Fairy Tail

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Erza's Mother goes doragon moddo and Erza fights a Meteor a la Naruto/One Piece. Because she's Erza.

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Its basically Goku vs Piccolo Daimao reference combined with Zaraki chopping Gremmy meteor.


>Deus Sema

>the big 3 all had a meteor crushing down

>Erza: It... can't be...

>Irene: There's no way that human can stop meteorite, don't you think?
>Erza: At some point people started calling me "Titania". Honestly I never cared how are they calling me. But if you are Queen of Dragons, then Queen of Fairies (Titania) doesn't sound bad.

OP Image
Erza: Lend me your power, Master!!!!
Irene: What is my daughter doing...

End text: She entrusted her life to a flash of sword, which is now resisting and bellowing at the approaching despair.*
Next chapter: Show me your smile


Now I understand why females buy this manga.

And Erza showed she is more of a sue than Mirai Trunks, fuck the Genkidama sword makes more sense than this FFS.


This shit is still going ?
Jesus fucking christ
Just get a mod to stick the threa announcing when he goes full porn and forget about this shitty manga

We Law now.

OPM also did it.

Is there any point to Erza? Just sit back and let her defeat everything.

Somehow I'm pretty sure OPM's version will have been better done than FT's.

The meteor Irene summoned seems to be as big as the one Tats summoned.


Why did Irene throwed a meteorite to Erza when she is in the ground with her limbs broken?
She is a dragon, sitting on her was enough to kill her.

user, it's Fairy Tail. Stop thinking logically and fap to the girls.

Man, Erza is so cool.

>Erza fights a Meteor

I'd call bullshit, but then again It's Erza so I wont bother

Erza endurance is so ridiculous even Saitama would be jealous of her.

cutting a big rock with a single stroke of a sword has been done since the dawn of time.

> Erza is about to cut up a fucking meteor while half dead

Prove it.

checkmate, gaijin

are you me? I was literally just watching that before I was gonna respond to that user

it really makes me angry of how stupid this shit is, is so retarded

I hope she will lose her arm

Now try that with a european bastard sword.

Now show the same thing with a giant meteor falling down and being sliced in half.

Why cant she fight acno?

Brandy animated when

I hate how Erza became a meme.
At least she still has ass and tits.

>body completely broken
>using one arm to destroy a meteor
>gambling everything on one final attack
anyone else getting dragonball flashbacks?

>DON'T LOSE YOUR WAAAAAAAAAAAY plays in the distance

>next chapter
>Erza cut the meteor
>wtf? I love my daugther now
>let's be friends and act like nothing happen!

Please let this be the last Erza chapter. Lets move on to August's fight already.

>Suddenly Acnologia is behind Irene

Mashima pls

And then Erza will be suddenly pissed off that Acno killed Irene and will still manage to stand up and fight him.

It's more likely that Erza's body breaks down and Irene transfers Erza to her own body, dying in the process and making Erza and actual dragon.

Less plotza more nalu

And of course flame pants are on

>Chapter 519's title: "Show me a smiling face"

Irene will be killed by Acnologia in the next chapter pretty sure.

I was thinking that song too.

I can see this happening.

didnt Irene say something like " i couldnt enchant myself into you because we are relatives " ?

She hypothesized this but realized later that it was because they weren't alike enough. Erza isn't an enchanter or dragon slayer

I guess Fairy-types are really immune to Draco Meteor



got me there

You cheeky cunt

This doesn't look like something from Fairy Tail.

so why would it suddenly work?

If all Fairy Tail members are fairy type that would explain why they're all so OP.
>Fairy/Fire Natsu
>Fairy/Steel Erza
>Fairy/Psychic Lucy
>Fairy/Ice Gray

What else ?

I don't think we will see Acnologia return so soon and furthermore his arrival would be also Wendy's death in this moment.

Maybe hes into loli and will spare her for now.

Because she's Erza's mama!

Such nonsense. Natsu and Erza would die before Wendy. In fact, nigh-everyone would die before Wendy. The only one that can outlive Wendy is Asuka.

>Then Erza wounds him and forces him to retreat because she's Erza

Yfw Wendy isn't simply unconscious but already dead

>Erza is now a dragon in form
>fucks off to do dragon shit

Good, now we can focus on the much better girls.

My theory is that all characters expect Lucy and Yukino will die at the end or the arc and they will return back in past to resolve the war.
Universe one was simply a plot trick to put the celestial gate near to Lucy.

i expect so little of fairy tail this might actually happen at this point.

Because she's Erza! XDDD

This can happen but they will do it for fight Acnologia and not for resolve the war

U think we might get Made in Heaven 2.0?


kek mashima got so butblasted about zoro vs erza he made her had a feat so deathbattle can forever fuck off

Wendy Fairy/Flying

Gajeel Steel/Dark

I doubt anyone actually cares about them.


Is there anything Erza cant do?

Be the best semen demon

She can probably even bring back Ed's mom after a 1 chapter cliffhanger.

Being a good character instead of just a cumslut.

It's like Mashima just gave up.
Just fucking draw that Fairy Tail Darkness you faggot.

Is there a female character more protected than Erza?

I feel not Tatsumaki from OPM gets that much protection...


Tatsumaki gets no protection at all. Did you see how Golden Sperm fucked her shit up?

So is this guy going to go through every vidya game ending, just to milk his series as hard as he can?

Lucy is pretty best at that.

It took Monster Garou to take her out, and she was near dead by then, and she was injured again when she fought Saitama.

Erza was injured when she fought who was said one of the strongest Spriggans and Eileen cant put her down yet., which is BS............