After 5 years of alcohol and drug abuse I feel like shit and I think I might cirrhosis...

After 5 years of alcohol and drug abuse I feel like shit and I think I might cirrhosis. After years of wanting to vanish from life I don't want to go yet atleast not from this

What a pointless thread. I hope you actually die soon.

Eat small amounts of porkfat and milkfat each day. Exercise. Maybe get a alpha-lipoic acid supplement. Exercise will make you vom it all out like a demon. Now you play the game of rehabbing your liver without destroying your heart or kidneys. Good one OP.

Just drink lots of water and fap it out, no harm no foul right...

The liver is a surprisingly regenerative organ as long as you haven't reached the cirrhosis stage yet. Go get checked out at the doctor, and eat healthy.

Fuck these unhelpful jackasses. The key to your salvation is through the Lord, my friend. If you'd like to talk I'd be happy to help.

Anyway, you have at least recognised the dangers - but your liver is pretty gud at repairing itself, so you have to stop yielding to temptation and give the partying a rest for while. Now, I am not even telling you to cease drinking or drugs forever, but you must at least stop for a while in order get healthy before going on a bender again.

Make peace with life and prepare to join the void.

If you're only 5 years in it shouldn't be too hard to turn back.

It really only gets worse once. It really does. If you think you don't care now wait until how much less you'll care later.

Fuck off lord won't do shit, bible has yet to cure my fucking autism.

Get your liver checked to know how fucked you are.

ayy lmao sup bro is u me?

Stop drinking, see a doctor, start drinking a lot of coffee and tea


Unless you have reached "Leaving Las Vegas" levels of selfabuse, you can step from the abyss.

See a doctor, ASAP, and be up front about your drinking problem. He (don't see a she) can run a simple blood panel and tell you what your liver values are. From there, get help...10-step, churchy stuff, in-patient detox (I used Schick Shadel in SEA). Also, diet and exercise. My therapist put me on a highly-restrictive KETO, (

no one gives a shit faggot

>i think i might cirrhosis

I will make sure these will be last words

try anal sudoku

how much did you drink daily in that 5 years?
i was10 years in and my liver is fine.

Relax bro I've been at it alot longer than you and I'm fine, I've gone through stages where it hurt bad but they pass..just take it easy for a bit. It's actually more likely gall bladder related

I used to drop 15-20 pills and down a 6 pack I did alot of damage. Trust me 5 years ain't shit

I meant 12-18 pack.

Long time degenerate here. Just turned 31, been on opiates since I was 15. True red blooded white American here, get out now before its too late OP. Believe me when I tell you this life is the purest blackpill there is.

I really hate it when people methodically commit passive suicide but when push comes to shove start "worrying about their health". Absolute lack of fucking self-awareness.

A few things to consider:
1) Cirrhosis is a SEVERE condition. The amount of alcohol you need to ingest to get cirrhosis at a young age (I will assume that you are young) is monumental. The point is, you need to be absolutely certain that this is the case. We often tend to imagine the worst case scenario when facing health issues.
2) Once again, assuming you are young, this is not doomsay. Quit drinking for good from now to the end of your life, only water, and lots of it. Switch to healthy habits and the liver will fix itself. However you MUST see a doctor to asses the severity of your case and plan a treatment. The point is you are NOT going to die or be crippled or anything like that.
3) Take this as an opportunity to get your life sorted. Instead of looking at this as bad news think of it as a new beginning of a better you. Turn this into the best thing that could happen to you. I did it myself when facing a severe hand injury from overpracticing (piano and guitar) and now I am thankful I had that injury, because I became a much better musician afterwards.
Good luck.

>1 post by this ID
Come ON people. Stop fucking falling for these threads. SAGE

liver can repair itself from like 25% health.

just stop now and you might still have a chance.

ive been at it for over 20 yrs now user. im 40 yrs old and ppl commonly mistake me for being late 20's, 30. the key is moderation. i do whatever i please but not too much. by that i mean i try to keep it to no more than one night a week. the degeneracy that comes with drugs is because people overdo it. when used responsibly there are little to know repercussions...u have to take care of urself not do as much as u can possibly get at all times. not steal or lie or rip people off. do it when u can afford to....the reason i have come to this conclusion is because i dont like the two "black and white" options, which are either "degenerate addict doing as much as possible" or "complete sober"....there is a middle ground, dont listen to all of the "drug addiction specialists"....there is a reason why rehab/Na,aa, etc, only have like a 10% success rate. they arent doing things right.

of course never doing any drugs is ideal, if possible. its just not likely to happen for most of us. hence, damage control use, as i call it. because the 100% clean route almost causes u to fetishize it, and want it more because ur not supposed to. when u know u can do next week or month, it turns into not such a big deal.

Welcome to my world, I got gasto symptoms my doctors can't figure out what is and now I will have to accept death at an early age.

Have you tried Alex Jones's shit pills followed by eating fermented foods to fix your gut flora?

Believe me: the shit pill make you shit. Plan on an extra 20 minutes on the pot each morning, and drinking enough water to keep from getting dehydrated.

same here

I’ve been smoking crack and drinking a 12 pack everyday the past two years and taking pain pills. I’m in recovery but I’m still taking pain pills, let us exchange prayers for each other

Sometime these hardknock faggots think theyre s, o stronk to face death

But when death looks them in the eye

They chicken shit themselves

This. Also you'll need a very good micronutrient intake profile with plenty of clean water. Shill alert: There's a supplement called "Dr. Joe's SuperGreens" that also has enzyme profile as well.

That shit works like magic compared to a store multivitamin.

Maintain good intake and maybe you can unfuck yourself enough to be a functional human being. Did I mention you should drink clean water often in the healing process?

Well you're here so let's play doctor. Could you describe it further?

Then stop you fucking moron and go see a doctor.


>eat milk
>try again brainlet

See a shrink, not Sup Forums.

just do this for 6 month
no excuses
>pic related
