God I hate niggers
God I hate niggers
Twitter niggers actually believe their own shit.
Purge when?
Saw a nigger bitch throw a vase at our front desk manager last night. Shes thrown stuff before at our night staff. We havent caught the fucking bitch. Shots bugging me alot guys.
Odds are 100x greater that if you stop to help a black man out of a fire than helping a rabbit out of a fire, the black guy will cap you, take your wallet, rape your wife and drive off with your car.
Rabbits hardly ever do that.
next time i see a nigger that dindu nuffin next to a fire ill cradle them in my arms and carry them to safety
Black people have such a victim complex, we do everything for them and we think we are the devil, and they are a hundred times more racist towards us
do they even really believe this shit or is it just a social exactable way to hate. Hating under the guise of being a victim
I'd stop for a bunny but I wouldn't stop for a feral chimpanzee that will rip my face off when it's in the car.
>White guy saves rabbit from fire
>This is racist
>keep complaining about white racism
>can't stop talking about how white people are inferior to blacks
They'll say and believe anything that's positive about themselves and negative about whites.
We hate them. Why don't they understand this?
They live to hate and destroy.
They're not wrong. I would trade the life of 1 rabbit for the life of every nigger on Earth or that ever existed.
They want to be treated like animals?
>zero niggers helped out
k. check thx 4 showing the world what Sup Forums has been saying for years
A rabbit is cute and fills the void in me with some nice comfy thoughts, they also are cuddly pets and useful for food.
Can't say the same about niggers.
So how many peepooh really believe micro wave?
I just watched that youtube.
When has a bunny harmed a white person?
>law abiding
>black folk
Pick one and only one.
if blacks are so righteous, how come it was a white guy saving the rabbit and not a black person?
Why aren't blacks helping eachother?
Why, even in a time of crisis, they expect whites to cure every ail of theirs?
Aside from that, why can't these people have a littttle empathy and be happy that mankind helped a defenseless creature? It's like they're scum, through and through.
>bottom left
>Lelouch Vi.
>number of uses for rabbits: at least 2
>number of uses for a nigger: 0*
>*Niggers are oily and stinky thus making them unsuitable for consumption. Use for niggers increases to 1 with the implementation of slavery.
that's clearly a nigger saving the bunny, look at the head shape
and the basketball shorts
>Use for niggers increases to 1 with the implementation of slavery.
It's the 21st century mate, we have John Deere machines now.
Good point
Hey fuck those people. Bunnies are the best.
Are white people their dad or some shit?
These niggers act like "daddy didnt love me"-girls, fucking crying for attention from whites.... i see a new market opening for Jordan Peterson
>10$ personality tests now only 5$ if you are black
It's funny. They rely SO MUCH on whites, they're obsessed!
Throwing a nigger into the fire = rescuing a white person
This dindu shot up a local dollar store mother say "oh he was just fed up" sister says " he's super smart don't wanna see him in jail" he had an auto rifle and hundreds of bullets and the apes are out protesting that he dindu
Be honest Sup Forums.
If there were a fire and you could only save one; the rabbit or the twitter nigger, who would you choose?
what color is the rabbit
They are 100% right tho.
I'll save a cat or even a rabbit over a nigger any day of the week.
>dumbass white boi tries to save animal that doesn't need saving
>chases it into the fire
>burning alive, the pain it's in has it facing it's mortal fear, man
>it's heart stops due to shock from pain and fear from the monster thats holding it
Also judging by movement, I'm sure white boi is gay
nigger coloured, but it doesn't use twitter
Helping rabbits gets you thots
Helping blacks just gets you shot
Forget everything else, that guy is a fucking bloke. Makes me cry ever tim i see stuff like that
Do you think black people on twitter and then complain about racist white people?
A rabbit won't murder you.
A rabbit won't rob you.
A rabbit won't rape you.
If I had to choose between saving the life of 1 rabbit and a thousand niggers I would save cute bunny every time.
>I'm sure white boi is gay
Probably yes, however rabbits can get a shock and start unning in circles or just get standed.
>law-abiding black people.
That's an Oxymoron.
They want our affection so bad, it’s almost like we’re their fathers. kek
That happened in California. That guy was Mexican if anything
>they're nice to everyone except us!
Shouldn't that tell you that maybe, just maybe... *you're* the problem?
I'm starting to think that Black twitter is a swarm of russian bots designed to agitate people on the internet
All these posts are like exactly the same and they come out in swarms
Why? It's true isn't it? Wouldn't you rather help a rabbit than a nigger? Why are you so mad?
More whites live in California than in any other state.
Someone has to fill the void
>tfw suddenly overcome with memories and nostalgia for my pet rabbit who died when I was like four years old and whom I've barely thought of since then
The lunch is guaranteed.
And comes grilled!!!
Then the obvious answer is that you save the rabbit and call him a nigger after you get him to safety.
not by percentage, not by a long shot.
>Black people have such a victim complex
No they are too stupid to have a victim complex, imagine a human toddler crying that you dont pay attention to it to understand niggers.
>Law abiding black folks
Where the fuck are they?
the life of one rabbit is worth more the life of a dozens of those gangsta niggers
at least the rabbit can feed you
They’re just mad people value animals more than niggers
they know they're animals kek they be jealous slaves n shiii
Well we just want to protect our families and environment. Niggers are an invasive species brought here hundreds of years ago by the Dutch. We need to get rid of them but all they do is breed so it’s hard. If anything it would help restore the land if we threw them into the fire.
Is there ever a time where they aren't victims of anything that happens?
Just sounds like
"Why doesn't massa lub us no mo"
to me.
Pretty sure the nigga saving the rabbit is black. Niggers on twitter hate white people so much they don’t even care if the “racist” bunny rescuer is white or not
>only suspended
>Niggers won't save a dying rabbit.
Good to know.
lets not get ahead of ourselves here, they will enrich your couch with cocoa puffs and eat the carpet. They might be better than niggers but it wont save them from the Rope.
It actually looks like very bad Sup Forums larp, made that way on purpose, unfortunately I know a lot of blacks are really that way.
Arabic twitter are whole different beast on its own, it is unimaginable for someone from the west that someone speaks that way.
at least it wasn't a chinese person getting the rabbit
Dude, that guy wasn't even white, WTF is up with these niggers?
Anybody that a few shades lighter then them is white now?
>with pay
>he volunteered
They are just mad at us because we didn't genocide them. Now they have to live a life of blacks.
get it?! my fellow ledditorz
At your mother's house
>wish white people would save blacks from fires as if blacks were tiny stupid helpless animals
What is welfare for 300 Alex?
Also ever called the fire department?
Its nothing personal. Its just the easiest way of leeching without white folks realising they are being made fun of
>all these replies saying a rabbit won't hurt you
Complete bullshit.
lootan dat codeine from tha local walgreens for makin dat sizzurp; we can only do it tho when a black criminal is shot
>white people ain't scared of nothing but law abiding black folks
Is he mixing up 'abiding' with 'breaking'?
No, it's definitely a white guy.
niggers demand white people bend over backwards not to be racist but at the same time are the most open about disliking white people, supporting black over non-black businesses, having clear ingroup preference and distrust of white people.
they have no self awareness and are such hypocrites
It never ceases to amuse me how black people use these white tools to spew their bullshit. If it wasn't for white people the niggers wouldn't even have an internet or smart phone or Twitter or any of the fucking shit they've got and use to post their low IQ gibberish. Fuck niggers. Fuck them all.
Top kek
Absurdly underrated
God I hate wh*Te subhuman sperm skinned neanderthal cave dwelling apes
living in their minds rent free
The guy chasing the rabbit was probably high as fuck