haven't watched it yet but the story looks pretty awful
and pic related is the guy who got killed
Other urls found in this thread:
The cop needs the electric chair.
holy shit
I hate the world
Where's the outrage over this? Unbelievable
it doesn't fit the narrative here.
This was a working exterminator on vacation with his wife. They had 2 daughters. According to the media, people like him don't get affected by the militarized police. This is a divided country and people like him fall out of view.
why did he reach behind his back lol
the cop literally just said
Yeah but you should at least wait to see if he's reaching for a weapon. Not shoot when an arm moves. For fuck's sake dude.
>boot lickers will defend this
Looks like a bit of a downey to be honest, no loss
Wife probably wanted to leave him anyway but too nice to say or do anything about it
Either way she witnessed unbridled black alpha male dominance and after recovering from the incident will have a strong lust for the bbc
win win
I love cops, some might call me a boot licker
But this is fucked up
The shooter was white you fucking retard
victim on left, shooter on right
was meant for
Looks like a bit of a downey to be honest, no loss
Wife probably wanted to leave him anyway but too nice to say or do anything about it
Either way she witnessed unbridled white alpha male dominance and after recovering from the incident will have a strong lust for the bwc
win win
Pic related is perfect summary
yup, looks like manlet syndrome gone wrong once again.
LMAO that was worse than brazilian cops during an angry day.
>say murica is the most free country in the world because europeans cant buy rocket launchers on the supermarket
>get shot by the police because they got some new military level equipment and want to try it out
This was definitely murder. No other way to see it. The bodycam cop is obviously psychotic, you can tell from the manner in which he spoke and operated there.
Fuck me dead. That's murder. You can tell that the guy is 100% cooperative.
His shorts were falling down. Anyone who has worn long athletic shorts of any kind knows that they fall right off if you have to crawl on your knees. This guy was murdered for owning a gun and trying to keep his pants from falling down.
This is fucked up, makes me scared of the police.
it takes 1 second to grab a gun and start firing, you fucking retard.
gladly the gene pool was saved from this retard spawning another defective copy. It's simple. If you don't want to get shot by the police, follow their fucking orders, retards. And if they did anything illegal, you take it up with the courts after the interaction, not during while the adrenaline is pumping in a man who's pointing a gun at you.
americans absolutely cucked by police, i've never seen such police attitude in any other countries.
You're an actual faggot, y'know that? Did those pics come from your fap folder?
What the fuck these cops sound like whiny bitches.
These cop who murdered him should be executed and the the other ones should go to prison for a long fucking time.
You're right. It takes 1 second to "grab a gun and start shooting".
Guess how long it takes to neutralize that threat? 0.1 seconds because YOU'RE ALREADY AIMING AT THE SUSPECT WITH YOUR FINGER ON THE TRIGGER.
He should have waited to confirm that there was a weapon, that's all there is to it.
mommas boy civil servant looking cop with a gun
What could go wrong?
Sup Forums is full of statist bootlickers, no surprise they're defending the cop.
His shorts started falling off. He grabbed them so his ass didnt show
>that bit at the end where he has to put the keycard in the door over and over and over again
lmao, if only there was a real mass shooter there who unloaded through the door when he saw the handle fiddling about awkwardly or a minute
What the fuck are you guys serious?
> Told by cops that he was not to put his arms behind his back multiple times
> Gets shot
Am I the only one who thinks this was justified?
Telling people what not to do makes them more likely to do it ironically like if I said don't think about the color brown... or don't crash into that telephone pole...
99 of 100 or more interactions go by just fine, when the news media publicizes these negative influences it literally programs the viewers. how many videos just like this one do you think the pest control worker had watched scrolling his Facebook feed programming his mind negatively
Wasnt even a real gun. Was a fucking airsoft and it was locked up in room.
You know, the jury wasn't allowed to see this video...
Fucking hell forgot
> Puts arms behind back
>copper is an absolute passive-aggressive cunt
>suspect complies with literally everything the copper says and is submissive
>distressed suspect clearly trying his best by a yelling cop who says he shoots you when you just make a little mistake
>after 17:00 copper yells at him to crawl towards him
>wave hands around like an absolute dipshit when you put your hands down on the floor
>reach behind your back to pull up pants even though the copper fucking flipped the first time you put your hands behind your back
>get shot
holy fucking shit
this case is disturbing af and the suspect and the cop are retards
>let pants fall down
i know what i'd choose desu
Holy shit that's is so fucked.
What is a knee jerk response
great point by the OP
>the jury wasn't allowed to see this video
(((American justice)))
>You know, the jury wasn't allowed to see this video...
That sounds like a good way to assassinate americunts - just call the cops and say you saw your neighbor or whoever waving a gun, the cops will come assuming the "suspect" is armed and will shoot him when he fails to obey the lawful order of the officers to stand on his head and use his ears to crawl forward
>reach behind your back to pull up pants even though the copper fucking flipped the first time you put your hands behind your back
desu i think 50% of your coppers would've shot him the first time
that's why I America needs to ban all other countries from sending us email
That faggot cant even follow simple instructions without crying like a bitch. He deserved to die.
fuck you
this, people who have firearm experience know this. maybe not a confirmed weapon but at least waited until he saw something in his hands. then the shooting would have been justified, even if he reached for his phone, he reached, i saw something in his hands and i shot him.
>Yeah but you should at least wait to see if he's reaching for a weapon.
No, you really shouldn't. They should have shot him the first 3 fucking times he fucked up.
They showed only the shooting portion and not the crazy orders and power tripping prior.
The jurors did not see the hand above head or dead with legs crossed and crawl to me...
have you ever thought about becoming a police officer xD
The victim was acting dumb but as a cop you have to recognize you are going to deal with dumb people who can't follow basic directions. Someone saw him showing his pellet gun to someone through the window and called and told the police he had an ar 15 or something. So these cops were going in their thinking they were about to be heroes and save the day. But this guy was obviously trying to comply even if he was fucking up doing it.
This is one of the few cases where the cops really do need to get punished. The guy shouting commands and the guy who pulled the trigger should have been hung for murder and the other cops should be put into prison.
Should have let his ass show. Guess he valued how he appeared to officers trying to arrest more than continuing to live.
damn, you're dumb. Sure, maybe 99/100 times you'll be able to shoot him before he's able to shoot you in a situation like that, but there's no way I'm risking even a 1% chance that I'll lose my life to someone too stupid not to be reaching around when he's under the trigger
99000 of 10000 are not killed in the line of duty. I would not even take the one in 100000 chance and sign up
Trigger happy muricans
No this guy was rightfully killed because he was too stupid to realize he was considered and threat, and should have acted in a way to satisfy the cops sense of safety. This faggot got all emotional and faggot like, even the woman handled it more calmly than that faggot did. He deserved to die cause he's a stupid fuck with no sense of self-awareness. This is what's going to happen to you stupid ass autistic fucks who can't interact or empathize with other humans. Gonna make the wrong social mistake at the wrong time and get gunned down like the dumb ass autists you are.
You can say 99/100 but I honestly think it's 100/100 if you're not inept
I don't know, maybe I just feel I can react with a finger quicker than someone else can complete an action with their whole arm from start to finish
he was clearly drunk. i know he said he wasn't, but come on, anyone over the age of 8 knows what a drunk person looks like.
>Am I the only one who thinks this was justified?
Probably. The guy was clearly scared shitless, and if there was a threat at all it would have come from the room they had yet to search. You can see the incompetence from the beginning, with the shitty briefing given down the hall beforehand, and leading into the inaction in the hallway when the suspects were first encountered and given verbal commands. It should move faster than that, and whoever was in charge and shouting commands should be held accountable for the incompetence of his officers.
I'd say its a natural reaction if your pants fall down to grab them
I love my Duc
>this will never cause whites to riot
>this will never become anywhere near as big of a deal as Trayvon Martin or Mike Brown
>the Jew media might make a brief mention of it but unlikely to get coverage
L-land of the f-free
Reminder that even cops aren't safe from cops
>The victim was acting dumb but as a cop you have to recognize you are going to deal with dumb people who can't follow basic directions.
i am honestly baffled why they didn't just tell him to stfu and lie there so they can handcuff him and escort him out of the building. why make him crawl around?
I think it's because they thought there were other suspects in the room and it would be dangerous to cuff him there
I could be wrong though
yeah, do you have a job offer?
But throughout the trial, Charbel has noted that of the five written reports from the officers on the scene, they left out that Shaver had cried and begged not to be shot. That information became public in Sipe’s supplemental report released two months after the shooting.
The judge instructed the jury to strike Sipe’s remark that he found the omission suspicious when the defense attorney objected. But Sipe essentially gave the same answer when the prosecutor asked him the same question.
“All five reports omitted the same information that was vital to the case,” Sipe said.
So why would they omit such an important detail? Because it proves that Shaver was the one fearing for his life. Not Brailsford.
In fact, another cop who was at the scene and did not fire his gun testified that he did not see Shaver as an “imminent threat,” which is why he did not shoot. And neither did the five other cops training their guns on Shaver felt the need to open fire, indicating they were not in fear for their lives.
The way the soy boy big calls him young man when he's probably two years older tells you the cunt is off his trolley on a power trip.
quit being such a pussy bro. The kid was in a life and death situation and didn't have the self-awareness to realize the cops perceived him to be a lethal threat. His brain went all panicky or he was stupid to begin with. The weak will suffer as they must.
>He invited two acquaintances to his room for drinks. There he showed them a scoped air rifle he was using to exterminate birds inside grocery stores. At one point the gun was pointed outside his hotel window, prompting a witness to notify the front desk; the police were immediately called.
pretty fucking stupid
Jesus fucking christ that cop needs to be put away for life.
Oh neat, evidence of actual police brutality. I can't wait for the BLM and Antifa terrorists to celebrate this young white mans death on social media because he deserved it!
I completely agree with you, he is told multiple times he will be shot if he fucks up.
So he does the most suspectful thing of reaching towards his waist, the cop told him he would fall over before breaking instruction.
We see this happen alot of times with black guys shot by cops where they reach for their waist and then get shot and we always say those are justified or at least used to.
I guess Sup Forums is truly gone now.
Yeah he deserved to be shot by based cops XD haha I love the police mainly bc they protect me
You have absolutely no understanding of human psychology whatsoever. If you think an average guy, drunk, probably very naive and "normie" personality, being screamed at and condescended to by a tatted up babyfaced rookie cop, is going to make no mistakes whatsoever under that pressure, you are fucking retarded.
Real life isn't an action movie.
get out of here you pathetic 0 empathy scum.
>mommas boy civil servant looking cop with a gun
Try again - high school shooter who didn't get around to doing the shooting in high school I reckon.
power trip. cops do things because they can
i know they thought that. there were at least 6 cops in the beginning of the video. i am not a police expert but those numbers honestly ought to handle that.
Where is the sauce you cock sucking liar.
Because this was obviously a 'blood in' training exercise for the unit. Cops in america have to kill an innocent before they're allowed onto SWAT or to be a detective or to do anything other than patrol the worst beats or push pencils. How else is the command chain going to be able to trust cops when they order them to fire on crowds during riots or when the grid goes down? You have to make sure your men are willing and ready to kill at the slightest murmur of an order. Anything less is not discipline. Anything less is weakness.
wew gotta love those strawmans
Lick that boot, americuck
>Dude cops should totally shoot some dude who is crying and begging for his life just because he wants to pull his shorts up XD
This isn't a problem in any first world country other than America.
That piggy full intended to kill him when he was giving commands. It's obvious.
Why would whites riot?
The cop had a perfectly good reason to shoot.
>first world country
explain pls i am wondering why 3/3 cops or however split up can't handle securing the cuffing and do the cuffing.
I don't know but they fucked up big time. This was murder.
Merely having a fire arm is not a death sentence. Stupid yeah but it was obvious the guy was scared shitless and was trying to comply.
the cop wasn't ordered to shoot him, he did it of his own volition. otherwise, i think you might be on to something
>THIS fuckin' goy shoots you.
If I didn't die from the gunshot, I'd probably hang myself on general principle.
He deserved it. He didn't comply. Just like stupid niggers that get shot for not complying. Same thing. This kid was just another stupid nigger that was too stupid to figure out how to stay alive.
>American logic
Ready, fire, aim.
I'll just call them from skype, nigger
One day I will find out your address and you are dead by pigs whose dick you sucked so hard you statist bitch whore
Admit it, even you thought this was dodgy.
What are you faggots whining about... totally justified. They warned him several times that if he didn't do as told he would be shot. One of the most egregious things you can do in that situation is reach behind your back and they didn't even shoot him the first time. The second time was especially egregious and completely warranted his death.
No, you faggots just have to deal with getting run over on your sidewalks and blown to bits at your concerts, and having all your young women whored out for mohammeds wallet.