What is the best stand and why is it Killer Queen?

What is the best stand and why is it Killer Queen?

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>what is The World
Don't you want Heaven?

Who's the girl?

Shouldn't most stands be capable of achieving Heaven? I mean, it did work for Pucci.


Can I use it to clean my toilets or wipe my ass?

I think you meant Beach Boy.

If you want them to also explode, yes.

I actually really like The Passion and its implications for Hermit Purple.

Real Question anons.

How would it work an stand that is a combination of Killer Queen, D4C and King Crimson all in one?

Not as good as Vile Actions Performed For cut-rate costs

Why did Araki never use 『The Universe』? What sort of powers would it have other than time stop?

The Universe isn't a tarot card or a song name, it'll never be used


The link you posted says that The World is The Universe.

It's Sekai from School Days.

Persons lied to you. The World and the Universe are the exact same thing.

The stand would've had Killer Queen's bombs and can drag another being into the universe just like D4C but can't switch himself and if he primes a being from another universe with BTD and lights it, time will skip forward for an hour with everyone.

It just works

That's literally Bite the Dust retard.
>deletes time but Killer Queens actions still take place within the deleted time ala King Crimson
>Kira flies through multiverse bubbles when time "resets" just like D4C

Killer Queen was easily one of the top three most powerful stands in JoJo, it's just that Kira didn't know how it worked.

Crazy diamond is my favorite, when its powers aren't being used in a way that makes you go "EEEEEH". The glass arrow thing with his blood was a stretch.
Also, why didn't Kira just turn the fucking house into a bomb?

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap is pretty sweet

I love these