Brexit was a mistake
Brexit was a mistake
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That was all part of Farage plan, more then 15million brits will vote for Ukip next election
You lied to me I HATE YOU ALL
Britain leaving the EU is not a mistake. The problem we have is a government that is 95% for remaining spearheading the negotiations. You are asking them to do something completely backwards from their own goals and you think they're going to do it competently and in your interests?
>Brexit was a mistake
goodluck on being german's slave.
Do you honestly want to see The United Kingdom a state of The United States of Europe? Are you high?
This is obviously a shill thread...
Just ignore guys let it die off
We never signed up for this, please let us back Germany we will accept whatever conditions even refugees, we just don't want to cripple our economy, we were lied to
>t. Stanislaw the Toilet Cleaner
Not a shill thread. You are part of the problem. Anyone who disagrees with the main opinion on Sup Forums is labelled a shill or jew etc. and ignored
Its like a cult here now
>instead of trying to gain power in the EU lets become a vassal state
some of us were saying that before the vote, you know. if you listened to us you would have helped the nation (brit in france here, proudly voted remain and am trying to save our exports in the face of French uncertainty and their very sensible desire to find other suppliers because my UK based company might not be able to supply next year... )
so how would you do it einstein? the Eu holds all the power here, and you want to do what? trade more with africa and india?
will not happen and would definitely not happen if UK still in Eu with a veto.
The EU is a cult. Worshiping pillars and jews. No dissent allowed.
its fine m8 fucking shut up relax
your mother forgetting her birth control pill was a mistake
>85% of the world economy is outside the EU.
It was a great idea in the aftermath of ww2 but its turned into a political project that Britain has no place in.
Ten years from now, French men and women will be sent to die at the whim of a few unelected foreign beauracrats. Let's face it, probably for the sake of either the Slavs or the rapefugees.
Can you honestly say you want that for your country?
why, apart from it being really good for america to break up the Eu and to be able to bully the Uk into a shitty trade deal, are americans so keen on Brexit?
Americans not welcome in this discussion, you have ruined enough already
How can people be so fucking stupid to fuck centralisation of power is a good thing?
Hurr durr let's make it so the most corrupt people in the world only have to corrupt 1 organisation rather than 28. Aren't we progressive, enlightened goys?
>Getting political advice from a cambodian basket weaver forum
90% of the developed world has trade agreements with the Eu
you will get a trade agreement with them again after years of negotiation, and get a worse deal because you are a tiny market and have no power
is it worth being poor forever more to be sitting on the edge of the greatest economic power in the world and saying at least we have bendy bananas (like we always had and never were not going to have)
fuck off eu shillsss
famous last words
it was not a mistake, don't be a fucking cuck
EU is a fucking dictatorship, they'll never stop immigration.
you think over 70% of the people in Europe whose critical of the EU can have their opinions extinguished just like that.
holy fuck are you stupid!
>EU is a fucking dictatorship, they'll never stop immigration.
Neither will the Tories. The benefits of staying in FAR outweighed the benefits of leaving
In fact there are no benefits of leaving kek
Things are looking a lot better for brexit than al-beeb would have you believe
The EU cobbled together this garbage nonsensical ‘deal’ in order to save May’s government from collapsing, which would mean a de facto ‘no deal’ exit and believe me when i say ABSOLUTE SHITLOADS OF MONEY coming into the country
They got their media shills to hail it as a soft brexit ‘breakthrough’ to rile up their pathetically subservient supporters and demoralize the rest of us
Really we are exactly where we were 2 weeks ago, the EU is feigning progress to save May’s bacon because they are terrified of her inevitable replacement not having any loyalties to them
As evidenced by the sheer ridiculousness of the “deal”
Trump is WINNING, brexit is HAPPENING, the establishment is in panic - they unironically think they’re in trouble because they didn’t tell ENOUGH lies. Just compare pre-post 2016 BBC output. It’s insane the difference
Hope that helps :)
When you put it like that...kinda hot
Look. I spent a year justifying myself to people, I no longer need or want to do it.
This country is leaving the EU. Europeans don't realise how fucking hated she actually is. I'd imagine the hardline Eurosceptics (Mogg et al) will be getting their signatures at this very moment.
Britain will prevail, it always does.
>Brexit was a mistake
enjoy being replaced by muslims then.
How? Don't you want British leaders to have more control over immigration and tax?
>The benefits of staying in FAR outweighed the benefits of leaving
What benefits!?
it was glorious and perfect
>have to pay whatever you would have paid anyway in the next 5 years
Do you think the large amount of money you have to pay is ridiculous? Well that's how much you're saving by leaving
What was mistake? Nothing even happened yet. You are still in EU.
>The benefits of staying in FAR outweighed the benefits of leaving
What benefits?
Are you a corporation or a bank ?
shut up you stupid cunt
>The benefits
This is why the general population shouldn't be allowed to vote, they will chose corruption over anything else Every fucking time..
of course brexit was a mistake
the leavers liked to accuse the EU of importing too many muslims and being too culturally authoritarian
Britain is already far worse in this domestically, with millions of paki intellectuals and a shitty police state
at least the eu allowed for a somewhat stable economy
>at least the eu allowed for a somewhat stable economy
in what way? By hijacking the market and demanding that member states pay a tremendous amount of money in order to trade with each other?
>85% of the world economy is outside the EU
>90% of the developed world has trade agreements with the EU
are two different things, Pierre
But most of UK muslims came from their old colonies. They don't need EU to import them. Brexit happened because polish diaspora proved to be even more cancerous than muslims. I really hope they don't come back after Brits kicks them out.
or perhaps by centralising funding for culture to the EU and thus only giving funding to cultural projects of the EU's choice, which happens to be contradictory to the tourism industry.
Is that a part of their stable strategy?
Or perhaps by selling the rights to the British fishing industry to other states while Brussels keep the money?
Stable enough?
where is this money coming from, because it isn't the EU...or america...
Fuck the EU. War this year. Remove kebab.
or are you talking about the EU allowing and promoting local industries to invest overseas and outsource all labour to literal children who work for slave wages while the impoverished working classes in EU states are left to fend for themselves?
Stable and progressive enough!?
oh, free trade, massive savings in regulatory oversight costs, protection of human rights, that sort of thing. but mostly the enormous amount of money we used to make which will now be cut by silly trade barriers.
Exactly this.
It's also how (((they))) sabotage Brexit
The EU contributes literally nothing to Europe's economy, Germanistan takes pretty much all the profits while the rest can go fuck themselves.
I wouldn't expect a dumbfuck American to understand what's it like in Europe, though.
>britcucks being this delusional
>muh we didnae any calculations lolz minister
You've made your own titanic, now we will enjoy watching your ride.
>But most of UK muslims came from their old colonies.
Not the new ones that the EU would force britain to take.
Prolly a scot that voted to stay with the queen
Over 40 years pay 40 Billion.
Stay in Eu pay 400 +++Billion as they put up how much is paid in each year to be member.
Uk has just saved Billions
>oh, free trade
by demanding a membership fees?
>massive savings in regulatory oversight costs
in other words cost-effecitve lack of transparency? no wonder luxleaks
>protection of human rights,
by means of slavery in africa and asia by EU promoted busnisses?
>but mostly the enormous amount of money we used to make which will now be cut by silly trade barriers.
really? how?
yes and so the Uk is leaving trade agreements with all the biggest economies of the world in order to ... spend years making new deals with the same people they used to have deals with, only they will be shitty deals... great idea.
>fake-spain pretending to be relevant
So the EU's plan is to make Brexit look horrible and than have GB vote a second time?
no, first of all why are people so fucking into these "trade deas" they fuck you commoners more than they fuck the nations they are supposed to represent.
There is no reason not to renegotiate bad deals.
>than have GB vote a second time?
Article 50 was triggered, a vote now or in the future would have to be a vote to JOIN the EU and that would not be an easy process
We are fucked either way now
Euros are so bluepilled why can't we just ban them all from Sup Forums
go suck juncker you eu-loving leftwing retard
what are you even doing here if you love the EU so much, you have no reason to complain you cucksucker
>We are fucked either way now
not if more countries leave
>germanistan takes pretty much all the profits
any reasons for this? it seems they contribute the most and bail out other ones
lol I've been booted from about every single forum on the web for nothing more than opinions expressed within the bounds of the rules of those sites. This is one of two websites left in the English language that I'm not banned.
>But those meanies called me a name! Why won't they pay attention to me?! CULT!!!
Yeah, dude. Sure.
Oi, bin that knife ya cheeky wanker
It's literally a Jew hoax, and did nothing but allow Jews to buy stocks and pound cheaper akin to what happened after Napoleon was defeated and Rothschild went to UK before regular couriers. Meanwhile the eternal anglo gloated as if they've won.
Britannia rules the mud.
>Brexit was a mistake
The mistake was nobody stopping a fucking remainer globalist elite shill run the fuck lifeboat into the fucking sinking titanic.
Anyway whats done is done, this place is cucked into oblivion now.
>trade more with africa and india
yeah that would never work out
haha stop being mad. nobody cares about your fake ass country. You aren't even a real people, just a province of spain.
>no one is allowed a dissenting opinion on this anonymous tadpole trading board REEEEEE I stand for freedom
>go away you are not welcome in this discussion
>Brexit was a mistake
"Brexit" hasn't even happened yet.
You do know that Germans produce the world's largest amount of scat porn right
Must admit, it's looking pretty fucked up at the moment.
>a real people
no one is real in EU retard. No cultures exist in the EU, just look at the US, you'll become even more insignificant in a few years time, but by that time you'll scream for a saviour to save you from the claws of European dictatorship, the root of poverty and famine in all of europe. and if you think an ma or a few ba's are going to save you, think again..
t. jealous Spanish Peasant
Speak for yourself, dutch culture is amazing. EU is just a good trade deal. If you can't understand this you're a fucking moron.
Take some personal responsibility cuck.
>t. European Union Endowment Chair of Shitposting
>dutch culture is amazing
you mean EU culture
brexit wasn't mistake.
you blamed us for being the most problematic minority in your country.
you have a typical case inability to identify the problem
brexit has nothing to do with it
>freedom is a mistake
>en years from now, French men and women will be sent to die at the whim of a few unelected foreign beauracrats. Let's face it, probably for the sake of either the Slavs or the rapefugees.
so this is the power of millenial alt-right paranoia