Racist hypocrisy

If you dont feel bad looking at this picture, you lack basic human empathy and are considered mentally ill.

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Wow! The parents should really fee those kids.

That's cannibal holocaust a movie.

You retards understand I can feel bad for them and still not want 20 million of them in my country?

I feel terrible that they are unable to feed themselves.

What movie is OP's post from? "Welfare commercial #117"?

don't you think you are wasting your time trying to argue with them? I mean you aren't going to convince them to feel empathy if anything you will make the matter worst.

Wow! The parents should really eat those kids

I feel empathy for those who have their hard-earned tax dollars, wasted in government aide to keep this cycle of destitute dysfunction, continuing.

If one is truly 'compassionate', they would look to control this population of miserable, poverty.

There was an article in...one of the UK press about the 1980s concert organized by (((Bob Geldoff))) to raise shekels for Africa. And what did it do? Fucking doubled the population in 30 years and wiped out a lot of the native fauna. Like the signs at the boardwalk "DON'T FEED THE SEAGULLS." You feed them, and then in 17 years, guess what? Same exact thing, only 4x as many. With their fathers headed for Europe to destroy it.


why do niggers always have such a difficult time feeding themselves? is it really that difficult of a concept?

I do feel kind of sick when looking at this picture

imagine if you crumbed them in donation cornflakes and fried them in donation canola oil first. the people of the town would bring you so, so many children, and beg you to make more long pig tendies

Makes me feel hungry.

Aw well thank you. Apparently I’m mentally ill for not giving a flying fuck about niggers.


How about those nigs stop shitting out kids they can't feed? fuck em.

This. It is even more cruel to keep sending food and causing a massive population spike when they aren't remotely self-sustaining.

>Parents too stupid to feed their kids
>Whites feel bad and send aid
>Niggers breed uncontrollably and continue to beg for gibs, still too stupid to feed their kids

Yeah, that picture just kinda makes me laugh.

All non-Whites fit your standards

>If you dont feel bad looking at this picture, you lack basic human empathy and are considered mentally ill.

I feel sad, but I feel angrier that the cause of all this isn't being addressed, and anyone who's white who tries to address it is lambasted as racist! So, fuck it!

That's is why we are going to exterminate them all. Is basic humanity. Their existence brings suffering to them and the people they bring to life

I grow up in the desert and sometimes there was no food cause there it's nothing in the desrt so my father and my grandpa went rabbit hunting with an old shotgun made of a pacific war gun (the chilean pacific war).

Sometimes it's not easy.

Somehow human suffering doesn't affact me, but I fucking hate animal cruelty and have beaten people up about it.
So yeah, no empathy for humans, but that doesn't mean i am devoid of empathy.

People don’t fucking understand that doing everything for them and taking pity isn’t the same as teaching a country how to feed their own people out of empathy.

This. If they actually cared about bringing positive change, they would not act in way that only increases the suffering for future generations. If they send aid, KNOWING that through their aid the population that will suffer from poverty and starvation will only increase, how can they really justify their good intentions?

Black Lives Worth Less Than Fecal Matter

No. I dont feel bad because i know theres a whole villaige of healthy niggers standing behind the camera man. This is a fucking photo op. The solution is as easy as keeping your dick in your pants but you cant even do that. Why should i care that you starve to death. Why should i feel bad when its you who fucking put them in this situation.

Go start a private charity and feed them out of your own pocket then, I don't care for international wealth redistribution. The reason they starve is because developed countries feed them causing there populations to reach unsustainable levels. If you feed them then eventually there will be so many that we'll all starve.

Why do you still hate us even today?

Because I'm the grand wizard of the KKK!

If you can' t feed your children, don' t have children.

>beats people up for animal abuse
Are you a fucking brainlet? I’d rather have 50 African children in my country than someone like you. [spoiler]Even though they’d end up doing the same thing.[/spoiler]

I feel bad, but I also actually want to solve and fix this problem long term. Pretending like blacks on average aren't mentally retarded isn't going to fix world hunger, nor is it going to get them to stop breading to the point they're killing themselves. I want an outcome that saves as many people as possible, not one that makes me feel like I'm the good guy

To Marissa Johnsonm you can suck on my johnson,
to Nekima Levy Pounds you need to lose some pounds.

I feel bad, because its sad to watch hungry children, but i don't understand how it is related to racism.

Basically this.

If they can't feed themselves then the odds of anything getting better is almost zero. Helping them with food just makes more of them you have to help later. Also, doesn't mean I want them here.

Why should I feel empathy for my enemies?

I thought cows and other animals were holy in India and Pakistan.


If you don't feel bad looking at this picture blah blah blah


So why haven't you left that fucking desert? Have't you ever thought that if you were starving, you could just move near some river or i don't know, forest?

How feeling bad help anyone? Contrarily, if you feel bad you are creating bad also around you.

Niggers aren't even human so your argument is invalid

Imagine if that was a picture of starving white kids, do you think niggers would care?
No they fucking wouldn't.


Old blood calling, we have plenty of land and things to mine and make us filthy rich, despise that my aunts still live there and we still raise the kids there so they don't turn into city faggots.

>>If you dont feel bad looking at this picture, you lack basic human empathy and are considered mentally ill.


You dont see americans going around america filming our homeless and begging other countries for aid. No. In fact a few years ago some homeless man was found dead at a park around the corner from my house. He was found curled up behind the park sign. Trying to shield himself from the freezing winds.

My human empathy is reserved for actual humans.

Give to charity!

Africa summed up in one picture

of course some would, try to have a world view that older than 8

I'd sooner people like you would fuck off back to pakistan / africa or whatever shithole your parents came from!


Fuck niggers they're just gorillas the Jews taught how to use clothes.

Most black africans walk pass starving children without a single care in the world. The starvation has nothing to do with whitey it has to do with blacks being cruel psychopaths who wont gibs you food unless you can do something for them.

done a lot of travel in Africa have you?

the head is the biggest part so you know where to shoot

Here's a plan stop sending humanitarian aid and let them die everyone wins.

I don't feel bad. Not my kids, not my problem.

guessing you don't count as human due to lack of functioning brain cells

I don't see any humans in your picture. Why aren't you feeding your animals user?

Someone in the world dies every second. Am I supposed to care for every single one of them?

There's the problem, why does OP then expect ALL of us to care and try to """"insult"""" people with "you have no le empathy" ?
Now fuck off this thread is useless garbage.

No need to travel

Ironically that starvation is caused by bleeding heart liberal faggots like you sending food aid that collapses the local agriculture market.

>we have plenty of land
that's understandable, but niggers don't own anything except houses made of shit. And if they actually would have some land, why don't they cultivate it in order to produce a food and feed their family? If those lands are shit, why don't they sell them in order to buy food? If those lands are worthless, why won't they abbadon them and move to better place, where they could produce/buy food for their children?

Lol. Sure thing, nigger.

That's adorable.

I don't understand why I should feel bad for these 3rd world niggers that dug their own hole by having way too many kids they can not sustain.
The end result will be major starvation, we are only holding a massive famine back by giving them free gibs. Once 1st world countries stop supporting these shit holes, their population will drop to a level where they can sustain themselves once again and stop relying on gibs from the better of countries. This is also called the Malthusian trap, no matter how much aid we give to them, they will always be screwed.

yep, someone should post African Farmer pasta.

But who will feed all those poor people?

I feel something at the very pit of my soul...
Oh yeah... hunger.

It's called Natural Selection, faggot
the weak doesn't survive in nature.

That's why i'll never donate to humanitarian aid
They're making the weak survive, creating more weak people.

I stopped feeling bad when I realised that until the 20th century, the white, western world viewed Africans as animals: "lesser-evolved beings".

>mfw slavery was considered cruelty to animals

The only solution to fixing that problem would be to re-colonize and provide structure while enforcing laws that require people act like civilized human beings. Which I'm not interested in. It's not like any progress has been made.

> t. not caring about a continent of people just barely surviving on foreign aid with no signs of modern progression. Has shit like tribes, huts, and click sounds for language when we all have bustling cities, transportation, agriculture, electricity and plumbing in houses = no empathy?

Stop the cash cow of foreign aid to Africa and they’ll either die to natural selection, or find a way to progress. The only reason charity for Africa exists is for libs in Whole Foods to feel better about themselves for spending $400 on groceries and giving $1 to “Poor and Needy Nog Children”.

yer no need to see something when you can judge without proper information

Jesus this world is doomed

when you can be that judgmental and stupid with out knowing

there nothing like unfounded superiority

Rather donate to ASPCA than Sally Struthers Inc

Yes, this is terrible. But by helping them we are perpetuating this.

Sending them aid is part of what's causing this. Clothing aid destroys their textile industry, food aid their agriculture sector, and monetary aid is given to corrupt governments which they use to remain in power.

Time to leave them alone and forge their own destiny without our interference.

I said we were superior?

see who will feed all those poor people? you?

Liberal Progressive weighing in with my rebuttal to this image. I do not feel bad personally as I did not put them in that position, but I feel bad for them.

1) We must be concerned about the carbon footprint of Africa. Growing food, and sending it there causes a great amount of pollution. Furthermore if this food supply is ever interrupted even temporarily many people will starve, and greater suffering would happen.

2) Were we to feed Africa then more people would be alive, and healthy to move to western countries. When they move to these western countries their carbon footprint increases yet again.

3) The main thing that I see in this photograph is a lack of mothers. I believe that abortion were it made more easily available in Africa would alleviate this problem.

It's about the environment, and quality of life. Africa needs it's own planned parenthood, not food drops that will be intercepted time, and time again by warlords.

sorry not a nigger child


well you feel like you can judge a whole issue and a whole race of people with out knowing or seeing so that what i would call it

Yeah, telling them not to have 8 kids will get you labelled as a racist.

Meow, meow meow meow lol loldaioujhdaiuhdasiuahaiushsaiudhsdauysa weee wowooo weeeewoooo
also who gives a fuck what you think, ofc i care for a human life, but It does not effect my life so fuck it, luck of the draw WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD
"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic. "

Africans are a race? are you putting words in my mouth?

Not my fault that they're reproducing faster than wabbits over in Africa.

It's basic biology. Over-population means more competition. More competition means less food to go around. Less food means the population dies down to reasonable numbers.

They also choose to not progess into first world. They decided to keep their tribalism. If that's their choice, then we should not interfere.

oh right. I forgotten. Leftists doesn't want people to live by their own decisions. They want everyone to think and act the same. They want to do everything for the people.

If we allow them to populate our countries, then our children will end up like theirs.


Olaudah Equiano was a free British noble man and author in the 1700
not all were believed as animals

feed them to lions! Then they become gras.
Hakuna matata!



agreed, they should be put down humanely, we can outsource this service to hyenas

At least our children will die tolerant

If this picture makes you want to give your country away to Niggers, just go get the surgery, have your penis removed and pretend you're a real woman.

The land isn't worthless but it takes more than just good intentions and a strong will, you actually need considerable resources to make something out of it.

My grandma used a have a peach tree and she travelled from the city with water everyday, the tree barely produced three apricots for season.