Let your frustrations out, Sup Forums.
Let your frustrations out, Sup Forums
the only good nichijou is the nichibros
konosuba is ok but certainly no as good as the hype lets you think it is, and not really that fun
re zero is vastly overhyped and has a lot of boring as fuck moments
Little Witch Academia is overrated.
You all always overdo the hype. Meanwhile I actually take the time to enjoy some things
Femdom is a very mediocre fetish and I hate it when anime or manga always have to throw in a token character to pander to that audience.
Kirito>% beta MC in harem
shinji has a better voice in the dub than the sub because he actually sounds like a boy that just went into puberty instead of an obvious woman talking like an 8 year old boy
I think OP is a faggot
EVA is overrated garbage