The top autists were right, the yearbook was a fake


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>I produced fakery, but im still trustworthy

Lol spread the words guys. Make sure this story doesn't die coz you know the media will delete it This is the counter punch Roy Moore needs and now's the right time to use it!

>I lied but I'm not lying now
>you have to believe me
>I has a vagina

Why is this working at all?

So another instance of 'fake but accurate'

Yeah it's a forgery, but don't ask her tough questions or else women will always be scared to tell their story.


>it was an honest mistake anyone could have made

"I didn't say Moore Judged my divorce.
I forged the only material evidence.

But darn it, it could have really happened that way!"

like the holocaust.

"The trauma made me misremember that I forged the only piece of evidence. But this whole thing feels real to me!"

>'fake but accurate'
fuck off leaf I'm referring to the Killian documents

HAHAHAHAHA it's ogre
Moore will win

Woman who claimed Roy Moore assaulted her admitted to faking “part” of her evidence. But the rest is totally legit according to her.

Couldn't have imagined that they are full of shit...

How does it feel to win this much?

it won't open for me. what does it say?

We need to meme this guy. He looks like that guy from AOE.

She admits that she wrote the date and location, but still insists that the note and signature were written by Moore. Then says people should belive her cause she’s a woman.

Some stories are real even if they aren't true

You don't say, huh? Man... imagine that. A woman lying about being raped. Man, ain't that some shit? I mean, I think I've just seen it all.

What gave you the impression it was working? Did you already forget the polls leading up the presidential election? Soros funded shitters will do anything to try and dissuade people from voting.

The fruit of the poisonous tree................

How the hell is it not a crime

"Roy Moore put me in one of his masturbation machine" ;_;

Looks like Roy Moore just won his election.


What a cunt.

So this it's the power of the post facts age.


Throw this cunt in jail.

So is this making headlines yet?

It's too slot at Breitbart right now.

Wait are the Dems destroying themselves? Or are the Jews annexing them for some reason?

Democrats played Al Franken Resigns!

Roy Moore is the modern day Mengele. Various roasties claim he played a game of doctor with them but it turns out it was only real in their minds.

>is the media admitting they have lied to try to steal a safe Republican Senate seat and churned out fake news to do so
What do you think? They give almost no attention to things that make them look bad and Trump look good. The lower court blocks of the travel ban got endless headlines and attention but the Supreme Court allowing it received a little blurb before they moved on to the next topic.

>Could not have been written before 1951
Does that mean her father was writing Holocaust incest fan-fics and just got one published? Because she has a whole section talking about her self exploration.

She also doesn't want to let an independent expertise of the part she says she didn't forge!!!!!

*breathes in*


Was him or some other Jew that the father paid to write it, can't remember.

Hahahahhahahhhaa fuck they must hate us

That's not how that doctrine works, m8..

Worst was abc shill feeding her the soft ball ‘questions’. Never confronted her with the forgery. Didn’t mention she has a revenge motive with her court case with Judge Moore presiding against her. More like, oh you wrote yourself a little reminder note, my dear... now where’s that lovely picture drawing of you in your teenage years... meanwhile Allred won’t release the yearbook for examination. This can only help Moore. Right?

Well it's in the internet so it must be true.

Why is he shirtless?

>I only forged part of the document, therefor, my credibility is still beyond reproach.

Knew it. Moore's on his way to Washington.

Bump it up, gents


Don't be an incestphobe fantasizing about your dead daughter touching herself is totally normal.

>forges document
>says they are telling the truth
Doesn't add up to me

Isn't it a criminal offence to forge a document and say someone else made it?

>Franken resigned for NOTHING

Will she be charged with a criminal offence for forgery?

Jews going to Jew

Post yfw the media is crying "RAPE" after Roy Moore wins bigly

Can someone give a summary of this whole thing?

Why would she even admit to this? Might as well keep quiet.

No, 99% of journalists degree are liberal in US. They already are claiming the forged parts as "notes" avoiding calling it a forgery

Most likely because she got caught.


Umm, y’all? Just sayin’ (again)... ;o)

(pic related)/archive link below

And remember, this is just the start. The DNC has been imploding on itself for weeks. Now, it’s the “NeverTrump” campaign/election rigging GOP’s turn to “Feel the Bern”. What did $30million in Strange campaign, counter Moore intel, PAC $$ actually buy them?! Crazy right?


Which just happen to be in a script awkwardly similar to the rest of the memo? If they're just "notes" why wouldn't they be in her own handwriting?

dont worry, some of us pay attention still...
here and elsewhere ;o

>adding a date and location

drumpftards logic

Two swooshes

Altering the evidence makes it inadmissible in court and casts extreme doubt upon her trustworthiness as a witness. The case is dead.