Police Brutality Must End

Gentlemen, we must proceed with the greatest intellect and decisiveness in this matter. It is an utter lie that ALL cops are psychopaths, or that ALL cops are murderers. This individual is personally accountable for the murder of Daniel Shaver, and we must act as such.

The normalization of police brutality must end, and it will end. However it will not end through blind anger directed at "The Law" or "The Man", but through the rigorous pursuit of justice for each police officer who commits such crimes. One will understand by what I've just written why all attempts to curb police brutality in the past have failed - their efforts were misdirected.

There is little I can do. All I can do is implore any relevant anons to take it upon themselves to bring justice upon this murderer, Philip Brailsford, who now freely walks the streets, doing as he pleases through the power vested in him by the once-great State of Arizona.

If this is allowed to continue, this country will sink into a horrible darkness which we may never rise out of. Police brutality must end.

Other urls found in this thread:

premium.whitepages.com/checkout/summary/?wp_term=SB_Person_Serp_A&name_search=Philip-Brailsford&coresite_id=3bb16e60-9ae4-4ad1-b65f-57db6815339fR&loc_search=Mesa-AZ&wp_medium=PersonSerpSB&people_name=Philip Brailsford&funnel_type=person_tx_v1_extra&sample=0&wp_source=person_results_C&record_id=u_ofgJPcSoonxUyFLmggLA5dxMd5YQPuvt6gRFrq2Og=&initial_funnel_type=person_tx_v1_extra&type=person_query&wp_content=link_result_record_sb1&people_location=Mesa, AZ


He's obviously mentally unstable. Just look at his eyes. The Police Department must not have psychological screening anymore.

Give them a break, they fear getting shot 24/7 becuase everyone has guns, every encounter with another person is possibly their last moment, dont you think that would screw with your head?

you burgers are used to it, but it's not normal, impossible to bantz with your OB or have community policing.

>says keep you hands up to perp and dont drop them for any reason
>perp drops them after guy says crawl to him
>cop disregards his own command and lets perp crawl in a way that does not at all resemble how the woman crawled through the hallway
>perp pulls up his pants due to hands not being in air cus cop didnt want to enforce his own hokey pokey
>perp gets shot
Sup Forums will deny this.

just like this boi

A Proud american ?
More like a gay american

>tells guy to keep his hands up, then to crawl for his life on his knees
>executes him when he picks up his pants
Was he just fucking with him?


Who was in the wrong here?

Fuck off shill.

seems like it.

Everything the cop did was legal. There is no reason for him to go to jail.
Everything the cop did was retarded and an absolute disgrace to the badge. He should be fired instantly and banned from serving in the police force in any capacity.

I was thinking the same, that look in his eyes say's meth user.

Absolutely sickening that they don't check for mental health when hiring officers, or even give them training on how to handle arrests. Deliberately giving the guy impossible orders to create an excuse to shoot him up like Swiss cheese
>keep your hands up and your legs crossed or you will die! Now crawl to me!" How do you crawl with your hands in the air and your legs crossed? What do you do? Keep your hands in the air, or put them down to crawl? DON'T GUESS WRONG.
Just out of curiosity, would they be able to get away with such murder if you simply ignored the contradictory orders and stayed on the floor with your hands and feet as far away from your waist as possible, or would they come to detain you?

Lol no. The only shills I've seen were people actively ignoring the argument of the cop not following his own orders of telling the guy to keep his hands up. He suddenly stopped giving those orders the moment the guy dropped his hands. What a fuggn coincidence amirite.
>give a guy an ultimatum of keeping hands up no matter what
>literally go back on taht ultimatum within a couple of seconds.
Holy shit man
imo, cop let that shit happen when he auto stopped giving those orders of "put your hands up" to resemble the way the chick went across the hallway.

BLM please go.

This patriot was keeping Mesa safe from spics and niggers.

lol, nice shill tactic

Both the cop and the suspect were wrong.
>Suspect lurched for his pants and the shot him.
>Cop was making strange demands and was escalating the situation
Still, I think the commands were to see if he was not high or stoned.

honestly pol you so many of you are low IQ faggots.

Cop did nothing but procedure, even shouting with intimidation is procedure. He was clear in instruction, as seen by the fucking woman A WOMAN doing what she was told with only one minor fuckup

this autist put his hands behind his back. and no you don't approach a hallway and room to arrest a guy without knowing what's around the corner. Never arrest someone around a blind spot with distance.

Crawl was understandably the wrong use of terminology, however even when the autist did it wrong by baby crawling, he WAS NOT SHOT FOR THIS.

regardless of everything that happened. the faggot put his arms/arm out of sight TWICE.

I would not give him a second chance, I'd shoot the first time he put his arms behind his back. this autistic would be dead way before crawling, and still be justified.

Pathetic pol. just pathetic.

what about that judge tho?
He literally did not allow the single most important piece of evidence in the trial, the body cam video of the shooting.
The judge refused to let the jurors see that portion of the video, which is the single greatest piece of evidence that could have shown guilt or innocence

...and now you see why Soros et al funded Black Lives Matter--they needed to make it a racial thing.

Niggers AND humans have a legit gripe against the way police are trained, but as you can see, we're racially divided and police reform in shunted.

great job he did.
fuck off

Is there any other way he could have arrested him without forcing him to do 10 instruction and crawling up to him?

Like could he come to him and tie his arms behind back while others were pointing rifles at him.?

I see 100 way he could have approached this differently. Without making hair triggering situation

>put your hands up and dont drop them what so ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>lol you put your hands down i guess its okay then
>*doesnt mention to put his hands up ever again*

Such nice directions and conviction with how the cop wants to handle the situation
Not wishy washy at all.

Weird how only the mistakes are highlighted.

I don't see you fighting for your community.

They're actually trained to escalate situations.

premium.whitepages.com/checkout/summary/?wp_term=SB_Person_Serp_A&name_search=Philip-Brailsford&coresite_id=3bb16e60-9ae4-4ad1-b65f-57db6815339fR&loc_search=Mesa-AZ&wp_medium=PersonSerpSB&people_name=Philip Brailsford&funnel_type=person_tx_v1_extra&sample=0&wp_source=person_results_C&record_id=u_ofgJPcSoonxUyFLmggLA5dxMd5YQPuvt6gRFrq2Og=&initial_funnel_type=person_tx_v1_extra&type=person_query&wp_content=link_result_record_sb1&people_location=Mesa, AZ

>do the ground military crawl with elbows
>stand up, face the window and walk backwards to them with hands on head or hands directly up
>hands on head and propel via feet towards them till they can drag the fucker

you dont know who i am or what I do

The cop was just itching to shoot someone. He was already amped, aggressive rude and psychotic before anything had happened. You could just tell he was going to shoot the guy. He was also giving weird instructions.

I swear like 80% of Americans are mentally ill but they're American, so you can't tell.

>Fighting for your community

Guy was just trying to pull his pants up.

You're right. Cops should just walk off the job.

Have fun watching your daughter get raped by Tiquan and Jamal.

The real criminality in this case is whoever deemed the training this officer followed, as useful.


^ The fuck? You don't tell suspects you're going to shoot them, putting someone under more duress isn't going to make good outcomes more likely. This has been known since the fucking mid-50's.



How fucking difficult would it have been, especially considering there were two fucking officers. For one to be like, aye dude just pat him down and cuff him? Are we fucking kidding ourselves into thinking life on the streets is too fucking dangerous for two grown men, trained and employed as law enforcement officers, with semi-automatic rifles and handguns and body armor; can't fucking handle some suburban mush-faced loser?

yeah - What happened to "face away from me and walk backwards with your hands up".

Thats how they usually do it

>be american
>pull pants up
>get shot

You know, its probs because they knew he was just crawling like a baby so it was fine, they just needed him not to do something completely retarded. Oh but he needed to pick his pants up "hurr durr please don kill me while I reach back here for something"

The reason that they made him crawl towards them was because they were unsure whether he was alone and was kneeling just at a corner.

The guy was supposedly drunk and high which would explain why he stupidly moved his arm to his waist. Which looked like he was going to pull out a gun.
If I was the cop I would of shot him too, the cops didn't know the guys intentions

Except you miss the point entirely. Cops aren't there to protect anyone, they exist to enforce laws by their overlords. At least you tried.

>Reach for pants really fast
>Cop doesn't know if he has gun
>Cop shots because he doesn't know if suspect has gun or not
Cops aren't going to take the gamble son.

Varg's america boat wasn't just hyberbole.