Dragon Ball Super

Vegeta status: Still a jobber
Black status: Still best boy

Other urls found in this thread:


>Punches have no weight
>0 environmental damage

Great manga.

>Having autism

>there are still retards out there who don't understand that everything is ki-based and the character control and focus in their ki to increase lethality

Bleach-tier retardation going on


Copypasting the post because nobody gave you (You)s the first time, cute user?

So, is this user still coloring this page?

Sure bro

Goku lost to a pissy teenage alien fuckboi

Good thing Goku didn't job

And you lost to the educational system, or that's what I take away from such a finely crafted micro-post.

Keep telling that to yourself.

>I have autism: the post
you have to go back pedro

Live translations for the chapter.

>I'm a retard: The Post
Off yourself.

Toyotaro made SS2 Trunks equal to SS3 Goku to establish Trunks' base is superior so his future "demigod" form being stronger than SSB Goku actually makes sense

Prove me wrong

Thanks. Based mangabros helping each other yet again

>TheDevilsCorpse ‏@DragonBallRedux 21m21 minutes ago
>Zamasu wasn't around to observe Black because he was investigating the other Parallel Worlds for their eventual invasion & Zero Humans Plan.

This explains why Trunks never saw him. Does Toyo answer everything?


It's annoying, the anime could have had this if they didn't waste their time focusing on useless resistance flashbacks or recapping History of Trunks.

Black admitting he was powerless and weak in Goku's body at first is why he jumped timelines makes sense. Also Beerus finding out he stole Goku's body would piss him off.

when people say 'canon' they mean written or approved by toriyama, right?

>"rushed" monthly manga explains more and better than weekly anime

It's funny because isn't only about toei being bad and Toyo good, but both things at same time

>Disrupted the foundation Goku had built and reset everything fans assumed were purely physical, like transformations & near death boosts.

So a reset. Does this explain why Black was so damn skinny?

when people say 'canon' here they mean things they like

Having little eye for detail, now get back to your studies! No cake for you!!!!
>Having Son I am Disappoint

>skinnier than Goku

You also believe Black's skin is darker than Goku's..?

>Black was so damn skinny
Because Black was a zombie, or Goten

Piccolo in base form is actually stronger than Goku if Goku isn't using Kaio-Ken or God Ki.

Black's skin tone is supposed to be how Goku's looks like. Toriyama gave Black the same skin tone as Goku in the draft, and Toei took it as is.

zamasu was using a goku suit

>Does this explain why Black was so damn skinny?

Black was skinny in the anime because they used Toriyama's design (Everyone looks skinny with his current artstyle)

Why does Goku even bother with normal SSJ? Just use God Ki.

Thanks to say something I already know. Why do you think I asked about Black's skin being darker? Is the same with his musculature, I just asked it to make user realize Black isn't skinnier than Goku, Vegeta or any character

Yes, and?

That user literally explained it to you as plainly as possible.

Toriyama's design for Goku has Goku with a fairly dark farmer's tan.

You know.

Because he's a fucking farmer.

to 'warm up' before the real fight begins

But I already know it, you retard

>I already know the answer to the question I'm asking
>I only asked it cause I wanted user to see something that is literally demonstrably false

Are all DB fans this retarded?

>Black says every time Zamasu heals him from near death, the damaged cells become "mine", allowing "god's" mind & body to connect better.

So Goku's cells dies and becomes Zamasu's, making Zamasu having complete control of the body.

>Goku's soul has already run out zenkais
>Black-Zamasu soul not

So, if Black-Zamasu gets all his possible zenkais, and he and future Zamasu exchange bodies, the new Black can have even more zenkais? Fuck

Goku fights at the level of his opponents if they are weaker than him. Jesus do mangafags know nothing?

Holy shit dude, you are retarded? I mean, ACTUALLY retarded? Some user said Black is skinnier than Goku, but as I know, those details (darker skin, musculature, etc) are just toei fault addapting Black to the anime, so I asked him if he also thinks Black's skin is darker than Goku's to make him realize why Black's differences with Goku aren't "canon", just a mistake from Toei
I'm genuinly surprised that you can't get something so simple like this

Remember when he could have killed Fat Buu in SS3 but he didn't cause Buu was weaker than him at the time.

Having casual conversations during the fight and shit.

The only time Goku came in hot as fuck and straight decommissioned a nigga was Nappa.

>Goku, unaware of Zamasu's immortality, bluntly tells Zamasu that he's nothing compared to Black and that it's time for his butt kicking.

None of that Blue clashing with Future Zamasu outta nowhere.

So there's none of that shit about Zamasu killing Chichi and Goten in the manga?

Why is Trunks such a punk ass bitch that he gave Black so many zenkais. If he was any kind of unretarded he'd have killed Black the first time he came around.

You are actually fucking stupid. Don't breed.

>>Goku's soul has already run out zenkais
that doesn't work that way
you can't just run out of a ability
goku doesn't use it because of his pride as a martial artist

>Soul's can run out of Zenkai's


Sounds like some Toyo canon

I mean if there were no limits he would be invincible, so there had to be a limit to the hax... I guess?

They aren't named Broly

OK, I understand that you can't deal with your problem.

there's no limit
they could abuse it like black
however they don't have a unlimited healing item called zamasu
they could use dende but i don't think their pride allows it

You're retarded. It's the same thing as the anime, except Toyo is explaining it. Goku and Vegeta don't get zenkais anymore, Black gets plenty. This is the reason why.

Smugku is back

Or senzu beans, but they are quite limited because plot, there is not a lot of it to plant them.

Also if it's true that it's been retconned that there is a limit to zenkais it was only so Black wasn't invincible, why would Zamasu stop thrusting Black with his sword if he kept getting stronger everytime?

>hur hur why Goku back to regular SS

>"Vegeta said he didn't want to team up, so Goku probably dropped out of SSGSS when he thought Zamasu was defeated."

Black wants Saiyans. He doesn't want greens. He doesn't want his daily dose.

So basically

>Zamasu steals Goku's body
>Oh shit it backfired, why can't I use his abilities? I can't even go SSJ!
>oh shit shit shit Beerus likes Goku and he'll kill me for this, better switch timelines
>I powerup through pain...my alternate self can help me
>sup bro lets go on a murder road trip throughout the universes while you keep healing me

because there was no reason
he was already the strongest in that timeline

>Universe is at stake


So he'd eventually stop getting the Z-boost, since his cells wouldn't be Saiyan right?

goku didn't wanted ssj god because of muh pride

Oh, I guess that explains it, why adding the soul thing then?

Wait did Zamasu actually do the training of abusing Z-Boosts that everyone always says would be perfect Saiyan training but they never do it?

the important thing here is that if goku went SSB again he would be weaker, since you can't keep transforming into it

remember when goku kept firing his kamehameha to himself during the space trip to namek

actually no, that happened? Damn I need to rewatch old DBZ before I go shootin off at the mouth

>Manga thread so dead you had to take it out of the OP name


Yeah, user, that's why the important thing is point there's a reason for power down to SS. Also we don't how much Goku and Vegeta should wait to properly use SSB again, maybe Goku just need five minutes to go Blue again (also he even have senzus).

except Zamasu destroyed his senzus...

Because eventually it becomes too hard to get anything decent out of weak opponents.

The further you're pushed, the stronger you get.

If you have to guys of equal power levels beating each other to an inch of life, then you get a lot more than just getting stabbed in a cut because your entire body has been brought down to the brink rather than just suffering a fatal wound.

The ideal scenario is two saiyans with a healer. The Saiyans fight each other until they're nearly dead and then get healed.

It's why Zamasu would have honestly done better to get a THIRD of him in a Goku body because then the two Goku Blacks could train each other to maximum

When Goku is already back to regular SS

>Zamasu dodges SSB attack in the anime, all this outrage about Toei being shit
>Zamasu dodges SSB attack in manga, you suck Toyo's cock

I fucking hate you mangafag hypocrites. This is just as badly written you fucks, nothing here is better.

Goku knows about z boosts. The point is everyone kinda of assumed it became useless after achieving SSJ since it's never brought up again after the Frieza Saga.

back when they showed you taking weeks to level up in strength, still wasn't enough so he needed another zenkai to reach ssj ceiling

Everyone in Geekdom's review saying the manga is superior.

just me abusing zenkai, don't tell toriyama!

looks mighty similar to something

im still trying to repent for giving him one of those (you)s this morning

Zamasu power isn't established as SS2 tier in the manga as was in the anime, you retard. Also manga-Zamasu only dodge one single punch from a Goku not taking him seriously, while anime-Zamasu did pic related

Did someone just post The Number THREE!?
>arrives from dungeons and dragons thread
>hi guys
> Yout all doing alright today?
>is what I'd like to say

>Youtube comments
>being relevant.

Best written story all stories all of history
and taken from us too soon.

>Actually putting stock into what comes off of Youtube
>Listening to literal autists for varying levels of autism

This is what's going to end the human race: Not weapons, not disease, but infinite stupidity like (You) possess.

Has Black used his sword/scythe tech yet?

Certainly is Namco-Studio Shaft all of a sudden
>if only I had a reaction folder full of hive insects famous for plant pollination or hypothetical crossbreeds with other insects so to prevent mass starvation, that'd put a stop to this quasi-butthurt
Sigh, a man can dream. Mayweather! Bring in the forms for the Johnson lawsuit! I like the cut of his jib.
>implying implicitly
*a plaintive melancholic tune plays*

even then he started out in base, rather than using Kaioken

He'll use something better. And that mmmmaybe

We already saw him sparring with Kibito, which is a ssj1 tier and struggling a bit, he's not that far from that

>Zamasu power isn't established as SS2 tier in the manga

unless Zamasu is a retard, Goku's body has to be much stronger than his own, for the bodyswitch to be worth anything

>we already saw him sparring with Kibito
Not in a serious fight, also Kibito literally didn't anything against Zamasu except push him with psychic powers, there's no hint of Kibito's power being nearly to Zamasu's


>Watching a clickbait garbage youtuber like geekdom
>Giving it value to the comments

Literally anybody ever said that, pathetic toeishill

Considering whenever you point out a flaw in a thread, everyone comes to damage control and act like it's not a flaw at all.

Point in case:
>Vegeta being stronger than Black in SS2 when base Black beat Trunks
>It's revealed the next chapter that Black was jobbing on purpose
>Heh, n-never doubted /OURGUY/

>Black goes Super Saiyan instead of going Rose

Yeah, but toyopedros don't think the manga is perfect, for sure.

So what? Dragonball timelines seem to branch off of events, if Zamasu was killed by Beerus there will exist a timeline where he wasn't, whats wrong with that?

Yeah now I regret giving that faggot user a (You) too.

How is the act of DESTRUCTION the act that splits the timeline?

That makes no sense.

Beerus kills Zamasu in the timeline... this somehow creates a timeline where Zamasu is still alive... how? How would Zamasu escape? The timeline would obviously split the moment right before Zamasu is erased, which means Zamasu was still in-front of Beerus ready to face him in battle.

It makes no sense. Toriyama obviously didn't think this through.