Where's the best place to go that has free speech like Sup Forums but isn't a wagon load of shit flinging baboons

Where's the best place to go that has free speech like Sup Forums but isn't a wagon load of shit flinging baboons

I guess I mean where can i find real discussion


Also, ID: FaggotMaggot

But then I run into the actual shit flinging baboons, not the figurative ones you guys ate

No u

There isn't one.
Any place that even allows any unpopular opinions is going to get flooded by people who can't live knowing there's one person somewhere saying something they disagree with.
Just like Sup Forums gets flooded with people triggered that there are people who say things, any other place will get flooded by them too.

Imagine being as sad and pathetic as the people who come to Sup Forums just to flood the board with crap because they're upset people have different opinions.

>wanting real discussion on the internet


What about a place where the human to fag ratio is a lot healthier than pol, like /bant/ but if hey took themselves seriously

Please all people i know irl are either dumb or degenerate

This is the place.
A lot of the fags left for infinity chan and reddit. If you want to hang out with nothing but fags you can go to infinity chan.
Sup Forums is the best option available.

> have to wase through shit and shills to find the one gold nugget

One can hope

start a blog and chat with other like minded bloggers. I don't know


>knowing people irl


I ahve no access to neetbux and must blend in with normies to survive



this is a penis puppetry discussion forum so
go back to le plebbit with the rest of the leaves.


I can't wait for the ShareBlue and other lefties to leave Sup Forums

I'm tired of the "Hitler had three testicles. Defend this! Protip: you can't" bullshit.

Or, "some politician is a jerk. Defend this!"

We really need a mod to clean out the shit. Sup Forums has waaaaay too much ShareBlue going on.

I can see Sup Forums dieing before hiroshimoot or any of the (((mods))) do anything about them desu

Yeah you can’t have everything you want immediately in life.

I might just stop being a faggot and try something like that out friendos