I Hate Muslims (White Male)

I feel I keep going more and more extreme with every days that pass is this normal, I hate muslims with passion. Is it wrong to long for there complete extermination.?

I view them as a completely worthless species they have nothing to offer any society and theres literally no reason to keep them around other than to maybe make them our slaves. But I would rather they were exterminated.

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You hate a symptom of a far worse (((disease))).

We hate you just as much.

Sorry for spelling, it's late here so couldn't be fucked checking. You get the idea though a psychotic who hates muslims.

Take off your flag, kike

Eradicate the (((root))) of the problem. Muslims aren't that much of a threat, they're not really intelligent. (((They))) are.

Stop being a cuck.


>hate muslims
>nazi flag

Fuck off kike LARPers take ur doos vault bullshit away

No, I would not mind killing at least a dozen with my bare hands

nothing wrong with that, but they're not the real problem. it's not dunecoons that have taken over our media, education, financial departments and governments.

Surely it would be doing good to others to war against them, to exterminate them? The survivors would gain much additional wisdom.

wrong meme flag kike

I'm sure you'll catch a bullet soon enough goat fucker.

if you hate so muchYour hate will turn to love

this is precisely the problem, magnified by inbreeding of course.

You should remember that this board is satire and take time out of your day to do the things that are really important in life like hating niggers and Jews.


Why does it always have to come back to the fucking jews. They can be dealt with afterwards, would you fuckers rather go for the kikes first before the sandniggers. Israel is fucking tiny, but these maggots breed like flies.

It's perfectly healthy to hate the muslims in white countries. Once they enter in to white countries they become the enemy. Just always keep in mind that the jews brought them here.

You're not our friends.
Hitler is dead and gone.
He would not stand for your invasions.

These muslim loving faggots are fucking retards.

>I feel I keep going more and more extreme with every days that pass is this normal, I hate muslims with passion. Is it wrong to long for there complete extermination.?

Nope, it's the only way to deal with mudslims

Yeah he would rather stay on your side, mutt.

hello Schlomo

>Is it wrong to long for there complete extermination.?
>I view them as a completely worthless species they have nothing to offer any society and theres literally no reason to keep them around other than to maybe make them our slaves. But I would rather they were exterminated
Welcome to the club buddy. One of us. Hail Hortler

>he thinks Israel's influence is limited to Israel and not to the West

>I Love Jews

Since the bastion has long fallen, try to view it from a different perspective:
> 100% command over women. Okay, maybe 99.5%
> Multiple Women
> Bonus points for any and all pedos
> Chill on some blanket for some time
> Honorkill men that defile your daughters and/or sons
> Muslim-Card against Nazi-Club
Best of it: Everything will be justified by people knowing absolutely nothing about the culture, nor their own. Besides:
> My personal assumption: In the long run it might safe your life to actually convert.

Like I was walking down the street today and I live in a pretty rich and predominately white town and I see some somalians and I'm just thinking what the fuck are these niggers doing here in my country it's disgraceful you don't belong here. I felt the urge to just attack them for being in my presence it was a busy area so that would of been a dumb idea. But this is a growing thing that will probably realize full potential one day.

>>>Is it wrong to long for there complete extermination.?

Yes. Religious hatred is fucking tragically stupid.

People are just people man.

The Muslim is the enemy of all mankind.


Hmm. If they did not invade us or act like cunts, we'd not have these feelings for them. While muslims have more worth than most africans they and jews both attack Europe and (You)r country. Hating your enemy who attacks you, rapes your women, children... even the elderly is normal. That much should be obvious to you. Letting them keep doing it while making those sick of it bend over all the time. That is unnatural.

Imagine being this blue pilled.

Who cares if there not intelligent? You dont need to be intelligent to strap a bomnb to your chest. In fact its better if your not.

I'm a mutt, they there taking over the poor Mexican hoods in Detroit, it looks like a war zone now, with Arabic every where, no more bars, they've been replaced by hala bucthershop

nice try schlomo

Here in America they take all the low hanging fruit. Not intelligent


Saw some somalis near my area too. They were riding bikes at a shopping center yelling incomprehensible jibberish at each other and one of them was walked into a store with a machete attached to his waist.

How do you have this much time on your hands that you've developed this hatred? Git yer shit together user.

We need to bring back the templars

Muslims are not people.


He's hardly alone. I too would like to see you scourged from existence.

>Is it wrong to long for there complete extermination.?






Use anything your people ever created to post that sentiment again, we'll wait.

islam is a satanic cult, they are literally worshiping a lying god. how much worse can it get than worshipping falsehood?

belated happy 100th birthday

literally false

It is not wrong to hate your actual enemy that dreams of your full annihilation or conversion to Islam.

But there is much worse enemy - the jews. And there is also a worse group of people - it's the white traitors, who help jews, muslims and generally alien races live in your society. You better focus your hatred and murderous intention towards them first and muslims second.

>meme flag
>has to specify white male in title
>horrible english skills
>has to make poor excuses for horrible english skills
can’t tell if worst jidf shill attempt or just retarded

Allah hates Logos, the Truth, so hate Allah with all your heart

"The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man."

The best way to make the world a better place is to sort your own life out.

Video related


>Lol the rabid dog isn't a threat just ignore it

Join Deus Vult

>Clean room
>Go outside for a bike ride
>Get run over by truck

>what was the Islamic golden age
>what even is the basis of the algorithms that your computer uses, algebra, and polynomials
>who even made medical books that were still being taught in Oxford in the late 18th century

Hey OP, did you bother opening a book before calling more than a billion people worthless? O

>Islamic Golden Age

Captured Byzantine scientists forced to map out the Mediterranean for the Ottomans.

Loot was taken back to the empire only to be captured by the Khans in the Seige of Baghdad during the "height" of the empire.

>Deus Vult

>>what even is the basis of the algorithms that your computer uses, algebra, and polynomials

Indian Numerals.

>>who even made medical books that were still being taught in Oxford in the late 18th century

Greek Medicine.

Everything they "accomplished" was stolen from everyone they conquered. They advanced nothing.

Wait What, the Islamic golden age was based around harun al Rashid, arabia, and persia. It peaked in the 1200s while the ottoman officially took Istanbul in 1453

No I'm specifically talking about the works of khwarizmi and avicenna.

>trust me im withe

Why? They are redpilled on the Jew and someare based. Just need to go home.

Like do you even bother trying to be factually correct? I'm talking about algorithms and algebra not numerals for fuck s sake

Deus Vult


The Islamic Golden age is usually identified as 900-1100. The times when they ruled the Mediterranean and eliminated the vestiges of the Byzantines. As well as the initial Conquests of Al-Andalusia.

1200's was a fall period as they lost Spain in La Reconquista.

The schools of Baghdad peaked in the 800-1200 period yeah pretty much. I still don't get how that's related to the ottomans who gained their massive strength and empire after taking Constantinople and dissolving the Byzantine in the 1450s


I mean 1400's. Again the Ottoman age was conquest based.

Island is entirely conquest based.
>4 women, 4 men
>4 marry 1 man, 3 go to war

> (You)
>The schools of Baghdad peaked in the 800-1200 period yeah pretty much.

Thank you for conceding.

>I still don't get how that's related to the ottomans who gained their massive strength and empire after taking Constantinople and dissolving the Byzantine in the 1450s

Because Islam is not based on innovative solutions, just like the Vikings and Khans it is entirely conquest based.

The only difference is the Khan and Viking ideologies are dead.

Why can't you respect the influential works of Islamic scientists like khwarizmi and avicenna? Why does everything have to have such a simplified answer to you guys? Is it so hard to consider that the rise and fall of empires is much more nuanced than izlam bad West gud?

deus vult

Once again, I'm gonna need some sort of citation for this. There's plenty of evidence for the works of Islamic scholars and artists and none I've seen for this simplified view on the rise and fall of civilization

agreed, OP is probably american, which means he's been more exposed to certain other (((populations))) and his irrational hatred of muslims is almost exclusively a product of the (((media))) he consumes

I fail to see how abu ibn al-baghdadi's cousin-bride has any effect on american domestic politics. it's almost like certain (((pundits))) are exaggerating the muslim threat to europe to deflect attention away from real crimes

>Why can't you respect the influential works of Islamic scientists like khwarizmi and avicenna?

I will, they were highly effective star mappers.

Which they used for Mediterranean Piracy and the cause of the first Dark Age.

>Why does everything have to have such a simplified answer to you guys?

Everything is simple if you understand it well enough.

>Is it so hard to consider that the rise and fall of empires is much more nuanced than izlam bad West gud?

Because what caused the Rise of Islam is a non-negotiable political ideology.

Nuance is for the immoral, Islam spits on the Golden Rule.

>I fail to see how abu ibn al-baghdadi's cousin-bride has any effect on american domestic politics. it's almost like certain (((pundits))) are exaggerating the muslim threat to europe to deflect attention away from real crimes

Sharia Law is supported by majority of Muslims according to PEW and many other polls.

Even the BBC encountered this.

And what about their foundational works in mathematics, medicine, physics, bio, philosophy, etc. Why completely miss these works? It's incredibly disingenuous to skip these and pretend they were only good astronomers


>t. dead kike worshiper

Again, they didn't create them. The usurped them from the conquered and developed them for their own use.

I can admit they were good Astronomers and Mathematics, but what did they use this knowledge for? Ideological conquest.

And that ideology remains today, unlike the Romans, Persians and Vikings.

Get off Sup Forums and stop watching the news for a couple of days

In the name of awa loid the kike we kill arabs

reeeeeeeeeeeeeee kikus vult


I'm gonna need proof that the Islamics just stole all their shit from gud Christian science boiz. Is life easier when you simplify everything to the point of non existence. Did khwarizmi steal the decimal system, and his linear and quadratic equations from others? Did razi and avicenna just use hoarded Greek knowledge or some shit? I'm gonna need proof for these grand theories m8

LOL You do know Hitler loved muslims?

Muslims aren't a race or a species, they're followers of a religion.

That religion is pure cancer, but that's another story.

Based poo. Stop LARP worshipping our gods though.

I think I'm unique in that I hate BOTH snow niggers, kikes, and Muslims equally.

I think I'm unique in that I hate snow niggers, kikes, and Muslims equally.

>our gods


you're either retarded or larping either way gtfo

It's not hard t o hate someone you can't trust.

>Is it wrong to long for there complete extermination.?
no, everyone does, but even a simple stop in immigration is never going to happen now that the EU is alive, regards of the political establishment and left wingers.