancer before trannies.
Remember youre here forever. Welcome :^).
Also, pol is not one person but communism and communists will always be purged.
Which course?
Nice blog post faggot
Watch Jordan Peterson and listen to the extreme ownership Jocko podcast and basically stop being a little bitch