Why is Sup Forums turning on our trads?
Why is Sup Forums turning on our trads?
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They are pretentious fucking whores.
is trad some kind of name for ideological prostitutes?
Fuck off asshole. That's not her. It's a meme. She's a nice woman helping spread 1488.
Why doesn't she just wet her diaper? A lot less people would be crawling up her ass that way.
Faith Goldy is dating a high schooler?
What's wrong with having a diaper fetish?
It’s 2017!
nice try to fuck with pol ... but nobody represents pol > therefore go fuck yourself
>I'm all for kinky shit
>but diapers?
She makes it sound like it's an extreme fetish or something, it's not even that far out there. Of course she's only saying that because she thinks it's Lauren
Panty wetting is much hotter imo.
lmao its just shawn and a few others either ignore or whatever
its fucking hilarious and you newfag fucks take eceleb drama way to fucking seriously
It isn't complicated. You should pay zero attention to women in politics. They shouldn't even be allowed to vote.
That said, Lauren and the others should be left alone since they do funnel guys into pol. That is their role in this machine. Once here, guys need to learn that roasties, all roasties, are not to be given any type of power ever.
Diaper is probably third place to piss and feet as the most normie fetishes there are. That person is behaving as though it's scat or vore.
Roastie =/= woman.
Anyone who fell for their shit is either underage or a naive fucking moron.
Its so obvious many of the female ecelebs are not authentic and are not really on our side. The only woman that fits in is Brittany Venti I think.
Somebody who doesn't conform to the anti white male agenda is enough for me.
They are so traditional that there not married and have no kids.
>eceleb shit
NO Mexican manlets allowed
I thought that at first, but now I see a lot of these woman as products of the beta-bux culture. They feed off of lonely men and use them for attention and money just like any camwhore does. More and more I see little difference between them and camwhores. I now think they are more detrimental to any right wing movement then beneficial.
Holy shit that is my fetish. Not the diaper shit, but the female Chastity belts. Should be mandatory tbqh
Maybe its because they are LARPing as trads for schekles.
the shills turned on them. it's a false flag to blame the alt right for misogyny. Maybe they didn't need it. You retards can't get laid so you blame the hotties for not fucking you.
You are letting women control the narrative. Do not be fooled by these women, they are not much different then regular camwhores feeding off of lonely men for attention and money. They do not believe in their agenda like you believe in it. If they didn't have a vagina would they still be popular?
This right here
no, of course not. But sex sells. Sex sells a message. Did you get the memo? Having hotties on our side was a plus and now y'all have fucked that up.
I did not know that MAGA had a gay action squad
but that pic is a good poster for it
Stop ruining my board with this crap you subhuman mexican manlet
saged and reported
you shills are wasting your times..you could be sobbing in front of your precious cuck porn atm instead of shilling
Because Sup Forums will fall for anything. there has never been an original thought posted here ever.
You are letting women control the narrative. These women are not authentic. Watch any camwhore and youll see their styles are similar.
>pic related with MakeApp filter applied
Who's this guy?
lee ann McAdoo from infowars, lol. all right wing girls crave bbc, so as lauren who had bbc bf
Go away mentally ill tranny
Because they are women I would think that their styles are similar.