"Japan lost the war"

>"Japan lost the war"
Which country is most niggers?
Which country created sex liberation?
Which country has natives dying of drugs?
Which country has now more working hours?

Happy Pearl Harbour.
Yes, happy.
And yes, u because American English doesn't follow dictionary.

Some of your states does not have loli legal, so much freedom.

no, Japan really did lose the war, fuck you, you lost it. You ruined it. Stupid gook faggot. Go back to making your transvestite anime for 5$ an hour.

also, this is 100% an english speaking user with a vpn

kill your self


>it's an englilsh teacher posts his first troll thread from Japan episode

Pearl harbor was yesterday dumb Jap.

Are you this angry because your penis can't reach inside a vagina?

We killed all your high test alphas in the war

All that's left is your Betas and omegas. Your salary men and hikkimori.

We destroyed a thousand year warrior culture in 4 years.


Well you did lose the war, luckily you nips didn't fall for the kike memes and can see what multikulti does to a nation

I emptied your doritos into bin. Am I now a VPN?

>sexual liberation is bad
>legalize lolis
this guy

Nah, Japan's still going to collapse like the rest of us because their country doesn't breed anymore. They're literally the definitive example of a human behavioral sink.

O fuk this is a real deal. No obese English teaching westerner would waste doritos. Hes a skinny gook alright

Prove you're a nip and not a welfare faggot in Kandena or Okinawa.

It's a trade off. Western countries have better fertility rates cause blacks and shitskins have like 12 kids +2 for welfare cheques. Japs are homogenous and if they even have children only 1 or 2.

Happy Pearl Harbour!
Let's honor the brave Japanese pilots who gave up their own life to kill more Americans!

I mean we wrote your constitution and created your modern government Sooooo...

>Population decreases
>But GDP does not
More money for less people, only Americans think this is bad, this is why they are mostly black man

delet this

So you're saying you made something for us and we made it better.
While you failed and collapsed?

>Let's honor the brave Japanese pilots who gave up their own life to kill more Americans!
Based gooks.

You need to stop smoking the Sup Forums memes my man. 9 to 12 % of the population is not mostly.

Also the US and Japan are so friends and allies. Not to mention so culturally intertwined at this point that most people mistake parts of each others culture as our own. If are soldiers are stationed over there that means we are willing to die for it.

Stop embarrassing. You are not Japanese. Use memflag if you must, or at least do not larp

But we aren't failed and collapsed. Maybe it's a language barrier, but you aren't very good at trolling.

>t. American English Teacher

>Also the US and Japan are so friends and allies
United states, we were allie with freedom.
Do you think you are free?
Look, English numbers


>the VPN chink thinks its people

>Which country has now more working hours?

This kind of low tier shitposting has got to be a Marine. How are the crayon rations?


We love you, little guy. Keep doing what you're doing, and we'll all be friends.

These are words written in a sequence, but I don't know what they mean. Enjoy your lonely drinking night, I'm out.

Next time swith Google locale to japanese.

I still like hentai and loli.
I am just sick of of black Americans coming to my country. Even back in SHS we learned "I am liking" which now my university says is not correct.
Why teach us this then?

you fucking monster

actually france created sexual liberation
thanks foucault & co.

japanese do not call it hentai
you've outed yourself, proxychink

Then what is correct English?
This website has Hentai board right?


Yours, you larping fuck.

excuse me just testing something

one more time

This. Goodbye thread.


Is it?

Nice try, your writing is not look japanese enough. I know how japanese write english. Try again next time, english teacher cuck.

Whiteys are killing themselves. They are the source of degeneracy and should be gone anyway

You're english teachers are the worst cancer fuck

based.. not even mad

you stupid fuck. whites are kike slaves. they can't even be racist IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES. the real battle is with jews. which has me pretty worried to be honest

If you drop two nuclear bombs on a country, they win

one more tiiime

America is the only country where naming the Jew gets you fired, killed or worse.

But you're gay Chinese.

> nazi
> defends the americucks


Unless Portugal is counting "house wife" and "drug dealer" this is literally impossible with only 25% of their adults working.

gee, i wonder why

sorry I'm just testing how Sup Forums handles edge cases in tripcodes sorry for messing up your extremely high quality thread

last one


OK, keep trying



Clearing cached name so I don't accidentally post with this name again tomorrow.

I think his point was that his country is doing fantastically (other than their shit birth rate which may actually increase the quality of life anyway once all the old are dying off) and yours is doing shit because you loved the jews just a bit *too* much.