Can we have a natzbol thread?

Can we have a natzbol thread?

nazbol gay lol

wtf is he Smoking a cigar through his bandana
Proof Communits are Retarded

The effeminate face masks are so gay and unintimidating, I dont even know what to say

No, we can't. Fuck off

Yeah lets post pictures of some of them
Exhibit A: a Mexican dwarf

Does anyone have the original version of this picture?

Exhibit B: An Iranian transsexual

They have a few cuties ill admit



While it's by far the least harmful form of Communism, this doesn't change the fact that Marxist economics are retard tier.





NazBols are half fash-half commies, combining all the elements that piss the left like rascist nationalism and imperialist tendencies, also heavy militarization and literally not that many lefty elements to piss the right other than the flag and the name. Pretty much if you considers NazBols are nazis then you are one of those anons who see Hitler as a commie since NazBols try to emulate nazism as much as possible but without the genetic supremacy....any rebuttal? would really like to find practical evidence of what ideological aspects of the nazbols are considered marxist, trotskyist or stalinist. IMO nazbolls are ironical trolls, and the ones unironically committed to it are very confused and edgy commie wannabes.

>Marxist economics are retard tier.
We are not dogmatic about it, there's some good parts and bad ones, but shilling for capitalism even in current year when you see to which lows of degeneracy it brought you is much, much more retarded, senpai.

Nah you guys are second rate strasserists

Worker oriented fascism > Nationalist oriented communism

>ywn travel back in time to save Beria from Khr*schev and his British-paid lackey Zhukov


The eternal corporatist strikes again, late stage capitalism is responsible for commoditization of nationalist culture, mass immigration and is the means by which jewish merchants came to dominate the west.

NazBol are just Strasserist Nazis who are too pussy to fully embrace the Swastika.

If its one thing that Nazis and real Commies can agree on, its that NazBol are a bunch of politically illiterate Nazis larping as Commies because they are either too scared or too stupid to go full on Strasserist NatSoc, which is exactly what they are.

>t. Commie Kike
Sorry to break it to you goy, but no form of communism works.

The guy was so assblasted over being kicked out of Identity Europa he turned to NazBol?


more like GANG GANG GANG

atleast you show where you come from

What are the political beliefs associated with this label?


great pic
have a (you)

fuuuck. forgot to change back to my geo flag

Can't I change?

Combining nazism with communism literally makes no sense. National bolshevism is a meme ideology.

You mean Nazi Bollocks?

i know why you hid your flag, change to Tree Hugger again sven, its less embarrasing

Nazbol is the most autistic shit I've ever heard. Did you faggots migrate from /leftypol/ because you got banned there?

Nazbol community consists of:

A 56% manlet who got dumped by his gf and took it so hard he went from a cringey WN to an unironic anti-white communist.

A sandnigger tranny that says he wants to end the white race and democracy, who's alive and able to live out his tranny dreams because of white people and their democracy.

The entire group is basically these two and some no name Twitter handles posting memes for a while until they get bored and I guess they try to copy the alt right cringelords.

It's essentially the last ideology for the dysgenic human waste to flock to.

this forced meme is gay cancer

what's next? national-communism? socialist-capitalism? gay snowflake political "identity" is gay.

Well, you have socialist-capitalism in jewrope.

Yeah, it's a meme, but we don't have Strasserism flag here, soit's the only thing that economically left, socially right.

>economically left
Get a job you fucking leaching hippie perhaps?

Get educated on what proper socialism means, not modern retarded socialist-capitalism, faggot.

>Get educated
Are you bummed that tumblr isen't the cool place to be anymore, smelly person who wants other peoples money.

lol fuck-off Shawn.