Why do all liberals subscribe to the guilty until proven innocent paradigm?

Why do all liberals subscribe to the guilty until proven innocent paradigm?

Liberals are calling Roy Moore a child molestor because the only weapon they have (negative media coverage) is failing.

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because it works?

Doug Jones grabbed my dick when I was 13. True story.

obviously but nobody ever calls the media out on it and liberals who claim to jack off over science and debates let it go.

you seriously think all the women who have come out against him, is just a conspiracy?

those whores are lying for soros money

Nice deflection shill. It’s absolutely possible.

Liberals subscribe to multiple unrelated sources confirming a patern of behavior. 30 plus people have confirmed Moore is a worse predator than the migrants you are afraid of.

almost all human beings subscribe to that paradigm when it's someone they disagree with or dislike.
hate this hypocrisy.

remember when everyone thought it was a scat fetishist who died of brain cancer years ago who punched richard spencer lol

Considering that its been proven that all the evidence against him has been forgeries and lies.


3,000 plus people have confirmed king nigger is a kenyan faggot

roy moore's accusations can be dismissed because the first 2 major pieces of evidence (yearbook, mall security) have been proven hoaxes. therefore theres no reason to believe the rest without literal conclusive proof that doesnt come from gloria allred.

like what? was the yearbook signing fake?

The evidence is pretty strong. We can wait until the trial but if he's guilty then the GOP would have supported a sex offender.

And what are the mathematical odds 30 people all come out two weeks before an important election?

You have a better chance of winning the lottery five times than that happening, kys shill

The thing I’m wondering is if this (((alleged incident))) happened 30+ years ago, why are we only hearing about it now? Only right before the election, but not during the primary, only when he is up against a democrat. Why?

Because they are ending the patriarchy. No more white men in positions of power remmeber?

Many conservatives do too. It's just an /our guy/ vs /your guy/ thing.

because of all the hollywood accusations coming out. #metoo etc

All you faggot shills have is “the evidence is strong” and “theres so much evidence” but anything you present as “””evidence””” is immediately shot down and poked holes in.

Exactly, and nobody thinks its suspicious the same thing happened to Trump. The mathematical odds of this happening once let alone twice and it not being politically motivated is like winning the lottery 10 times.

I bet after he wins (and he WILL win) this whole thing will just disappear. They did the same thing with trump too (35+ year old incident brought up 2 weeks before election) and the same thing happened. Didn’t work then, won’t work now.

evidence is fake as fuck and a hebephile who will work to make America great is better than a democrat faggot who will work to destroy America

why couldn't they have just not wanted a sexual predator as president, so they came out with their story?

There was only one questionable incident. The 14 year old with zero evidence. The rest as dating. None of which resulted in sex. Forcible kissing? You mean "making a move"?

Why did they wait until nothing could be achieved other than political convenience?

>Liberals subscribe to multiple unrelated sources confirming a patern of behavior
And yet you're blind to the obvious pattern of a media smear campaign

>We can wait until the trial
What trial? For what crimes?

why did literally everyone elses' sexual accusers come out around the same time? because of the #metoo campaign

If only the stories werent made-up and debunked with preliminary research into the matter.

>Why do all liberals subscribe to the guilty until proven innocent paradigm?
Because it is useful for them. Or at least, it used to be.

I'm sorry but you need to phrase your answer in the form of a question.

>What trial? For what crimes?
Apparently pedophilia.

What trial? There's not enough evidence for one, much less a conviction.

What are the chances X number of accusers all come out three werks before an important election?

What are the chances they all agree to represented by the same lawyer Gloria Allred who is currently being sued for defamation?

How many of Gloria Allred’s cases actually go to court?

What’s Gloria Allred’s success rate in getting settlements, winning court cases?

Why did she drop the 19 she had against Trump? Why did none of them go to court?

Why did the same thing happen to Trump with the same lawyer and same astronomical odds and nobody claims BS?

1)40 years later they decide to speak up?
2)claim he's banned from a mall, former mall manager says not true
3)claim he scribbled some love note in a 17 year-old's year book
>a) note isnt sexual
>b)age of consent is 16 in Alabma
>c)now she claims he didnt know her

4)fake sample ballots for dem found
5)highway 31 ads repeating these claims are being removed

yeah, i would definitely say that
democrats are criminals

I see I evoked a butthurt emotional response but not really an argument

liberals literally dont understand how our country works and LITERALLY cant be good Americans because of it.

should ship them all off to liberia

Senator Moore in 4 more days. Prepare your anus.

Bullshit. That centered around kikes treating actors like the prostitutes they are.

They came out the same way multiple came out decades upon decades later with Trump at a politically convenient time.

Notice that there is no possible legal justice to be obtained, just slander and political motivation.

Liberals love this thing called guilt by association which somehow doesn't affect them.

Look it doesn't matter what the media says. What matter is do enough people believe in Roy Moore so they will show up to the polls? Will Jones have enough support or will he flop?

Only AL posters will be able to give an actual picture.

>Apparently pedophilia.
Why do you use that word when it doesnt apply? Why do you maintain something happened when you have no evidence of it happening?

The accusations are corroborated. This time the rightist narrative-spinning machine can't overcome the evidence. Everyone outside of right-wing echo chambers knows More did it, just as Trump did

>The accusations are corroborated.
How? I'd love to see the standards you have for condemning a man, I'm sure they're disgusting

This X 100000

I had to listen to a bunch of them before a meeting talk about Donald Trump and if "we went to war I would do everything to sabotage Trump and help whoever was fighting us".

I really think helicopter rides is the only way to fix this mess.

>you seriously think all the women who have come out against him, is just a conspiracy?
At least six separate girls have accused Goody Proctor of being a witch. The evidence pf multiple accusation speaks for itself, you stupid goyim!

when he means corroborated, he means 30 reporters got the same story from some random bitch. its as corroborated as "muh russia" is.

Exactly. Like Obama going overseas and saying “it’s time to give women a chance to lead because men aren’t doing so well” but conveniently omits 99% of the accused were his donors and friends... no the obvious answer is men are bad.

>why did literally everyone elses' sexual accusers come out around the same time?
Because (((Weinstein))) cost (((Goldman Sachs))) nearly $2Billion. The same jews that had been covering up actual child-rape and molestation for decades were told that the protection was off and it was time for a sacrifice.

You never touch a jew's gold.

Once again... this fag mentions “the evidence” but what fucking evidence? Where is the damning evidence?

“The evidence is strong”

“The evidence is”

“The evidence”


Posting from another thread guys



This is like when I tried to alter a "D" grade on my report card, ended up tearing the paper on the spot, then told my parents I was just trying to outline the very faded "B" that was really printed there.

>Apparently pedophilia.
>Why do you use that word when it doesnt apply?
Liberals operate entirely on feelings, since facts always (((coincidentally))) never agree with them. They have to distort and lie about literally every single thing they want to debate in order to maximize feels. They know "pedo" is a badword that generates badfeel, so they're going to scream it as often as possible. (While celebrating a group of faggots rubbing their crotches against a 7-year-old drag queen as "progressive" because "progressive" is a gudword that creates gudfeel.)

Truth, definitions of words, means absolutely nothing to a liberal. It's why they keep walking around screaming that getting their order screwed up at Starcucks is "fascism!" They have no idea what the word means, and their jew masters don't pay them to care what it means... but they FEEL that "fascism" is something super bad. So they're going to keep using that word no matter how many times they're corrected.

They lie like jews and debate like jews because they're created by jews. They're golems.

lol this
my moron liberal friend drones on about how trump commits all these crimes but the second you ask "what crimes?"

link related

Exactly dude. Mainstream media and liberals 100% run on false equivalencies, ad hominems, lies of omission, guilty until proven innocent

Yes consider bias of the accusers, some with Dem connections, others with adverse rulings in Judge Moores court, the amateurish fake evidence, the WaPo lies debunked, the mall lie, Gloria Allred and her faux accusations road show, the lack of any complaints in his previous 40 years of controversial public life. And so on.