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>Misuzu grabbing onto Tomo

Can't blame her, bitch is fluffy

I've missed this.
I've missed this so much.

Tomo rekt hard

Will Tomofags ever recover?

It continues to this day.

Tomo deserves the bullying for her trepidation to clear up the misunderstandings and fully commit to Jun.

>No-Fucks-Given-Smug Carol is best Carol.

How does one defeat the cotton candy?

Water or fire.

With a penis.

>Mom, why don't you ever hug me like that
>Mom, where's my hug
>That's because you're not cute like her

This better be accurate.

Just 「spray」her.

Tomo is huge too though, not sure why she looks small in this picture

She just looks small compared to Carol who has massive tracts of land.


Perspective. The same way people can take pictures of themselves looking bigger than the leaning tower of Piza

Misuzu clutching onto Tomo.
That fear of intimate contact.
Misuzu is somewhere on the autism spectrum isn't she?

But user, nothing can beat the cock.

>Thinks she's better than others
>Focuses all her attention on belittling one person
>Has difficulty communicating with people
>Has basically no friends


Some people give really obnoxious hugs. You'd know this if you actually got any.

You don't



>Have you tried pounding harder?

Every time this gets posted, I constantly think that Misuzu's mother doesn't look like Misuzu could "evolve" into her.

it still needs a re-edit

But user, that's lewd!

>result of a man breeding a 16 year old




No no, HE was 16. She was 13 at the time.

futatomo doujins when?

It's that face again, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

I miss the delinquent rape trio


I thought he was older, which is the reason behind him freaking out over her saying that.

Carol is AMERICA big


Why is Misuzu not naked? Is she scared?


No, he was freaking because screwing and impregnating 13yo's tends to not be looked highly upon in most places

>inb4 moralsandethicsbedamned.jpg

Well the freak out before she said she was pregnant.

This. 13 is border senior citizen. Try 9 or 11.

Where's the translation?

Remove "and impregnating" from that post and it doesn't change the situation terribly much. Still tends to end in party vans, regardless of age difference.



Isn't the age of consent 14 in Japan?

Dude was fucking screwed if word got out.

misuzu was raped by tomom confirmed.

Tomo 2.0 is here. Bye Tomo 1.0

Poor Tomo. You're cute in my book!


>all these ugly guys

Is Tomo supposed to be cute or masculine looking in the story?

I know there have been times where guys confuse her for a dude and other times where guys want to hit on her.

They were both underage, so age of consent laws get weird at this point, as neither might be of age to consent. Also, it was in the UK.

He was in France or England at the time, I believe. Even more screwed.

Tomo is cute! CUTE!

I thought they were in England and they fled to Japan? And Carol has been raised in Japan because her father would be jailed in England, while Japan looks the other way because "did not happen on our soil"?

masculine enough that you don't notice until you see her tits, which she hides well

/ll/ when?

Tomo destroyed

Even Tomom knows who the best girl is.

Carol is too old for /ll/.


not really. She acts like a dude though because tomboy. Akemi is a hypocrite though because she's the same.

When it comes to an age difference like that, anything is possible.

^this pretty much.

Tomo is like a cute guy you don't acknowledge because you're straight.

But then you notice that cute boy has huge tits and now you're desperately trying to fuck her.


It was in Japan, the dad was going back to UK because heir of rich family or someshit so he went to Carol's mom workplace to talk about things, it's in the extras of Vol 3 or 2.

I think we remember it differently.

That's literally not how it was. They were in England. He went there to go and tell her that his dad wanted him to go to study in Japan, and that he wanted to ask her to come with him. Go and reread it, user.

Is Tomom implying Misuzu isn't cute?

Misuzu is permanently BTFO by Carol. It's like how Camilla BTFO Hinoka so hard they started having sex.

Fuck, if Tomom finds out Carol is rich she might actually just keep her.

OH yeah, she was complaining about Gorou giving out free lessons.

Damn, all this talk about age of consent of Japan made me misattribute things.

I just want you to know that I masturbated to this.

>hurr durr my daughter who is identical to me is ugly
She's only BTFOing herself.

She didn't say that she was ugly, just that they weren't cute. They're both masculine, so someone like Carol would seem much cuter.

I hope her and Carol's mom interact one day.

>that Carol Level gap

Misuzu getting hugged by Tomom in next chapter, you heard it here first boys.


Carol being bigger doesn't stop Tomo from being huge in her own right.

More like Akemi chasing Misuzu down the block to hug her next chapter

That'd be funny she's probably run to jun's house and ask for shelter.

Astral Finish

Whatever you wanna call it

Tomo threads are fucking dead, man.

Misuzu is cute. Cute!

Not much to say about this one.


we need more ntr and soon.

Everyone with taste or intelligent moved over to Telepathy.


>The comfy threads are back.

Misuzu talks like a professional shitposter.

wow conan is patrician

I think not everyone knows it's back

I mean, have you seen his waifu? Top tier m8.

"I saw you too, Misuzu-chwan!"
and then they started running.