Since mods deleted my previous thread for no reason I will post it again and call it a "mistake"

Since mods deleted my previous thread for no reason I will post it again and call it a "mistake".
Being blasted by Mohammed is one thing but being blasted by the people that are supposed to protect you is 100 times worse. Just look at this fucking fag - how the fuck did he pass the psycho tests (if there are any in america). His behavior was Columbine tier.

>Calling someone young man when you're same year as him lol

The cops dindu nuffin, they good boys. The guy they shot was a no good druggie mass shooter anyway. You should be thanking them. Blue lives matter.

Pretty disappointed. The guy unironically dindu nuffin. The fact that the tape was released after the trial is pure degeneracy. While I'm disgusted with their actions, unlike the leftists, I won't condemn the entire police force and my country.

Hope He gets some Real karma Justice.

I'll thank the norks if they Can erase all those burger bullshits from the net and the world perpetually. Sorry for the few humans in the middle.


post the pic of his gun, I forgot to save it from the last thrad

Lets hope the Trump curse can flow down to this little manlet.

>Thinking cops will help you when shit goes down
>Thinking cops are good for anything besides filing a police report after-the-fact
>Not having a gun to defend yourself

(Logic)- do not shoot in the leg you must always shoot 5 times to kill the suspect



Damn, I just saw the video and that's some scary shit. How are you supposed to keep your feet crossed, hands in air AND crawl towards the cop? Suspect was a fatass and obviously could not physically comply, and wasn't even allowed to speak. If it was me, I'd stay put and say just come and restrain me I am petrified.

That's a faggot right there.

>Pulling up your pants is punishable by death in America

I don't think he's the one issuing the commands in the video.
It's the cop with the grey hair.

I bet a real mass shooter, like paddock, would have comped those fucking cops to HELL!!


I just tried doing it after reading your post, i'm 5'7'' and 138 lbs and it's difficult for me, complete retard expect a large, heavy set, possibly drunk man to do this.

Condemn your ZOG and their low IQ power tripping enforcers.

Nice 3rd world country you live in Amerilards

no, this is a 3rd world country and if that happened here, that cop would be fucking dead by now

fuck, I just tried it too. I got about 6 inches before my kneecaps felt like they were about to explode. I guess with a gun to my face I might be motivated to follow through, but still.

You ever wonder if jurors see unadmitted evidence after a trial and realize they may have made the wrong decision? I hope they're wracked with guilt for the rest of their lives.

I swear to God, I will slap on a suicide and walk in to a police station and detonate myself. Some of you pigs are alright, don't go to work tomorrow.

Fuck this cop, fuck those jurors and fuck permitting manlets to police normie society

me too.

reddit tier post

Ivanka lends her feet to this cause.

I assume this manlet still has a badge and gun. Am I wrong?

Disgusting degenerate. Normally I take the defence of coppers, especially when they are slaying niggers, but this man looks like the poster-boy of a psychopath.

Spotted the African hashish monger. Did you start out selling purses on a blanket?

Most police agencies wont take him because of his tattoos.

He is useless for undercover work.

He is a clown that got hired by a circus department.

Yeah thats getting reported.
You just violated federal law kiddo

the jury and the judge, the attorney, all would be dead here, that incident would spark a war

i cant believe burgers are such fucking pussies, with all the guns they will ever need, and still they wont do shit

he is probably a family member of someone up in the judicial system, people should investigate and them PURGE!!!

Bumping, because this is among the most important subjects.

I am not comfortable with giving idiots like this guy a badge and gun when there is clear evidence of a history of making poor decisions all over his arms.

He is also a manlet. Just like women, manlets cannot wrestle and control a large (300 lb) opponent. He has no business doing police work.

no the cowadoody soyboy psychopath was simply subduing an inebriated combat cyborg that would have killed everyone in the span of an eyeblink were it not for his bravery, how deadly. it was drawing its gun! how many times must i explain this

>amrikki rationalizing this state wavered execution

Why are so many brainlets defending the dumbass that got shot? He didnt listen to instructions repeatedly and did dumb shit like putting his hands behind his back. Finally just before getting shot he looked like he was reaching for something with his right hand. All this hysteria and chimping out is BLM tier.

I'd call that fat but whatever, I agree with you, people that are physically to weak to control another 'large' person without shooting them should not be in the police. Reminds me of the german police, I was once asked for my ID by a turk manlet cop and his female partner, they looked like a fucking joke. Best part is, I never gave them my ID (was underage and drinking at night, told them i forgot it at home) and they just left me alone

I am of a shade of White you ameriturds could only dream. I can't even say you burgers are the shame of the White race, because you Don't belong to our kind anymore. What now?

>just follow the arbitrary orders and you'll be fine
Explain to me please why crawling up to the police was the best solution for this situation

are you southern or northern Italian thats how we will decide if you're white.

>How to go to prison for posting on Sup Forums: The post.
Kids, don't do this. You aren't as anonymous as you think you are.

I think he just wanted to kill somebody
>brown eyes
>sleeve tats

Philip Braisford dindu nuffin wrong.
He jes wanted to play a game twister baws.

>Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

and then you do it again, you deserve a ban

North of Milan, Varese. At least 5 generations from this Land. However even if i was from florence i would Be ok. Like i could care about a burger's approval, you guys are kinda napolitans with guns, One on ten is worth a living

nobody cares you fucking faggot, cops dont mess with the real lunatics, they dont want to die

I'm not a fucking cop, but what's so unreasonable about that? They got a gun call, the guy could be packing so in these situations you don't fuck around.

This guy had the right idea. Poor execution, though.

>The cops dindu nuffin, they good boys. The guy they shot was a no good druggie mass shooter anyway. You should be thanking them. Blue lives matter.

Every post on Faceberg and the not-so-Breitbart jew worshipping comment section.

Nothing wrong with manlets in the police force. There are not just field agents in police, you know. Police requires a lot of paper work.


That thread is at bump limit you fucking amerimutt retard.

Feets for justice

>right foot is on top

imagine being a namefag Sup Forums tattletale

Wasn't justified, but you can keep believing that all you want. 95% of Americans agree. The other 5% are the jury and mentally ill like yourself.

shooting back when

mods are rogue dude. i made a thread about how they deleted your other thread OP, not a single faggot on this board responded to it though.
it was no "mistake" it was a rogue janitor pushing an agenda. i saw your thread. posted on it. it wasn't breaking any rules. 100% in accordance with Sup Forums and Sup Forums's rules.

Criminally underrated comment, Monsieur Leaf

The cops literally are walking meat shields in the public, you can't realistically expect them to be grounded average neighbor joe tier.

Ugly dumb manlet scum.

This was the actions of one idiot not fit for this job user, not the entire police force. An insecure manlet, it reeks of him. You can tell by body language of the older opening the door too later there
>wtf wtf did you just do...

Idolize and emulate any Army in the world that you want...
>Chooses Bulgaria

>Blue lives matter.
what colour are civilians

Wasn't when OP posted this thread or his last one you fucking northern Australian.

You lose.

>mods keep deleting my threads
>keep reposting same thread that gets banned
>cant figure out issue
Consider myself activated

Who'd of thought that pointing something gun-like out of the window of a Hotel room would get the cops called on you?
Who'd of thought that not obeying police orders when they think you're possibly armed and dangerous would get you shot?

He would be breathing today if he did not listen to the cop and remained on the ground with his hands out.

Is he with SEAL team Six? He's all Tacticool.

Don't even be sarcastic about it. Just agree that he is a poor excuse for a cop and that you could have better standards when it comes to LEO's.

It's what you burgers lack. Humility and the ability to admit a weakness or that you fucked up.

Probably because by this point it's spam and a waste of space. It's not going to change anyone's mind. The verdict is out and there is nothing to discuss that hasn't been already.

Philip Braisford looks like THAT?
No wonder he's so angry.

Tattoos=character defect

>It’s a Black Lives Matter (((Soros))) astroturf slide thread.


>eople that are physically to weak to control another 'large' person without shooting them should not be in the police.

You can't become police officer here for that reason alone. Manlets are simply not allowed. I think you have to be at least 185 to join. However they let in women cuz muh vagyna, big mistake. These days they are always with a male partner, because they ofc can't deal with someone getting violent at all. So you always see them just tag along waste, makes the guy basically partnerless. All she can do is basically observe and call shit in


how did this closet homo even pass the psychological interview?
obvious narcissist.
power tripper.
do not hire these goddamn sissies, they are the cause of all the problems between the police and the public.

Where does it stop? When thought crimes get you shot?

How many layers of protection do these cops have? I mean they already have retarded laws for use of force. They get protected in courts and get away with this shit? You want more?

All that protection is at the cost of the safety for civilians and suspects. You are walking towards a police state. And that ain't freedom.

When is suspect is lying on the ground spread out. the cops should advance on the suspect and put handcuffs on him. Ordering him to crawl with his hands up and legs crossed is fucking retarded and pretty much impossible.

He’s 5’8”.

That’s the real problem.

That’s why he acts like a subhuman ape with meth addiction and nigger tattoos all over his body.

They had him in a position where he could have been handcuffes easily. His hands were behind his head. He was in the ground. There were multiple firearms pointed at him.
Why did the cops have to do that stupid crawling stuff when one of them could have just walked over there, handcuffed the suspect and be out of danger? All i am seeing here is a power tripping freak

But that's the kind of people who want to be cops.

Aside from following the arbitrary instructions, what could have the guy done to not get killed in that situation?

Manlets are irrecoverably useless I agree. Day of the rollercostercide when?

Bit this is what fascism looks like. You should be proud. Those I'm charge of an authoritarian society will not always be /yourgoy/.

Probably shouldn't have twitched or whatever he did. But the cop was setting him up for failure and was begging for an excuse so he was probably fucked either way.

It's not just the manlet thing.
Ex-Mil adrenaline junkies.
Shit personality.
Poor training and rules that even allowed this to happen.
The system that protects these cops IF it happens and removes all accountability.

You can't really pinpoint just one thing and blame it on it.

t: 186cm, so I'm not a salty manlet.

I'm 5'9" and have no tattoos. this has nothing to do with height there are retarded tall cops too

Not be an urbanite. The browner the area the jumpier the cops.

Tattoos are displeasing in some ways but none so severe as petite manlets

>Order him to keep his hands behind his head while laying down
>keep gun trained on him as partner handcuffs him
This way of arresting people is so mainstream I don't even think there's a movie directer who would've come up with a cop saying "crawl towards me".

No it’s not.

It’s the complete opposite of fascism.

This cop would be hung in a fascist state and never allowed to have tattoos and be a police officer to begin with.

In the burbs and country cops are basically aristocracy here. They are almost never in real danger.

I will condemn the police force for hiring this psycho in the first place.

Sure buddy, your fantasy Utopia is what you'll get.

suck and mutt dont rhyme, other than that, nice job