Obama is

Obama is...

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in a homosexual relationship with a tranny

Going to be indicted for sedition in trying to overthrow the US government.

When they throw the treason charge at him, he'll suddenly find his real birth certificate.

Neither as bad as Sup Forums makes him out to be or as inspiring as normies think

Greatly missed

A good man and a good president who actually knew what he was doing and improved America by leaps and bounds in the 8 years he was POTUS.

someone who knew exactly what he was doing

The guy who got Trump elected.

Obama was completely based, charming and a cool guy.
Then all the shit he and his friends have done came to light.
Now he is just a dumbass.

no longer president.

...a nigger.

The best possible President for the EU

rubot detected

A mistake

a nigger

A literal faggot

Pretty decent all considered but the health care thing is really a mess


Flag checks out

a nigger who filled once all white conservative towns across America with muslims and beaners

the reason trump got elected. He bankrupt the DNC(forcing them into Hillary's corrupt hands), let a fuckton of immigrants in, made the situation worse in Mexico by selling guns to the cartels, royally fucked the lower and middle class on taxes and healthcare with ACA, and played into polarizing racial issues in his last 4 years.

He literally created his own sides mess and then blames it on the opposition.

>Obama is...

a terrorist


an okie doke

a cruel master

...a failure.

He was asleep at the wheel while the Republicans turned our country into a BIAS crazy shit hole.

Half white, half black. The white part is what got him to be president, the black part is what got him pity to be president


Seriously needing medication and counseling. Probably to be locked up in Shady Acres convalescence home for a few decades.

The douche is literally following Trump around the world and acting like he's still a relevant authority and trying to undermine the legitimate president's labors! Obama is sick! He needs internment!


Best black president we've ever had. He's so good in fact, they shouldn't even try to top him

a tranny fucker.

the anti-christ

Liberals will defend this

Since his Saudi bank got arrested, he is probably trying to find a new one.

a puppet of the globalist elites

>A Fraud
>A Phony
>A Traitor

he isnt missed and you wont be either.

His name is Barry Sutoro.

OBAMALEAF IN 3.... 2....

...not an orangutan.


>knew exactly what he was doing
>tried to destroy american exceptionalism by exacerbating racial tensions
yeah, he knew what he was doing

That's absolutely uncalled for. You know ol' Barry is the bottom.

The worst president we've had in my lifetime and that's with bush

>only white people working in the image

Yeah, communists tend to become all those things eventually.

...a butthurt marxist nigger who's panicking and shadowing Trump's recent foreign trips by a day or two, to assure those world leaders that Trump doesn't know what he's doing and this economic boom we're seeing in America must be made up because Obama is the smartest man on the planet, so if Obama couldn't fix the economy, no man could.

Checked wow



a moron


>"If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon"
>that tear when talking about gun control
>literally created the nu-male
>single-handedly destroyed race relations in America leading to white genocide
Yeah, man, so BASED! /ourguy/, am I right?




Well, as a matter of a fact, yes, 9 FUCKING years ago he seemed like a good guy.

Not the president of the United States of America