Why is it that the UK has lost its power to the point that it's now not as influential as Germany?

Why is it that the UK has lost its power to the point that it's now not as influential as Germany?

Uk has been usless since the league of nations

Capitulating to Jews in WW2

Bigger population, Good industry, better infrastructure.

No colonies and brown people to profit off of, but soon they may rise back to power because all the brown people are coming to them

Aryans are superior to the anglo


silly question.

threw away its powerful position in the world's largest trading bloc because the people got fooled by liars like Gove and Johnson and Farage.


how do I get a 3.14 qt french gf as a german-american

well i did it by getting a degree in aero engineering and getting a job with a UTC and moving to their biggest base in France, and finding a lovely girl in local cafe... who was charmed by my bad french and the fact that i wanted to learn french and not be a typical ameritard who speaks bad english all the time.

oh being good looking helps too...

UK was brutal, cunning, and had tech advantage through which they won over peaceful or non warmongering or non advanced or not so smart nations.

It had the advantage of colonies to fuel its massive trade.
It had a stable isolated island, and strategically perfect position. No one could attack and succeed, but they could go on expedition.
They were hard workers and earned their empire with wit, blood, and sweat.

But technology of other countries caught up to them. Along with their "greatest ally" America.
It is astonishing to me that Brits think Americans are their allies while it was USA who played a very important part in decolonizing the world.

USA wanted to be a great power and hence it had to make sure the old empires break, come world war and USA fulfilled it's policy.

USA also has an excellent strategic location, it isn't a surprise that they are great power.
You guys should look into how USA pushed out UK from thee Atlantic.

For the UK it stopped focusing on being great and started living into post colonial 'muh empire'. They still believe that it is a great power, forgetting that the influence has steadily been decreasing for almost a century now.
USA will make the same mistake, look at how china is claiming it's seas and oceans just like USA did to UK.

Like all empires UK became complaisant, China, India, and Rome, and other empires have seen this happen before and we know the cycle of empires. They come and they go. UK should now focus on being like Switzerland, kick out muslims, keep being the financial capital and maybe make it's own EU of the dissidents that get out of EU, or better still make the anglo union with Canada, Australia, NZ.

They've lost this round and thinking otherwise is folly they should focus less on 'we wuz empire and shiz' and more on actually building it, the longer they take to realize that they have lost influence is the longer they will take to recover

Its a fair statement that we love to reminisce about our once glorious empire. But i am pretty sure everybody here (in Britain) realises our diminished influence . In a way we take pride in america as our "child". In many we just see it as a continuation of the Anglo empire.

French people actually seem to be really nice to you if you actually try to talk to them in their language. In fact it was hard sometimes when I was there because they'd try to switch to English to help me out and I'd try to maintain the conversation in French.

1) USA funded Germany for WW2.
2) Germany + Britain smashed armies together.
3) USA took everything and milk like a cow because there was no remaining army to resist.

yeah I get that all the time. I say "bonjour" in my terrible accent and they say "how can I help you?" but I keep trying. and having a french speaker at home and in bed helps...

Is it true French chicks don't shave anywhere or is that a meme?

because the British are less idealistic and less emotional than the Germans, and Germans want to be the best, and they want to have adventures in their lives, so they still think of achieving collective goals


Churchill destroyed the british empire

sounds badass until you realize jews control your country

delete this

Jews and liberal whites

because of america and ww2. britain should have just sat back and let fuckin hitler run riot and the americans deal with the japs alone.
instead it ended up on the winning side but had to pay off years of debts while the japs and nazis had shit loads of dosh given to them as a reward for killing millions. well fuck the americans and all the europeans, britain is best out of it all

S-shut up m-meme flag!

The jews control every country. You live in zero places not controlled by jews

This Pajeet speaks the truth.

200 years of intravenous soy injections directly into the ballsack.

We mistakenly thought that the USA were our allies.