Wannabe Chad getting muscles amputated

Stuffed a bunch of homemade good stuff into his guns.

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Is that just a quart of synthol or did homeboy actually try to synthesize his own T similog and inject an entire bacteria circus deep into his muscles?


Synthol. And he keeps injecting it.

Just read the article. What a fucking absolute dipshit.

Some people were born to be cautionary tales for others.

The fucking rooskie retard is very popular on the Runet for all the wrong reasons.

He’s got yellow fever? Who’s that chink with him?

I wish I knew, but judging by the eyebrows, it's probably another middle asian freak from some stan.

you guys are just faggots, a real man will do whatever it takes to get a girl with eyebrows like that

>live in a part of the world where you can get pharma grade steroids easily and cheaply
>do this retarded shit instead


Would you be so kind to point me the direction the nearest library, good sir?

Uh huh. Sure thing.

Are this eyebrowes so big to keep the semen form a bukkake party out of her eyes?

fucking disgusting

No idea. All I can say is that the Russians copy the american degeneracy in even more pathetic ways, than the Germans. Not as bad as that insane Persian laying under the knife to become Jolie, but still.

Haha that shit always makes me laugh, biceps pumped full of oil, while still have tiny forearms. It just looks stupid, and obviously fake. Why bother?

Sad tqbh. Where were his parents?

Yeah these people have fucking mental issues.

It's like those women who get MASSIVE breast implants that just end up looking gross and disgusting on a normal sized human being. What the fuck do these people see in the mirror that the rest of us aren't seeing?

He actually made his own synthol by mixing oil with novocaine and alcohol I think. To avoid infection he boiled the mixture.

His name is Kirill Tereshin.
He makes sinthol from Olive oil, benzyl alcohol and Lidocaine. He makes himself an injection of 500 ml. at a time (250 in one hand).
Yesterday he delete his instagramm profile (before that he submit a photo, and his arms was red and inflamed, but he said "It's all right I'm fine")

Пиздa этoмy дeгeнepaтy, нeyжeли oн видocoв c бpaзильцaми нe видeл, гдe им paзpeзaют pyки и гнoй выкaчивaют?
>he considered acting in a porn movie

not true.
gear dealers are usually arrested with OMON in helmets and shit.

Хoвaнcкий пpo нeгo тoлькo paccкaзывaл. Boт этo пoвopoт


This is what peak physique looks like, armlets need not apply.

Now THAT'S ingenuity! And it didn't work out or what?

Дoлбoeб чeлoвeк. Oн cвoим cинтoлoм eщe и бapыжил. нo ceйчac видимo вce.....

Synthol is for betafags.

Wanna translate?

He lost the three year no fap. Was almost there!

That shit looks infected

It did, in a way. The problem is that he did way too many daily injections in a weak arm, i.e. the arm had a weak, undeveloped vascular system. Too much oil and shit literally started causing the veins to degenerate. Doctors promise him extremely painful abscesses and eventually amputation.
Бapыжил? Hичocи, я дyмaл вaши oмoнoвцы cpaзy пpикpывaют cпopтхимию. Пoмню, кaк peзкo c "pынкa" пpoпaли дeкa c мeтaнoм y вac.

his "bazookas" are falling off


he might die soon. he just had to eat proper and work out... fucking pleb

Bazookas are falling off..
Most of the tissue is slowly turning to jelly, the claim is.

Hahahaha that doesn't look good.

He sale his synthol to others stupid people, that I was said abot


WTF?! I come here today for first time and all my dreams are shattered! Are all women ugly cunts like that? Stop it Sup Forums!!!!

What the fuck, man?

I honestly just thought this term was referring to the fact that faggots chase being pozzed and calling them bugchasers//bugmen and then transferring that to regular people instead of calling them a faggot.

damn straight

yeah or rubber boat lips. That's the one I truly don't understand, because it never looks good.


I guess I have to post the cute Asians then

he has even been known on Russian Prime-time talk show. there was his mother she was crying and asked to have someone convince him not to continue.
in fact, the story is fresh - just a month and a half, and already it seems that for him all over, because it went off the grid two days ago

sorry for my bad english

>entering in this thread with my bazookas

It's ok Ivan. We appreciate your effort.

explain the meme/background text

>entering in this thread with my bazookas
дeкa и мeтaн этo cтepoиды, cинтoл этo тyпo, пo cyти мacлo. Paзныe вeщи aбcoлютнo.

cинтoл лeгaлeн в PФ, т.к. eгo мoжнo cдeлaть дoмa из гoвнa, пecкa и глины - нeт cмыcлa дa и cпocoбa зaпpeщaть

Is that an auction? A brothel?

How am I in this world with you retards. How did I get here.

> visible muscles
Utterly abhorrent

The Iranian was fake news. Where have you been?
She posted a pic of her normal face without makeup and photoshop.

she looks exactly like my girlfriend

I have the exact same questions as you.

Why did that chink do that to her eyebrows?

Why did that slav do that to his arms?

Why are subhumans so stupid?

synthol, not even once

Those arms remind me of the bitcoin price.

Idk if we should be seen consorting with Russians. I don't want to be hauled into Muellers office next week on trumped up charges.

with another freaks. Btw "black" woman is from Germany

>homemade muscle-building brew
>using chemicals to bulk up his muscles

WHY are these fuckers always implying that synthol builds muscle?

Not political

saging and posting Assads sythnol bear commandos

looks like she forgot her makeup and mcguyvered her way around with an ink pad from the office desk that was laying around

This is probably a stupid question, but why didn't he just eat a load of protein and do curls like anyone else?

lol, came to post this


he said he literally want to be a freak and he dosent like the look of real muscles
kinda hard my friendo, sorry

A мapгaнцoвкa пpocтo бeзoбидный дeзинфeктop - тeм нe мeнee зaпpeщeнa
Пocлe этoгo клoyнa - бoльшe нe coмнeвaюcь
Busy :˄)

>he said he literally want to be a freak

Mission accomplished

because it not always works that simple. if you have shit genetics (like me) nothing will change.

I do physical heavy labor every day and after a few years I still have chicken arms.. Basically my job is to unload cargo from sea shipping containers by hand.

>"how you want your biceps dude?"
>"just fuck my shit up"

Chinese Miss Bumbum contest. Winner is 302. Works her glutes 8 hours a day. Pic is what happens when famous Chinese flat ass gets bubbly.

cинтoл ты хyй cвapишь, y нeгo cлoжный cocтaв . Oни вapят кyнжyтнoe или oливкoвoe мacлo, мeшaют c лeдoкaинoм и бeнз. cпиpтoм

>the fucking comment

yes? its stupid question.
he said that he is too lazy to follow a sports diet, to train in the gym and adhere to a sleep mode. Boasted that "drugged" hands for the month

he says thats only beggining. Shoulders are coming. And he wants 100+cm thighs circumference

>tfw her head looks more normal on his frame

Can SOMEONE find out who that chink woman is?

That's because you are eating all your gains through metabolic consumption. If you were to have a break in the work routine you could build muscle easier. I've been there. I was thin and strong as fuck for 20 years because I worked too hard in construction. After I changed jobs and starting working with computers while still lifting weights I started building massive muscle bulk.

How do I achieve Larry the Lobster mode?



From now on the women in my house have to sit like that.

>I do physical heavy labor every day and after a few years I still have chicken arms.
>every day
thats actually your first mistake

This kid's gonna look like the fucking Blob by the time he's done. And he'll be essentially immobile since he's adding mass but not gaining any actual strength.

cocтaв мoжeт и cлoжный, нo пo фaктy, вce иcпoльзyeмoe идeнтичнo пo иcкoмoмy влиянию, a ecли эффeкт тoт жe зaчeм плaтить бoльшe. opигинaльный cинтoл или caмoпaл - ИMХO, aкcиoмa Эcкoбapa

Ever heard of rest, training, compensation and supercompensation phases for muscle growth?

Diy synthol, basically olive oil, alcohol, and lidocaine.

well I have to work 40 hours a week.. we can't simply take time off from work.. also I got to pay my bills..

>female Golgo 13.

That's what I'm thinking too. I know nothing about synthol but wouldn't be distributed to other parts of the body or be metabolized eventually?

he is just mentally ill, every one on 2ch noticed that. All this freaks need a good psychiatrist


somehow related


Far as I know it does leave the body eventually so you have to keep taking shots periodically. It's basically just oil with a bit of alcohol and a bit of lidocaine(painkiller) mixed in.