It's snowed down here 50 miles SOUTH of Houston Texas. Something that hasn't happened since 2004.
Took pic related this morning of a fookin palm tree with snow on it. Global warming my ass!!
Al Gore on suicide watch!!
It's snowed down here 50 miles SOUTH of Houston Texas. Something that hasn't happened since 2004.
Took pic related this morning of a fookin palm tree with snow on it. Global warming my ass!!
Al Gore on suicide watch!!
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Global warming mean colder winters, you fucking ignorat piece of shit.
it's called climate change, goy
lmao kys faggots
Lol, the hypocrisy is palpable. Kys, juden
"Global warming means that the opposite happens and it gets cooler"
Jesus christ this has to be bait.
More ice melts from the antrctica
Causing more cooling for a short period,
What you are seeing right now. I just
Moved to some hills 300 from sea level.
See you water-world cucks in 2020.
>Ice melts makin it cooler
If it snows 2 feet and you freeze to death, you win.
I realize you're retarded but let me try to explain. Since there's less of a difference between the temperature at the North Pole and the equator, the jet stream now wobbles up and down instead of going in a straight line. Why is this important you ask? Because now the jet stream is ineffective at sealing the cold air in the Arctic where it belongs. It swings all the way South allowing cold air from the north Pole into places like Houston. Just because the planet is heating up it doesn't mean all snow and cold air will suddenly disappear all at once you stupid faggots.
It's snowing in north Mexico, OMG global warming is real
This is what liberals actually believe. I bet you also believe in evolution you under evolved faggot.
Weather is not climate
>global warming is not real because it snows where I live
American education, everyone.
My backyard in Austin TX last night, suck it global warming shills.
Would the winter be warmer if the green house gasses were amplifying the suns rays?
Or do the green house gasses magically go away in the winter
let me guess all schools was closed
i hope this isn't the level of average murican intelligence
Are you retarded?
>American not knowin what the gulf-stream is
Still the melting in the north does not fuck with the Gulf enough to make a difference
Unless you have anything that is worth reviewing
The cold ocean currents overcome.
15 years ago we had nice winter's.
With 2-3.5 months of this snow.
Last 7 years it's been about a week
Of snow followed by a week of rain
In a loop.
It is raining in December right now.
Asked my parents, they sometimes
Had snow from Nov to March.
Rain in winter never used to happen.
The world is not your backyard.
Wrong. Santie Clause is send'n the snow ahead so he wont get too warm when brings the texfags their guns for Christmas.
Your regional weather isn't a representation of the whole climate you fucking autistic faggot. Kys.
The jetstream always pushes down into North America, faggot. It always has. This is normal.
It is. And they can't believe that they're the only ones in the world who don't believe in global warming.
It snows along the Texas coast about every ten or twenty years.
I'm in fucking Milwaukee and there isn't any snow on the ground here
Have you retards still not looked into the effects of the grand solar minimum we are entering ? All this political bullshit is just a distraction , learn to grow food , you'll see why in a couple of years when it really starts to kick in. This is just the beginning.
Just south of Houston this morning
Post your rare palm trees.
Weather is driven by temperature gradients. As these gradients change, so too will weather patterns. The global average tropospheric temperature is increasing. Meanwhile, the stratosphere is getting colder.
Global circulation patterns, like the North Atlantic Oscillation or the Alaska winter high are getting disrupted. Last year, the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation didn't change phase for the first time ever. Brewer-Dobson overturning circulation is getting stronger.
Snow in Houston is weather.. and can very likely be tied to changes in circulation as a result of tropospheric warming.
Post em
Post more palm trees, Sup Forums.
It snowed down in Brownsville
This explanation seems more believable than the liberal's version
The climate will continue to change off and on for a long long time.
13 and 14 look very succulent
16>10>1>5, desu.
Global warming will simply result in warmer Summers and colder Winters nothing more and granted some extreme weather will occur in between those seasons but the politicians will try to sell it off as something else they're trying to encourage a tax on carbon emissions every time you breathe out AKA exhale your breath you are creating a carbon emission.
It's just more bullshit tactics turning something into a fucking taxation campaign.
If your left you avocate for more government control if you're right you avocate to reset everything our founding fathers created the small-government it grew into what you see today if you leave right all you are advocating for is simply repeating history.
Fight against the state. Both left and right hemispheres work against you in the end why they're unintentionally or intentionally it always comes full circle.
Outliers happen, but the overall trend is for temperatures to get higher.
If anything, "snow in Tel Aviv" situations will only be MORE common. Climate Change will exacerbate anomalous extremes worse and make them more common (to deadly effect).
I mean - remember when America DIDN'T get a civilization-wrecking hurricane every 3-4 years?
Explain Venera then.
>Venera has much higher temperatures than Mercury
>Mercury is closest to the Sun
>Venera is known to have very high CO2 lvls
Explain!! REeeeeee
1 Louisiana trailer park full of Global Warming coming right up
Remember, by 2014 there will be no polar ice cpas left
It's "Venus" in English, you fucking 'tard.
("Noga'" in Hebrew)
Explain Venus zhan!
mcallen here
first time I've ever seen snow, what the fuck is happening?
>evaporation isnt a cooling process
phd in environmental geosciences and a minor in womens studies here
you guys, the northern hemisphere is going to swing colder, then hotter, then colder again, this will happening annually
>icecaps melt
>icecaps hold freshwater
>freshwater freezes more easy than saltwater
>mix freshwater with ocean salt water
>fuck up the Gulf-stream
>Gulf-stream stops or diverts
>new iceage in Europe
Stop fuckin around Shlomo!You can't explain shit!
>Snow in Texas
>Hurricane in Texas
Love that Joker!
less iceage, more Siberia-style climate
35°C summers, -40°C winters
Origins of human consciousness!
Snow in south Texas is not that uncommon of a phenomenon. In fact, it is more rare today than it was a century ago.
Reporting from Lafayette, Louisiana. Snow and sleet coming down in regular intervals. Coffee made, gas heater on.
>boomers get the jobs
>boomers get wifes and families
>boomers get cold/comfy snowy winters
what does god meme by this
Little shits like you are the reason the average conservative is depicted as dumb faggots. You scream every not properly though-out idea off the rooftops, and people now don't take conservatives serious anymore, reasonable or not. There is legitimate proof that global warming is a hoax, but you people keep picking the most dumb and irrelevant examples and claim them as major proof. How do you expect people to listen to us?
I live just north of US 190 in South Louisiana and there's snow. There's not many easily proven landmarks here, but here's a picture from Sulphur, LA
Houstonfag here
We're right on the coast, in fact we're known for being a big port city with great economy
We're nice and southern in Texas, and it can get up to over 100°F here
It hasn't snowed like this in DECADES AND DECADES
In the past decade it snowed twice
First time, 0 inches
Second time, the morning it happened you would see chunks of snow here and there
For once snow is covering the ground
This, it's like they never heard of the big hurricane in Galveston back in 01 (1901)
They say "cold places get colder", Houston is Hot
and that would also mean the poles would get COLDER
this is NOT normal
Sure, but making fun of Commies disguised as tree huggers is more fun!
WTF did you just say?
Warming = Cold now ?
There's a reason climate scientists have been distancing themselves from the term "global warming" for a long time. It's because of idiots like you.
Yes, when the planet warms overall, it can disrupt currents and weather patterns and so on and cause certain areas to get colder. This isn't a hard concept to grasp, you dumb emu nigger.
Shill some more, Al Gore.
>Implying the term "climate change" means anything
Oh look everybody the climate is changing this has never happened before in the planet ever, evil evil humans did this!
Climate is not correlated to weather but thats ok. You will be purged.
Indeed it always changed.
Of course the climate has changed before. It hasn't changed at this rate. Stop being willfully obtuse.
I live 4000meters above sea level.
Have fun sucking dolphin dick whe you're underwater.
Also. Global warming is fake. We are in the Holocene. Normal Climate Change.
Envirocucks will tell you it's because of fossil fuels and sheeiiit.
What did the Wooly Mammoths and Saber Tooth tigers burn to end their Ice Age???
50 miles south of houston? it snowed 300 miles south of houston!!!
Haven't seen snow in about 7-10 years
Uh.... yes it has.
Off yourself, shillstein.
deep south tx here, still snowing here
global warming will bring the next ice age.
you are fucking stupid.
stop posting here.
Hurdur...if you kill enemy they win, when global warms it gets colder.
Ever listen to yourselves?
Isn't the whole theory that greenhouse gases are being trapped in the atmosphere that in turn traps in heat from the sun?
How could that make things colder?
IM not normal, who are you?!
More has to do with that big bright thingy in the sky that has shown less activity in the most recent decade.
>Earth gets warmer so it can get colder
>Increased temp causes massive decrease
>Being this 1-dimensional
Don't ask these very complicated questions to catastrophists, all they know how to answer is that "it's obvious!" and "Bill Nye said so!"
The Valley in Texas is almost the same latitude as Miami. They got snow. Think about it.
they've been calling it "climate change" lately; mostly for retards like you. can you please research a bit before spitting shit?
Its not even complicated,you are just being uneducated and narrow minded without a view of the big picture.
They just want your money.
>ozone layer is at it's smallest in 20 years
>it hasn't snowed in 20 years in mexico and texas
So what's the explanation for that? I'm genuinely curious.
I mean, the hole in the ozone layer is at it's smallest, fuck I need to read my shit before I post sometimes.
Hey man, I'm on your side on this one, but telling others to "research more" is counter-productive for your cause.
Nah, your brain is just small enough to be brain washed.
Even if "they" wanted money, it'd be some big oil corporation's money, not yours.
im in the valley near the border, snow just stopped. pic related