
Doug Jones grabbed my dick when I was 13

What was he supposed to do when you were letting every other man grab it

>even though we had slavery...
Fake news. That's not an endorsement of slavery. Fucking Newsweek getting my hopes up.

Can someone post the pic of the forged yearbook with two different colors?


He probably never made that speech, but say it more than once.

Why are we afraid of racism now?

This is commonplace. Slavery was just free labor. These days it's about sending our money to other countries like china for near slave labor wages in order for the corporate jew to profit weakening out nation. Of course the elite whites don't care about the common laborer in the us when paying them is too expensive. It's always about the bottom line and tricking dumb white cucks into fighting each other while doing it.

Me too. Precious shitposting time would be wasted reading such slanted drivel.

He grabbed my pussy and i don't even have one and wrote in my Yearbook to have a happy Kwanzaa

>Alabama has to be the most ass backwards state in the union
That's Mississippi.

#dougtug #metoo

Meanwhile they bullshit and swear up and down if we cut their taxes they'll hire American workers.



alright now alabamabros have no reason not to vote for him now.

Are you a retarded subhuman who should be gassed, OP?

He said "even though there was slavery," meaning it was great despite there being slavery, not because of there being slavery.

You are a leftist bug.

>"America was great when we were united."

The fucking state of the left, somehow misconstrues this into talking about slavery. Any idiot that buys this shit should kill themself.

Yes, from what I've understood you were pretty civil war-tier divided about the slavery and other issues too.

> most ass backwards state in the union
Try California


Nah dude, we were united in blood fighting over having you niggers picking cotton or deporting your asses to Africa.

Massa and Missis have long since gone before me,
Soon we will meet on that bright and golden shore.
There we'll be happy and free from all sorrow,
There's where we'll meet and we'll never part no more.

I'd be fine with deporting, but slavery is fucked up.


Fucking apologize to Bannon, Sup Forums.

Go back in time and save Abraham Lincoln from being assassinated.

>last time America was great was when we had shared values like family
>Sadly they had slavery back then
Wtf Roy Moore loves slavery now

No one can be a slave.
My ancestor - Vasily Turchaninov plundered the southern plantations and from the liberated Negro slaves did Cossack sotnes.

the MSM using this photo over and over again and disregards the tragic fashion disaster Fredricka Wilson ...



No wonder Roy Moore had to rape kids.

Go on then.

He still a pervert.

I wish. That'd have avoided so much shit, it would have saved the South too. When Lincolin was assassinated the chances of deporting the niggers back to Africa disappeared and the factions in Congress that wanted to punish the South rather than really rebuild its economy took over. Southern economy hasn't recovered since, and the punitive faction "reconstruction" which brought all the carpetbaggers and stuff has kept the South hating the rest of the country ever since we never mended.. and it's all because of Lincolin's assassination.

I just picked a recognizable picture of Roy Moore,

The left is just throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks at this point.

These "people" are absolute scumbags.

That was definitely the last time niggers were productive.

>Newsweek article
>mentions a tweet by former Obama official
>this tweet mentions an out of context blurb from an earlier article
>actual quote: "“I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.”"
>HURR DURR He fuckin.. went there. Supports slavery.
Please KYS

Don't worry. People will just read the headline and take it as a direct quote.

Fuck off.... libtard
No slavery = No blacks

Pro-slavery = Pro-race mixing

>Babbys first subversion thread
It's going to take a while before you get the hang of using the lingo around here to make a convincing argument.