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I still can't understand how someone could be mixed-race in a western country and feel comfortable supporting white nationalism.
helped by false flagging agitators.
Leave us alone we just want to help you
That's one cute street shitter!
No, their youtube channels will keep grow and draw more conservative leaning people. We (as in Sup Forums) are just distancing us from them, again.
First that spic fuentes started the optics debate, now that bald polish manlet started adding fuel to the fire.
I don't care, you do whatever. But the best possible outcomes I can foresee from supporting a cause like that is either getting deported against your will to some unfamiliar nation or having your family broken up.
>Tara mccuckthy
>gets triggered when she sees a white man with a hot thicc nigress and rages on twitter
>defends a coal burning jew
We don't need them. It's not a fucking social club.
And why does this Jewish Indian girl who has orgies think that she's some kind of White Nationalist leader? Fuck off.
I want borders to close before any mass deportations happen.....or a civil war
Nick is one of the few worthwhile people the reactionary right currently has. The others either have a ton of personal baggage (see Mike Enoch) or they're autists who can't behave properly in public.
Don't laugh. The whole fucking world is eating itself. You're next.
I am 75% English
12.5% Poo
12.5% Kike
I would still support White Nationalism. If I am not white then what am I?
By Nuremberg laws the Nazis would have accepted me so I think I'll be alright, and I'm pretty sure she would be ok too. What should slightly muddy people do? "oh I'm not completely white, guess I'll just live in a gross, violent neo-liberal shithole rather than making a nice white utopia.
there are ranks and families of races, you dumb fuck
oh no what will we do without trashy women repeating everything for money. Surely western civilization is doomed.
>1 post by this ID
Don't forget to sage
These women were never a part of the right wing movement. They are leeches that are thankfully starting to get exposed as such.
>eating itself
these le 56% face e-celebs were never "one of us" in the first place so that is incorrect.
>rather than making a nice white utopia
Which you may or may not be allowed to live in. I'm not saying you shouldn't support it but I'd be cautious. There are some really deranged people on the far right and I see them on a regular basis.
Who is this mixed jew?
Looks ugly tbqh
weeding out the chaff
>Says on stream he wants to turn israel into a nuclear crater
Im sure that wont come up in the future, huh nicky boy
I bet you think that trump recognizing israel also isnt a big deal huh
there are many ways in which you can help us and we can help you. We live in an age where we are uncovering the mystery of genes and how they work. You will be ok. Sup Forums isn't a good place to ask this as you will be dealing with spergs and people who have way too much hate filled in their hearts. Just take a step back and think about how race realism is becoming ever more understood. Think about how people like jared taylor are much more influential here than people who wish to be butchers. If you fight to help the European reclaim his lands, then you will be given a good life. Too many of my brothers would see that as justice. White mans justice is the greatest justice.
If these nigger gendered bitches want to do anything they should focus exclusively on issues of feminine virtue and get female audiences. Otherwise fuck off
Being Anti-Left doesn't make you on the Right, retard - I'm a Radical Centrist, faggotbreath.
I know what you are saying, I'm confident any full on nutters will be silenced by the more rational majority of white nationalists. Obviously if some cunts start up the Kill anyone who is less than 100% Anglo party I would probs not support it XD
>Says on stream he wants to turn israel into a nuclear crater
Link? That seems out of character.
This. Anyone that does not see the problem with a tradthot in a tight cosplay outfit so that betaboys listen to her and give money to her is an actual, literal retard. Men are so pussified by now they think taking these women seriously and donating to them is helping their "movement".
>Trump recognizing Israel
I don't know why anyone cares about this honestly. Other than "muh Jews" nobody's really articulated a reason I should care.
How are people with Youtube accounts part of a Political movement?
Also, this bitch looks like she is doing ASMR.
Who is she?
He followed up with
>Well it was a joke,
but you know it will come up if he wants to do something serious. He is just a twitter shitposter who trolled the altright into selfdestruction. He has no real message besides trolling people.
Good goy
Is she really a coalburner? Proof?
The thing is the "deranged people on the far-right" aren't going to have any part in the creation of an ethno-state, if anything they're the sort of people that get purged after it's formed because they tend to become the biggest troublemakers
We have to thank you paid share blue shills, you actually create a big drama and all the attention in fact helps and strengthens our trads.
Lauren Rose has attracted another 1,000 followers (20% growth) on Twitter in the last few days.
Besides, it is obvious that you are shills, because you shame them for a necessity. What should they live from, thin air? To do it professionally and full-time they need to receive money. In addition, it is absolutely deserved to be financially rewarded for great work.
Meanwhile you ban their banking, PayPal, Patreon accounts, demonetise them on YouTube. We can clearly see (((who))) does not want them to get money.
Does she look like someone that would be content with whitey's 5 incher?
>the right is eating itself by shutting out THOTs who were never welcome
>Good goy
Dont disrespect that poster he is full-blooded American mystery meat and is ready to die for his country, Israel!
We Americans are not good goys, we're the best goys!
Mixed. Only half bad.
She's not a coalburner. OP never said that. I think she deleted her twitter and youtube after (((people))) were making fun of her for either being a white nationalist woman with no kids, or a mixed race white nationalist. Either way she rage quit
Lauren Southern was a coal burner "6 years ago"
"""The Right"""
>base your "movement" around e-celebs rehashing tired dead-end talking points and petty conflicts
>it falls apart
Should have taken the Joe Pill.
No, these thots we're never conservative to begin with. They just found a niche filled with thirsty betas.
nonwhites are subhumans
Can someone explain to me why she had a meltdown? Doesn't she know how good that is for our enemies? Is she okay or do you think she was a shill? (I hope not her content was good)
purely based on looks, the slut on the left deserves to be more e-famous than lauren southern. lauren southern makes my dick crawl up inside of me.
no, youre just spamming and a few idiots are falling for it
Because all of a sudden she started getting attacked for shit that's been known for ages. It's a pattern that keeps repeating
so fucking ugly,delete it RIGHT NAOW
they will rather quit their own movement then have white children
Oh I wasn't trying to accuse OP of implying anything. Perhaps I should've clarified that in my original post. I thought word was going around that one of the main reasons for the "rightfu" backlash was because they were coalburners. I haven't been on Sup Forums for a while and I don't really follow eceleb shit so I guess I just needed a quick rundown.
I don't mind non-Whites helping, quite the opposite. I don't even care about the motif.
The problem arises when said non-Whites claim to be Whites or demand to be allowed among Whites. That makes you no different than the last negro landed in Lampedusa: just another filthy parasite attempting to live among White European people.
Because it makes sense. White nationalism is different from "pure bloodline" LARP ethnic nationalism.
Anybody can support white people in their plight, just as people support other countries in theirs.
Then why should they help? Why will they stick their neck out for whites if the sentiment is not reciprocated? You either have friends or enemies.
>The problem arises when said non-Whites [...] demand to be allowed among Whites
LOL, what a joke. Literally 1 post later:
>I want borders to close before any mass deportations happen.....or a civil war
>I wanna live with WHITEYZ!
Q. E. fucking D.
Is there a version with gondola?
why do whites constantly do it for nonwhites?
they think its the right thing to do
>Still no reason why I should give a fuck where the U.S. embassy is in Israel
>Still no reason why I should give a fuck about a woman's political opinions
lmao I have pretty light skin my man. I pass for white all the time. I'm probably whiter than you
What do I care? If some non-White thinks he found a way to profit from an ethnically awaken Western World good for him. If he wants to lend a helping hand, however selfish his motif, I'll take it.
>I have pretty light skin
>how do you do, fellow huwhites?
Thank you. We need all the help we can get.
It wasn't "our movement" but an e-celeb movement.
We were still anonymous when this shit started.
>will be silenced
That's why people don't trust you
>the right calling out their infiltrators who only want shekels means its eating itself!
Most of the people with some non-white heritage in the pro-white sphere are that way because they're treated as white people, by both whites and non-whites, and those are the lines that'll be drawn as ethnic conflict escalates. Tyrone isn't going to give you a pass because your great-grandad was a Turk. I think the other reason is that because of their heritage they're more aware of racial/ethnic identity.
Exactly this.
They're hypocrites, that's it.
They talk about "having kids!" And "working for the white race!" Yet they're childless, single and have when confronted about saying such shit yet having dated plenty non-whites they get super defensive and go "b-but he's le based black man" they say some shit about values yet they don't live by those values.
They simply regurgitate the same talking points and hope some beta orbiters donate them money.
And they also talk about "fighting for their race" but the minute of confrontation they get super pissed and start say "you shouldn't criticize women" basically super thin skinned.
How do they expect to "fight for their race" when a simple autists trollin them causes them to break down and screech?
Because they desperately wish they were 100% white
>The right is eating itself
>Posts a pic of literally who?
>Meanwhile the left actually is eating itself
Dude there is no way you are that white
Why would Tara McCarthy quit making videos if she was only in it for the money?
>I am 75% English
>12.5% Poo
>12.5% Kike
>If I am not white then what am I?
>By Nuremberg laws the Nazis would have accepted
>by laws written before genetics and DNA were discovered id be white, therefore im white
Yeah, the shitskin brain inside of you is all there.
I'll try to put it in simple terms so even someone with less than 98% White European genes can understand: you are the living breathing embodiment of what we want to avoid in the West. You are the shitskin, son of a shitskin (in your case more than one), grandson of a shitskin, and so on - and it will forever be so. If you're a White European then so will the grandchildren of the latest negro who set food in Europe today. And who are you, you filthy hypocrite, to deny """future Whites""" the right to live in Europe? With or without diversity propaganda people will, slowly but steadily, mix up simply because of proximity. And once that happens we can all be disgusting abominations like you: all pretending to be something we aren't because there's none left to claim otherwise [pic related].
>full on nutters will be silenced
It didn't take long for your true colors to shine. You really are no different from any other shitskin vermin that crawled their way into Europe over the last few decades: you just want a piece of White European life for yourself, and want to shut down anyone who opposes their dispossession.
Because without us they're doomed to live in a Brazil tier shithole until the Chinky bugmen wipe them all out.
Thots are bad news. That said, I view the number of thots who are trying to weasel their way in and get paypig money out of people as a METRIC of success. The more these women are clamoring to get in and take it over, the more mainstream you know we're getting. But it's a double-edged sword. If you actually let them get power, you doom things from the start. It starts being more about thot-worship and white knighting than it does about ideas. And the longer we let it go without nipping it in the bud, the more of a problem this will be in the future.
I'm glad that it still seems like a lot of Sup Forums have the right idea about this and it's mainly a vocal minority of white knights and shills who fight against. But there are still all these thirsty betas who have never been woke to the Woman Question. Which is just strange from my personal experience, because in general the woman pill gets swallowed on Sup Forums many MANY years before you end up taking the pill on jews etc. Everyone from Sup Forums to Sup Forums to /fit/ knows the score when it comes to what women are like and how they should be treated. But apparently not these fucking betas on Sup Forums
Keep in mind that these girls are the _EXACT_EQUIVALENT_ of "gamer gurrrrls" who everyone rightly points out are just attention whores exploiting the fact that women are a minority in video games and using that to get legions of boys to shower them with attention and gifts. Same shit here. But I guess Sup Forums has tons of newfags and boomers from reddit now who don't grasp this.
You realise the only ones eating are the globalist elites right?!
Italians aren't white :^)
Tradâ„¢ women are so HOT!
Glad theres some people on here that get it. These women are fucking with mens base instincts to protect women and give them resources. They are no different than camwhores. Lonely isolated men are falling for it and are now defending them no matter what.
Nail on the head.
And something I've noticed is that if you criticize these thots for being emotional, having lazy regurgitated content, being hypocritical, pushing crypto-feminist viewpoints, etc suddenly you get LEGIONS OF BETA KEKS pouring out of the woodwork to defend m'lady. The betas and the women will then attempt to reframe the issue and make this about women IN GENERAL, which it is not.
If you call a man a cuck for acting like a cuck, everyone sees this as simply a criticism of that individual man.
But if you call a woman a thot for acting like a thot, then suddenly it's now an attack on ALL women in general?
Come the fuck on with that horseshit. That's the same game the feminists play and exploit to make it so there's this "female solidarity" bullshit where you're not allowed to criticize ANYTHING a woman does.
Additionally, two reminders for everyone
1) The e-celebs like Southern were shilling Sup Forums constantly for months on end and wouldn't let up, so the fact that their dirty laundry got aired and they got trolled for their constant shilling is just fucking karma. And now they're acting like they're the victims when they started this bullshit in the first place.
2) While thots are bad, they're just women being women. Women are social creatures who are molded to the set of incentives and disincentives that MEN give them. In other words, the real problem isn't the thots themselves, but the BETA WHITE KNIGHTS WHO DEFEND THEM, SHILL FOR THEM, AND GIVE THEM MONEY.
Funny how you went from
>me mixed mongrel just wants to help, pls no bully
>haha, im huwhite ur not huwhite; i stay in white country and you cant stop me ;^)))
in just 3 posts.
The mongrelized cries in pain as he strikes you. Really makes me think.
>In other words, the real problem isn't the thots themselves, but the BETA WHITE KNIGHTS WHO DEFEND THEM, SHILL FOR THEM, AND GIVE THEM MONEY.
Thats exactly it. Anyone currently orbiting these thots and defending them in these threads, please fucking get your head out of ass, you are being fooled.
Shows you how much they value their principles when a thot gets called out and they decide to call it quits. The weak need to be weeded out.
>cries in pain
Didn't happen
>he strikes you
You struck first
Glad we cleared that up :)
Yeeesh, you're not white, so you would not be allowed in a white ethnostate.
So why advocate for something that will ultimately reject you?
I get not wanting live and work among jungle niggers though, but you can do that without an ethnostate.
Regardless, an ethnostate will never happen.
>like you would ever get a woman that hot
>porn has ruined you.
This shit needs to be stopped immediately before the right wing movement becomes a fucking Femdom circus.
Lol, do one you spaghetti nigger. I look just as white as an Italian, if not more. Your people got their fair share of Abdul's cock over the centuries and that's why you are the slightly mongrelised race that you are.
That being said, I still consider Italians to be more white than anything else and wouldn't exclude them from a white ethnostate simply because their genome houses a few desert genes.
>couldn't ride the tiger
I don't even know what the think of these newfag betas. Apparently we have people who are (or at least might be?) redpilled on jews and race, but still have this feminist belief that women are equal to men? I guess we spend so much time focusing on niggers/kikes that we forget that some people are new and aren't woke to woman. Which surprises me because all across Sup Forums we all realized the truth about female behavior long before Sup Forums was even around.
I don't know what to do with them either. They're more loyal to their e-waifus than they are to the white race. This is what happens when weak-minded fools get brought in not because any ideas persuaded them, but because a pair of tits were flopping in their faces. Anyone who gets persuaded because tits is a mental midget and probably useless to us anyway
That's not even the most egregious part of all this. She WON'T leave. She's just using it as an excuse to attention whore. Look at the way she hems and haws; "oh, I think I'm out! oh, maybe I'll stick in! Oh please, please disavow and apologize!" and all this bullshit.
The fact that she's even considering "leaving" over some entry-level trolling and banter means that she's spineless and doesn't even really give a shit about the ideology.
But the way she uses it to siphon attention and sympathy by being indecisive makes it 100% beyond-a-shadow-of-a-doubt that it's just about attention whoring. Because if that wasn't the case, she'd just leave without fanfare
>I look just as white as an Italian, if not more
>how do you do, fellow huwhites?
Take 2 ().
You identity conflicted mongrels are so predictable.
I'd support you brother
As long as you aren't a friend of kikes or feel loyalty to pajeets, you can prove your honorary status to me