>Be me
>supported Trump (Dont anymore tho)
why does Sup Forums hate me :(
Be me
>mental ilness
>unrelated to Sup Forums
stfu nigger monkey
Pence is anti-Sup Forums
They basically upped the attacks against us when they took power.
It cuts deep, user.
I am like any other woman, except I'm transgender. I like to keep a clean house for my partner, I want to adopt children, I'm white, etc.
Seriously, fuck Trump/Pence
Go back to your tranny threads on Sup Forums and /gif/ so I can never see you again with my filters.
Go back to Africa you fat lipped cretin.
>say the mongrelised nigger tranny to a white man
I'm not a nigger tho.
You're a nigger.
Because you hate yourself.
Go dilate yourself you fucking scum
I'm pre-op you kike.
>want to save the white race
>change sex so become an it and can't bear childs
>tell every one he is a nigger
Amerimongrel everyone
Great that way you can kill yourself now and save my tax dollars
>le based weeb tranny
kill yourself you waste of life
Nah. Your tax dollars are paying for my HRT and visits to Planned Parenthood.
Thank you user :)
What did Donald Trump do to you? Do you own million dollar property in California that you use the property taxes for to deduct federal income off of?
That's the only legitimate reason I could think to not like Donald Trump as an American citizen.
I wanted to join the military.
I rely on medicaid for HRT.
Obamacare is going to ruin many homosexual/transgender lives, due to lack of affordable healthcare.
Trump is a bad president.
>Mentally Ill
That right there is the reason we hate you.
>On a board full of self diagnosed Autistic anime watchers
we all have mental illnesses, user.
You just admitted you have medical problems and medical needs. Costly ones. Yet you think you're fit for military? The military regrets people for less than that. Obamacare hasn't been repelled. If you a medical conditions you should have a decent job to afford the insurance, the focus should be reducing the cost of insurance and not putting the burden on other tax payers.
"Free" healthcare, which Obamacare isn't even, is not a good solution to the healthcare problem.
We'll ignore the Military thing - Obamacare repeal was at the top of his list until he realized he couldn't repeal it. Yes, it's not free, but it's much more affordable than the Trump offered alternative (nothing)
Also, me having medical conditions means I should have a job? shouldn't it mean the opposite?
>I am like any other woman, except I'm transgender.
>except I'm transgender.
then you're not a woman. you never will be. you're just LARPing to yourself about your mental illness.
Literally producing more estrogen than testosterone.
Literally have natural , female breasts and a feminine body.
how in the world am I not a woman, next to my penis?
>you have to pay a costly operation and treatment because I developed a mental illness caused by eating too much soy.
>use every possible trick to don't pay for it
Man up. Oh wait
>like any other woman
This statement would only be true if you actually were a woman. It would be truthful to say you are like any other effeminate faggot.
I've never touched soy in my life. It has nothing to do with soy. Stop the conspiracy theories you whacky fucking canuck
He didn't realize he couldn't repeal it. Republican politicans have taken the stance of letting it buckle under its own weight instead. To let it politically damage the Democratic party. One step to accelerating this was to repeal the mandate which passed the senate tax bill recently. But is not yet law. When it will die I do not know. It is a campaign promise by Trump and so you can absolutely expect it to happen unless congress refuses, but that's all one can ask for in this system.
A medical condition like that should not prevent you from work. There are medical conditions that are covered that will allow you to receive disability subsidies from the government. Do you consider your transgenderedness a disability? Seems many in the thread here would. No, a terrible solution is NOT better than no solution. It's worse than no solution. Trump's alternative is not "(nothing)". Just because you didn't follow his campaign doesn't mean he doesn't have a plan. The first step of which is removing state-line boundaries that prevent national insurance competition. One of his campaign promises related to health insurance.
Enjoy living in your aids land, faggot.
You're a fool. He knows for a fact he can't repeal it. You're so blinded by Trumpism that you can't use your god damn brain.
I followed his campaign. I was one of his most devout followers, and that all changed because of the lack of his campaign promises being fulfilled, lots of bad decisions being made, etc
gets the gas
>unpassable, ungirly trannies
>unpassable, ungirly traps
>benis removal
>gender queer
>virtue signalling faggots in dresses
>"if you don't fuck me you're homophobic"
>"yaaas pride"
>hive of STDs
gets a pass
>actually look like women
>act normal, not like fuckin weirdos
>isn't a hive of STDs
i'd gas em all but these days it's pretty hard to tell an actual passing trans in normal irl encounters. so as long as they don't act like fuckin idiots and spread STDs then i can't really do much.
it's our system, education and media that's created a lot of trannies in the first place. we need to fix the root problem to fix the symptom.
hell is forever.
>Mentally ill abomination who thinks supporting Trump at one point means you won't be gassed
>implying chemicals in your body define your gender
>implying superficial breasts that will never work as their intended purpose define your gender
>not understanding basic genetics
always excuses. You will never have a womb, you will never have the female experience, you will always be a drugged-up copy of the real thing and nowhere near viable, believable or liked. Seek help.
>I am like any other woman, except I'm transgender
So then you're not like any other woman, because you're a mentally ill man that thinks he is a woman.
The individual happiness you might gain from submitting to your disorder is worth less than the social ill it causes
No, he doesn't know for a fact. It is repealable. It has more or less been killed with the mandate removal in the senate tax bill. A repeal requires congress, which Donald Trump is not the dictator of so it's not up to him. His promise was to sign a bill that repealed it. It hasn't been 8 years yet so should that bill reach him, and he doesn't sign it, then you can say he's not going to repeal it. He has consistently and faithfully achieved or worked towards several campaign promises so far. Maybe you're not used a politician doing that, but that is a fact.
You use of the word "Trumpism" makes me feel like you're a leftist from /r/politics. I doubt you were his most devout follower since you seem to be highly unaware that he has systematically worked towards several campaign promises and achieved many others.
You are just a liar.