Check mate whitey. Women and minorities prejudices are valid but yours isn't.
Check mate whitey. Women and minorities prejudices are valid but yours isn't
What does randipulator have to do with pizzagate?
Saw this gem on the Facebook page Feminist News, check it out. It would be a shame if we debunked some of their shitty memes.
>Men twice as likely to be murdered
>Somehow is more of a problem for women
I understand nothing
Fake news slide thread
Fuck off, Jewnigger
What are the chances I get robbed walking through niggerville USA and getting after refusing VS walking through whiteboyland USA?
That's why women belong in the kitchen, much safer there then going outside.
765,651 children were murdered by their mothers in 2010.
checkmate kek.
"Black women were most likely to die by homicide of any kind, at 4.4 deaths per 100,000 people, followed by Native American women, Hispanics, and finally whites and Asians."
Niggers killing female niggers at a much higher rate than whites killing female whites. Remember that.
>1/3rd is statistically significant
>but 1/3rd of 1/3rd isn't
If you always play the victim, you will always be the victim.
>yeah you see you have nothing to far from those guys who are constantly doin nuffin
slide threads need to be saged
Also, in raw numbers, more whites are killed by blacks in the US than women killed by men. Remember that one too.
Be interesting to see the “Materials and Methods” section. Blacks only 13% of murderers? Where is this data from? Norway?
wrong image
Black on white vs white on black rape stats would fit nicely ere.
Blacks commit all forms of violent crime at higher rates. Whites are usually smart enough to live around other whites, so that's what the majority of their assailants are. This doesn't change that the vast majority of interracial crime is black on white.
Also telling that they only mention murder, not assault, theft, or rape.
>men twice as likely to be murdered
>making this about women
fuck off cunts, you're clearly living a safer life
>leftists analysing statistics
Do they do this willingly, or are they simply this dumb?
Here's an interesting stat for them. In 2017 0% of Icelanders were killed by poisonous snakes. Therefore poisonous snakes are not dangerous.
Honestly a good point
>Black people murder their fair share of white people, but also murder a fuckload more black people than white people murder
My brain hurts trying to think about this.
Show interracial violence stats. Also everyone is aware that men are more violent, that's why women need men to protect them from other men.
Sometimes, I think to myself,
>"Why do we ('we' being straight white men) give so much of a damn about what some psychotic feminist cunts think?!"
and then I remind myself that some of these cunts actually try to influence policy. That's where the line needs to be drawn. They're great for youtube and tumblr cringe compilations and shit, but they're literally useless for fuckall other than that.
only 30%? we gotta pump those numbers up those are rookie numbers
But it's actually true. You can't debunk it.
Women should fear men. Absolutely, they should fear us, then maybe they'd take more care choosing their partners instead of abusive, lazy, assholes, but instead they open their legs for them. It is on them to hold out for a man worth a damn who can provide for them, but do they? no, they have their kinky bad boy flings and reap the whirlwind. Not even mentioning the psychological strain these dumb bints punt on more or less normal men when they lack such basic reasoning skills.
This is what happens when people are less reliant on their families and community, and by extension on their opinion of them and more dependant on the state providing equal opportunity or accommodating terrible life decisions like childbirth out of wedlock. How much money do we lose in hiring women who have a chance of rendering zero productivity for a couple years if they go on maternity leave rather than hiring a man who is motivated to work as much as possible to provide for themselves and their family?