Would you follow this little führer in the battlefield?
Youjo Senki
Yes, I'd follow her everywhere, even her bedroom
>following your Führer into the battlefield
>Not throwing your body at the enemy in the hopes that she won't have to come to the front lines herself
Like I have a choice? It's ww1. I would just hope that I get to be artilleryman so I won't die at the first minutes of attack.
Fucking nazi anime.
>azimuth and chill
>psycho loli helicopter kills you from above
What is an average lifespan of soldiers from Tanya's unit?
You Jewish clowns cannot stop our AOTS.
Just go away.
Someanithing please.
Still better than dying slowly at no-mans land because nobody is crazy enough to get you to medics tent.
I'd rather let a loli explode me to pieces.
>mfw ED lyrics
You're a big goyim.
Really makes you think...
Of course,who wouldn't want to be at the winning side?
All the way through the holocaust
So this is the right board for it.
Replying to bait with content.
no because she has a duckface
Real talk now. Why there are people who unironically thinks that Youjo Senki glorifies nazism? Give me one good reason because I can't find any.
How did we go from this to this
Not all of us speak Nintendo.
>salaryman was right wing to begin with
>punished by God for atheism
>ends up being an Aryan girl
>fights for notGermany (LN designs are a lot closer to the Third Reich)
>Germans aren't very very ebul and are actually on the defensive
When Aoi sings the ED it sounds more like Hibiki than Tanya.
Why all these WW alternative history/fantasy fail to provide something as basic as (not)Russia Bear cavalry.
reporting to the SPLC for hate crime
Why would they use bear cavalry in notWWI?
Get with the times grandpa.
For you.
What about her ass?
>because webms are usable literally anywhere else
Why gif though?
>going anywhere else
sorry you can't get fat upvotes with a webm
>anywhere else
Where else would you post them? You some kind of normie faggot?
>anywhere else
Feel free to go back to Facebook, Reddit, or whatever shithole you're talking off and staying there.
Ever heard of a text message or do you guys literally have no friends irl?
Sell me on this show. Why does this top the Stalker rank?
>It's too big...
>It's frilly...
>It's pink...
>It's a ROBE!
>Is she fucking serious?
>texting anime gifs to friends
People like this is why this board is so shitty now. And Sup Forums in general.
Fucking normie niggers ruin everything.
Watch 3 episodes and find out for yourself.
Sup Forums isn't your bitch. Watch it yourself faggot.
Aoi Yuuki.
It's not my fault no one likes you & shares your interests. Maybe it's because you smell bad?
Sorry, some people have to work a job to preorder $200+ anime figures.
because they don't know the difference between WWI and WWII
I send links to webms on Sup Forums in texts all the time
Mature (isekai'd salaryman) loli in !WW1 voiced by Aoi Yuuki.
Are you phoneposting then, or why are you posting shitty .gifs on Sup Forums?
Wtf? I do this all the time
Also you can fucking send webms too and you are all retards for crying over fileformat.
see >links
How tacky
See what? That does not explain why you are posting .gifs on Sup Forums, when webms work here.
If this were a video game, how would it be? A squadron-based combat flight action? Divided into several branching storyline missions and objectives.
wtf? I love wtf now
You all need to go back to Gaia.
Ironic usage in memes ≠ Wtf? I do this all the time
Does your mom feed you applesauce with a spoon?
I'll be the one laughing with the Tanya Nendoroid preorder.
>>Germans aren't very very ebul and are actually on the defensive
So like the real world then.
Yeah, real defensive, invading all their neighbours.
Neither Belgium/Serbia nor Czechoslovakia/Poland attacked Germany.
>b-but it was an anglo/jewish plot
>An underage Redditard spamming Sup Forums memes where they don't belong
Next you will say that the assasination of Franz was just a german plot for starting the war.
Get out frenchie.
I wouldn't fight, since WW1 was like the biggest meatgrinder of all time, but I would break ground on Auschwitz 25 years early, even if I had to clear the land by myself with an axe and shovel.
Is this show doing well?
>Posting shitzetta
She's a pretty fucking shit commander by modern standards, but powerful enough that I could just support her and make her coffee to survive. Wouldn't have to go over the top either, so that's a plus.
It's doing fine, thank you
>I'm found out
>Better call him a redditor
shlomo just let us have this one show pls without your shilling
It's ok wich means that it's doing better than 80% of all anime out there.
Stats confirm it as AOTS.
>everything is a plot
Alex Jones pls.
Maybe if Austria wasn't so keen on invading every Balkan shithole there was they wouldn't have to be known for having a worse army than Italy.
>Le shove
Question is Why not
Polish authorities attacked native Germans in traditionally German lands that were lost in the treaty of Versailles.
That's a very honorable thing to do user. I'm sure Tanya would be proud.
Because half of Sup Forums came from Reddit during this election cycle and most of Sup Forums now spams memes like Reddit does. You lot are also fucking retarded and should consider suicide.
t. /new/sman Sup Forumse
>Ukrainian authorities attacked native Russians in traditionally Russian land that were lost after the collapse of the Soviet Union
>lesbian trans woman reviewer finally response on my comment of how horrible her review was
>ends up making an excuse that it's not a review but a preview.
>a fucking preview
German military attacked Denmark (April 1940), Norway (April 1940), Belgium (May 1940), the Netherlands (May 1940), Luxembourg (May 1940), France (May 1940), Yugoslavia (April 1941), and Greece (April 1941), you dumb frogposter.
I just realised this is a carbon copy of that hitler image
So do they try to hook him up with royalty at some point because of his massive accomplishments?
I find the thought of terrifying a prince his age into submission hilarious.
I wouldn't be surprised if he received his engagement as an official deployment.
Thats why taking the losers land is always a shit idea its going to cause tensions and civil wars and ethnic cleansing down the road.
>t. /new/sman Sup Forumse
Are you roleplaying being a clown or something for people to laugh at? You have to be delusional if you think I'm reading some essay in your picture. It's obvious you're from reddit if you honestly think someone would give you the time of day for that shit.
As far as I know royal family doesn't make an appearance at all.
>Germany went to war with Poland in 1939
Simple google search.
So I guess you have ADD then? Thanks for telling me not to bother with you.
You completely missed my point of German aggression with no casus belli. As expected of a Jewposter, you're fucking retarded.