How will Amerigoys ever recover?

How will Amerigoys ever recover?

This is a lie

We and the Saudis are equal partners



What exactly has trump done for either of those countries?

Is there a list somewhere?


wait so libs dont like muslims or jews... hmmm


>implying it's new or would have been different with Hillary

He's the only decent lefty journo remaining. Even ((((Greenwald))))) sucks nigger dicks now.

but I thought Russia called the shots?

>decent lefty journo

Does not compute

Sold a buttload of weapons to the Saudis, a regime which directly funds ISIS
Recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the embassy, which turns all of our international relations against us solely for the benefit of a foreign nation

Seriously, have you been living under a rock or something?

Wtf are you even implying here? Trump supporters wanted America first and he's turned out to be another neocon Zionist sellout don't turn it into some partisan bullshit


Tracy isn't a leftist.

>Sold a buttload of weapons to the Saudis, a regime which directly funds ISIS

No, it directly funds the US.
Selling something to somebody isn't doing them a favor. They're giving us money. The more money they give to us, the less they can give to ISIS.

>Recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the embassy, which turns all of our international relations against us solely for the benefit of a foreign nation

No it doesn't.... The only people who are mad are literally shitskin muslims who already hated the US in the first place.
They weren't ever going to be our friend, you weak willed pussy faggot.

>But now they'll know that the US has friendship with israel
WOW this is new information that trump shouldn't have let get out.

He is, by his own admission.

>The more money they give to us, the less they can give to ISIS.
you can't be this fucking stupid


Fucking roach lover

It's true. Saudi's are a finite nation with a finite wealth.

It's actually
America Fourth, Mexicans Third, Saudi Second, Israel First.
It's been over 1 year now and no wall, no deportations, every day more Latinos.

That's like saying Mussolini was a leftist because he said so.

>spends 8 months doing things that benefit America directly
>do one thing to benefit another nation
>that one thing was a campaign promise made in 2015

So your solution is to sell them weapons so they can give money as well as guns to isis?

except the part where America has improved under Trump and every indication is that it will continue to do so

>If the US didn't sell saudi's weapons, they wouldn't be able to get any
You can't be this fucking stupid

They can give ISIS the advanced weapons we sold them you fucking retard
Not to mention they still have plenty of money to spare. You really endorse supporting this regime?

Regarding Jerusalem the Christians in the area are pretty hopping mad too but that's admittedly neither here nor there.
The point is it's provoking conflict beyond the usual tensions and for no good reason.
It's putting American lives at risk for the sake of a foreign power which is exactly what he said he would stop doing. We have nothing to gain from moving the embassy, it's exclusively for the benefit of Israel and his Jew Zionist son-in-law (who built the whole deal).

You Trump supporters are like religious zealots. The amount of mental gymnastics you'll commit to justify what he does is very confusing to me.

Kek Germany btfo without a single word uttered.

jews are a matriarchal cuck race, that wont offend them

Will never understand why the far right claim to hate jews but bend over backwards like a 5$ hooker to please them as soon as they see those curly locks.

Moron detected. For future reference, a "boatload" is a lot of things- enough to fill a boat. A buttload is the amount of things you can fit in your butt, which in your case I suspect could be quite a bit, but not enough to fill up a container ship. Maybe.

>Tax bill
>Constant wins on immigration topics
>Markets goes extremely well
>Economy booms (4% gdp growth was a dream number according to ""experts"" when Trump claimed he could push it in 2017) which is now happening
Etc etc etc.

I mean.. liberals have complained about all these things for a year now, I thought they knew about the things Trump are doing for the US.

>That kid's gonna get dope anyway so I may as well be the one to sell it to him
Do you want your nation to be responsible for ISIS's loadout? Is it okay if your president is behind their arsenal?
If you answered yes, then you're fucking useless.

Is there anything Trump can do to lose your support? Anything at all?

>They can give ISIS the advanced weapons we sold them you fucking retard

See:>The point is it's provoking conflict beyond the usual tensions and for no good reason.
One good reason is that it's what trump campaigned on; and it's good for trump to keep his promises.
Another good reason is that it gives him something to negotiate on. It shakes up the politics of the region and might break things out of a deadlock.

Kys kike


First off, you're a retard. We're clearly in a bubble, as Trump LOVED to point out during his campaign. We're heading for a crash and he's doing nothing about it.

Second, you're a fucking retard. Even if what you say is true that doesn't mean he's not fucking up in some areas and that's worth criticizing.

>It shakes up the politics of the region and might break things out of a deadlock.
Why the FUCK should I care? Since WWII it's been a long march for the Zionist cause and I'm fucking sick of putting US lives and dollars at risk for a foreign power.
Another campaign promise he made, one he got a whole lot of votes (including mine) for, was America First.
He's betrayed that.

Wow, those mental gymnastics tho

>Do you want your nation to be responsible for ISIS's loadout?

Guess what? We are. American government has no ability to control where american weapons ultimately end up. We sell them to person A, Person A sells them to person B. Person B to Person C.

It's better for the US if the US monopolizes the entire arms market, and forces everybody to buy weapons from us. Because that means they will be afraid to go against our will.

It's better for the US if we economically destroy all other arms manufacturers... Because then nobody will even be able to go to war with us.

That's the long game, and in the mean time, this hugely benefits the US because we're making bank on the actual sales. i.e. more jobs and money for american workers.


This obviously.
Le human rights and islam are memes. All that matters is the shekels.

The shekels must flow.

So to my first question, about the kid buying dope, you answer "yes, we should sell to the kid".
This is the most morally pathetic argument I've ever heard, and you should be ashamed for bending over backwards as you do to defend these policies.
Also, you never answered my other question.
>Is there anything Trump can do to lose your support? Anything at all?

>far right


Fuck off shareblue, we're on to you

>Why the FUCK should I care?
Because, like it or not, the middle east is a cancer on the world that will hurt the west. Just ignoring it and going home isn't a reasonable way to deal with the problem.... it will just grow worse the longer you leave it alone.

Drumph has embraced the doctrine of helter skelter thats breddy far right

Wow, you've bought this whole program hook, line, and sinker.
You're defending the idea of intervention to "rid us of the scourge" when just a moment ago you were defending ties with Saudi Arabia (the most egregiously Islamist regime) and channeling weapons to ISIS.
You're intellectually bankrupt. You've got no solid views or principles at all. You just love your master.

>Is there anything Trump can do to lose your support? Anything at all?
Sure, but fulfilling his campaign promises isn't one of them.

For example, if trump started saying illegal immigration benefits us "who would clean our toilets?" that kind of thing; i would drop him immediately.
Or if he started campaigning for raising the minimum wage.
Or if he went against gun rights in any way.

But the jerusalem thing is literally one of his campaign promises. It's GOOD for him to fulfill his promises, not bad.

>defending ties with Saudi Arabia (the most egregiously Islamist regime) and channeling weapons to ISIS.

You're pretending that I've contradicted myself, but i haven't.

You think "dealing with the middle east" is a 1 dimensional binary thing. Either we:
>Make an enemy of all muslims
>make friends with all muslims
No. That's an idiotic way to look at the world.

And what about the America first promise? That doesn't seem too important to you.
Selling out American lives for the benefit of a foreign power is tenable to you? Channeling weapons to ISIS is okay in your book?
I doubt very much that you're being truthful. I'd be willing to bet if he went back on immigration, minimum wage, etc., you'd find a way to defend it. You'd go through whatever arguments you had to to construe it as 4D chess.

Name me one Middle Eastern nation which is less violent and more amicable toward the US as a result of our intervention.
I'll save you some time, you can't. It's only ever made things worse.
And the contradiction can be found in first saying the Middle East is a "cancer" but then defending the support of that cancer's worst elements.
If we were to leave the region it might get worse, I very VERY much doubt it but I can't say for sure, but at least we won't be spending taxpayer dollars and throwing away American lives just to play our stupid role in the shitshow.

>And what about the America first promise?

America first means that our actions should benefit the interests of america.
It benefits america for america to sell more weapons, I already explained why.

You can say saudi government has some indirect support of global terrorism somehow... but whatever that effect is needs to be weighed against the benefits to america.
You're probably going to say that saudi's caused 9/11, but that's a conspiracy theory. I'm not saying there are no half truths in that story, but I don't believe it outright.

When people say "saudi's fund isis", they mean that saudi's fund mosques, and mosques create isis. You're framing it dishonestly by saying it the way you say it.

>I'll save you some time, you can't. It's only ever made things worse.
Look, again you have to compare what we've gained as a country vs the cost. Yea muslim's like us less because we're dominating the region. But at the same time, you have to compare that to how the middle east would look today had we never intervened. With the massive amounts of money they get from oil sales, they would be on par with the US in terms of technological development... and they would still be enemies of the west (although not quite as angry, because they would be defeating us instead of being dominated by us). Letting these powers become organized and developed would be extremely dangerous to us.

The problem is, global technology is at the point where you can't reasonably claim your country to be independent of the others.

They can all attack you from everywhere on the earth. Everybody is next door.

>implying Israel and Saudi are different entities


kys bsdk
don't larp as a white and hate on Jews for no reason, they are our friends
an enemy of is*am is a friend of ours
Mandir Jerusalem Me Banayenge

wait i thought trump was antisemite

Nah he let his daughter marry one of them