Meanwhile on Ukraine

Meanwhile in Kiev

thoughts ?

Other urls found in this thread:,_2014

Meanwhile in Russia

words: go to hui

Is that the new trailer of candy doll?

I try so hard to defend you niggers then you have to go post shit like this...

thanks to online games i have learned 3 russian commands

idi komnjee
idi sutai

Stupid paid feminist whores trying to insult our mommy. Burn in fires of hell shill whores.

it should self immolate next time.

>Meanwhile on Ukraine
Is there a reason why you said "on Ukraine" instead "in Ukraine"?

I didnt liked them when they did their stupid shows. But this song is good, of cours you faggots will say that everything against russia is a western propaganda. Everything criticizing the corupt state power is good enough for me.

I think I'm in love

she's well fed

on Ukraine
нa Укpaинe

its correct form

*THE Ukraine

nice bait

meanwhile in based russia

"Na Ukrainie" (on Ukraine) is the proper form in both Russian and Polish, but this form triggers Ukrainians. They say that this form implies that Ukraine is a geographical region, not a political entity. They want us to start using the form "v Ukrainie" (in Ukraine).

This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Never in my life have I seen a woman who looks more like a pig than this one.

mahmed pleas

>They say that this form implies that Ukraine is a geographical region, not a political entity.
Which is absolutely correct
T. Non country expert,see flag for credentials

meanwhile in parasha

hohol pleas

Wut? I though Ukrainian economy is rekt and they are poor and starving now. looks like Ukraine rich.

Also Im not sure but wasnt her body writing and her speech exclusively Russian? isnt it haram in Ukraine now?

Both russhits and khokhols are worth each other, absolute retarded bydlo. I just love how both countries are complete shit, but they're always pointing fingers at each other, both believing one is better than the other.
Belarusians are the only decent people out of East slavshits.
They are like not even related to khokhols and katsaps.

My penis is harder than diamond.

>thoughts ?
RT is shit media. is even worse. How do you guys get your news without all the Kremlin disinformation?

it is 35 level jewish chutspah

big fat nude screaming feminist attacks police near parliament using paddle

>not a map of Ukraine

>A wild snorlax appears

You've forgotten to put Crimea on this glorious map.Also,how it's to be cucked by Churkas/Uzbeks,slav shitblood?

How much money does the cia spend on those degenerates? Quality has increased a thousand fold.

what is it ? Dunno whatchyou'retalking about

Damn, then why are Russian flags flying over Crimea?

people voted for


you do know that russia is far more muslim than Germany right? tupoi petuh

our muslims eating piggy and drinking vodka so go to hui

This is a very nice video, not even about uchrainos themselves, but about females which allowed to speak publicly.
One more for the countless multitude of proofs that female simply cant send any message without making it revolve around genital themes. It is especially relevant in light of recent e-skank coalburning drama - soon these blacked godesses of feminist stormfags will start doing similar shit in the name of tradition and reaction. Maybe then every sane man will understand that they are better off put on a chain in kitchen.

Take a look at maps of Europe and Russia in 1400, 1450, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800.

Now tell me, are you ridiculing Russia for fighting back against Muslims and Asiatic hordes?

Is /pol now in the mental state to make fun of Balkan, Iberian and Russian people who were the frontier towards Islam and foreign conquerors?

I have an interesting question.

Why are so many officials and public figuers in Russia of obvious Ukrainian descent, with surnames ending in -ko, -uk?

Education ex-minister Fursenko,Russian sports/Olympics ruiner Mutko

Was -kov in Russian Empire, in jewish union after jews created Ukraine they just removed -v from surnames. Don't know about -uk origin, maybe Tatar.

Because Ukraine was part of Russia for several centuries. For example, most Zaporozhian cossacks were relocated and colonized Kuban/North Caucasus. Siberia was also colonized by Ukrainian cossacks. And in USSR there were massive population resettlements\deportations. And current Russian political elite are just a bunch of old soviet fucks for the most part. And USSR Nomenklatura was multinational, it wasn't dominated by Russians like many believe.
And vice versa, there are plenty of Ukrainians of Russian or mixed Ukrainian/Russian descent.

Why did you drop Russyn, Rossi and similar historic ethnonyms?

There are two types of nations, called after historical people/Volk, and after geographic regions. For example, Belgians, Bosniaks, Montenegrins.

Why did you give away your centuries old culture and inheritance?

He is just another retarded Russian. That's the reason)

Belarusians are fucking vegetables' not people

Ask you mom how does Chechen dick tastes like

Shut the fuck up, you dumb nigger. You literally have nothing on Belarusians. Go suck some jew cock.


I lived there for 24 years so shut your stupid face)



Don't shit your pants dude))

your cunt women are all over israel sucking dicks for 10 shekels you fucking sub human.

>For the Eurovision Song Contest 2017, the arch was temporarily painted into a rainbow and renamed the Arch of Diversity; with the arch doubling as the symbol of the Kyiv Pride parade. At night, the arch illuminates as a rainbow as well.

10 shekles!

keep it up and they might have to wolyn you again.

>the ukraine doing everything to show how good of a goy they are

Can I immigrate to Ukraine?

Based ukraine, they need to join NATO/EU already.

do you know that muslims areas are part of russian country, cuckold Dundee?

Just like your ancestors.

>"Ukraine is NOT pig"

> topless in Ukrainian winter

just let them die from hypothermia

the woman in the vid reflects her country perfectly - dumb, fat, ugly, and probably poor

>ugly women

ugly country, pacanie

Where ?

They are YOUR women anyway. Ashkenazis are just eastern europeans LARPING as ancient hebrews

>people voted for
(1) Illegal and sham election during Russian military invasion and occupation.
(2) Journalists from Moscow allowed to cast votes.
(3) Ballot language had no provision for Crimea to remain unchanged, only Kremlin choices.
The clay was stolen by treachery and deception, the only two things Russian are good at. The good new is that the sanctions are costing Putin's inner oligarch circle $50 billion per year and hitting Russia's GDP by $150 billion per year. In 5 more years, Putin's Crimea Crimes will have cost Russia over $1 trillion USD.

The dumb Russians are cheering because Putin stole clay. The smart Russians are terrified that this lost economic opportunity has demoted Russia to a regional power that can never be trusted to do business in good faith.

You can only pick one.

>implying that it is not rightfully Russian clay

>literally krajina
No nationhood detected


hohol pleas

What's the point of this thread. The situation in Russia isn't so good either

>lost economic opportunity
Ukraine becomes best pals with USA/EU - national currency drops 5 times
Russia becomes worst pals with USA/EU - national currency drops 2 times.
It's economically better to be your enemy than a friend, faggot.

>i am strong independent woman, respect us.
>name is pussy riot.
>slanders other women.
every single time.

> 190€
I wish it wasn't true