
there is perhaps no greater sport in the world right now

The bullfighters (not just the matadors) are all men of great courage and agility
it is a beautiful thing, poetry in motion, the ultimate combination of strength, stamina, grace, agility, showmanship, quick reflexes and nerves of steel

Of course, the objections come from animal “rights” activists who deplore the cruelty and brutality of it all. Personally I think that, in itself, is a rather simplistic and barbaric way of looking at such an ancient and awesome ritual. Even in the style of bullfights wherein the bull is not killed in the ring, they are still killed afterward. Cattle are not exactly an endangered species and I sometimes wonder if these people are all militant vegans or if they just never stopped to consider where their hamburgers, meatballs or steak & eggs came from. I know the answer would be that it is the method that is the problem, but I for one find it far more grand and dignified for the bull to die in the ring, where he has at least a fighting chance, with the crowd applauding his strength and ferocity; going down in a blaze of glory rather than simply being bashed in the head with a hammer in an assembly-line style execution.
will this sport die in spain?

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the jews are working overtime to destroy our traditions fucking lefties, they should be thrown in the arena naked

>supporting the barbaric practise of ritualistic animal abuse

Said the Nazi cunt

>Being a subhuman

Not even once

Lack of empathy is the primary trait of a psychopath.

given your flag it is a very ironic statement

>whatabout food you eat that means i can torture animals

yeah nah thats not how it works retard, fucking insectoid non white bug people.

dont respond to meme flags

hitleru soyboys

>see blood
>faints in a graceful fashion

>fucking insectoid non white bug people.
its about tradition culture and other things an american can not ever hope to understand

Bullfighting in Spain has 25 millions of spectators every season, that doubles the spectators of spanish movies and concerts put together without recieving any public money either from the regional or national government.

All you haters can eat shit and die.

The bullfighters tho need to modernice it and risk to deal with several castas because they are just being lazy cunts lately and if this tradition dies they would have a big part of the guilty.

>le hemmingway's three sports
unironically though bullfighting is cool but change it to rodeo

Yeah man, NS Germany pushed for the first animal right's laws
Stop being a fucking barbarian

The only good to come from bullfighting are videos of matadors getting gored. Saw one dude get a horn through his eye socket.

how will they modernise?

>literally retarded

RIP bullfighting, you will be missed

They need to make it fair.. strap some swords on the bulls horns

retarded shit for fags

I don't enjoy causing unnecesary pain to animals. If they did it with traitors it would have my support but a bull is simply an animal who doesn't deserve all that pain.

>inb4 faggot
I hunt and I've killed plenty of animals along my life but I see no point in making them suffer in such an unnecessary way. Punishment is earned and an animal can do nothing to earn punishment.

But I must point out I don't support abolition, it's a tradition and some people enjoy it so by no means should it be shut down, I'm just saying I don't enjoy it.

>NS Germany
the nation that tried to exterminate a vast portion of white slavs allied with muslims and chinks and did fight in de segregated armies unlike america yeah im not talking any advice from retards

Bullfighting is gay and cruel. Do traditions that aren't sadistic towards animals.

>watching an animal slowly and painfully suffer
>great sport

you're fucking sick, and I can't wait til we wipe all you subhuman niggers off the face of this planet

>Lack of empathy is the primary trait of a psychopath
to much empathy is the primary trait of a bitch


>you subhuman niggers
has nigger admixture say user how many monkeys in the ol family tree?

>Implying the USSR didn't do the same with Ukranians
>Implying that not all sides were genocidal maniacs during the war

Flamethrowers would be rad

>Implying the USSR
the soviet union is not a very high bar to clear you know
i hate this what aboutism shit

>Flamethrowers would be rad
you could go classic and replace the bull with a man and give him a sword

>juz lik dak suls



What about England that killed 2,1 million indians?

Or the US that locked people up in concentration camps just because they were japanese?
Or the two nuclear bombs that they dropped on highly populated cities?


I don't think it will be completely banned any time soon because the andalusians would literally revolt, but maybe more regions will try to ban it. I've never been to a bullfight, but plan to go to one next year just to spite the communists.

I've seen plenty, very popular in my region. Great show, nice crowd.

what about what about just fucking stop it also they killed indians so who gives a shit
did any of the japs died? no then stfu
what is operation downfall read you uneducated moron the bombs were far better that attacking a prepared enemy that knew were they were coming they had the same number of troops the fighting would kill far more and again it killed gooks so what?

Or jonestown.

Jesus that was fucked up.

who the fuck cares about that shit

>Be Spanish
>Bullfighting is illegal in my region
Thanks Belgium

Isn't the bull drugged before they release it in the arena?

Literally marxist propaganda. These bulls have been selectively bred for centuries just so they have the right amount of aggressiveness. Why would they bother doing all that if they're just going to drug them before?

>look I'm morally superior to you
how entertaining. This is the same argument of sjw. Bullfighting triggers every leftist with the force of a thousand suns. And it cures us from too much self righteousness (literally the plague of modern civilization).

It's funny to see how european nu males keep screaming about it but they let their countries invaded. Or supporting dictators for pure pragmatism.

It's gay. Check those clothes out for further evidence.

>It's gay. Check those clothes out for further evidence.
he fights bulls to the death it does not matter what his clothes are

pic related made me respect bullfighting

a shame it never got finished

I have been in a bullfighting in Madrid, and I expected to become vegetarian after that. Instead, I saw something which is way better than a fucking rodeo, where the cowboy stays only 9s at maximum. It is fucking cool. Pic related, I took it

Hockey and Lacrosse are the two true sports for white men.

True. Once me and some friends were drunk and decided to go "ride a bull". It's past midnight we go out to the bull home and I can't see shit when the bull comes out of nowhere walks right by me. The fucker was up to my chest almost my shoulders and even drunk I had the sense to get out right away. Respect to the bullfighters. Thanks for reading my blog post consider supporting me on Patreon

You forgot rugby

not everyone who disagrees with you is an SJW.

Killing an animal for nothing other than your personal entertainment is disrespectful to God and nature. If you need to eat, that's one thing, but killing simply for sport is a sign of someone trapped in a low consciousness, animal like state.

>the right amount

So... not too much?

grew up on a farm and had a bull and man those things are fast and all muscle

OP, we live on the era where everything has to be cucked. The normies have taken over and we just let it. I remember 10 years ago nobody was vegan in my town. Now, there are LGBT vegan budhist hipsters. In the place that I work, all the new hires are under 25, whenever I tell them I went out with a hooker, or that I hit my wife for not obeying me, they bully me and call me crazy. So the best way to stop that invasion is to sabotage them

It's the cowardly act of using an already pre weakened animal to pretend that you're something that you're not.
Of course its main supporters are gypsies and Spaniards who hate and abuse animals in general.

I don't care about the animals.

But it's all funded by EU subsidies so fuck them.
If Spain wants to keep their traditions they can pay for it themselves, not make German and Dutch taxpayers pick up the bill.

>poetry in motion

Why not shill for the age old traditions of sacrificing orphaned children to build new cities and buildings or the based tradition of sacrificing humans to the sun gods.

>we live on the era where everything has to be cucked
true that and also the destroying of culture and melting in one bland global mono culture
we had one were men form different villages would dress up with masks and beat each other with clubs that was fun

who says i dont?

I am not for forbidding bullfighting, but I don't support it. I just don't understand that way of entertainment. It's not the same as killing an animal for meat. If you don't kill that animal, you can't eat meat, but if you don't watch bullfighting, you can still go to the cinema, practice sports or look for other ways of entertainment.

Genuinely bugtier.

that's why you Romanians are so inferior to other European countries.

dont be a pussy fin bullfighting does not compare with human sacrifice
i am disappointed with you letting cuck draw a line between killing people and an fighting bulls

I am a hunter as well. I agree that hunters have an obligation to as quick and painless kill as possible.

Bullfighting is not hunting. The animal actually has a chance to fight. A small one perhaps and I don’t know (have never been to a bullfight) but can the bull actually “win” and be spared?

Honestly it must have been a steer. At least I hope it was or that a really dumb thing to do. I bet our guide was just messing with us and we weren't in danger.

Wasn’t Lacrosse invented by injuns?

>Wasn’t Lacrosse invented by injuns?
apparently not and they arent as manly or traditional as bullfighting

>drugging an animal and impaling it with spears so that it bleeds out
this is not a fight, this is torture.
torturing someone/something for fun is not a sport, it's nigger entertainment.
all matadors must die.

Yes, bulls too aggressive aren't good either for a bullfight, for example they can charge too much at the beginning and then they'll get tired soon.

I dunno. It must take balls the size of watermelons to stand in front of that animal.

fighting an animal that could quite easy kill you is a fight and a challenge and its a more dignified end to such an animal than what the factory does

It can't "win" because it's not a competition, but if the bull has done an extraordinary good job it can be spared and used to breed more good bulls.

It's really an underrated post.

If they're so brave why don't the matadors fight each other till death? That's a sport I would watch, not these douchebags outsmarting a bull.

Disgusting shit like your whole nigger country ... Would never fight alongside with subhumans like you.Im happy for every ded toreador motherfucker.Would nuke you just for this

>whataboutism to justify torturing animals

typical subhuman

He is still alive, and he continues bullfighting nowadays.

>I dunno. It must take balls the size of watermelons to stand in front of that animal.
not actually relevant. there are a million things that require balls of steel and do not involve torturing anybody.


>typical subhuman
its not whataboutism retard just a correction and its true

thanks anons

If I may, I'd like to argue that bullfighting should exist precisely because it ISN'T a sport.

That's where I think people get slipped up. Sport implies competition. And those who oppose bullfighting see that there isn't a great deal of competition in most bullfighting matches. The man has an advantage over the bull. That's part of why sadistic animal rights activists feel justified in cheering when a matador is gored by a bull. Because he was in a "competition" and despite all his advantages, he lost.

It's not a sport. It's an art.

The bull's death and the pain (which for animals is of an entirely temporary nature I'd argue) that it experiences are part of the art. The bull suffers for a higher purpose. Because there is great beauty in the violence. I don't think you could justify bullfighting for sporting purposes. But because beauty is of great importance to the soul, you can justify it as a great artform.


we have this
and no bulls get killed, just fight...


Not a specialist in this area but I was told that if the bull kills the man, don't they kill the bull's mother?

What the fuck?


Is lacross the sport of tha autist? Literally only ever seen people praise this stupid sport of Sup Forums

Since bullfighting triggers everyone so much, I declare that there should be one per town every week.

>humans and animals are comparable

Fuckin spics. Can’t even take defeat like a man.

I'd be more impressed if it were two spics trying to stab eachother with spears.

>but but but whatabout food huh that means i can torture this bull
100% wataboutism you dipshit, fucking non whites are such loq iq mongrels

> Says the bong
How is horse race going?

Everyone I ever met that was into Lacrosse was pretty Beta.

Animals are holy. We should only kill them to eat, and we should do it in a "ethical" way.

Change the bull for another human, and i won't have anything against the arena.

jesus fucking christ have you no concept of dignity also the response was to the fucking argie who said its to easy
and there is literally two way that bull is going to die for sport or food its not whataboutism you fucking mogrelized retard

>>where he has at least a fighting chance

No l0l the bull is drugged to like 10%