Why did you become an idol fag? Share your story
Rabu raibu
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What did she mean by this?
I didn't choose the idol life, it chose me.
Does only watching the anime and listening to a few catchy songs like Soldier Game and Strawberry Trapper make me an idolfag?
She's releasing all her pent up cuck frustration on poor Yoshiko
>started S1 and S2 for kicks
>got hooked on sif
>watched some of live concerts
>drove 3 hours to watch movie
>went to AX to meet Sunshine seiyuu
Eh, can't exactly pinpoint where idol hell took over
I just want (You) to suffocate me with her thighs.
A lil bit but you've never seen the idolhell's surface buddy
Same user-kun
You is T H I C K
mah nigga
Because i love yoshiko
Which raibu did you first masturbate to?
Me too
Eli. But I've gotten better taste since then.
its nice to meet a fellow man who shares the same taste, well met.
I don't even like Love Live. But I masturbate to Maki on daily basis.
I'm an idolfag and I don't even watched the anime, I just lurk threads.
What's the title? Can't read moon.
I'm yurifag so...
Video related
Yeah, I need something to love since my passion for anime was dead.
I prefer 3D idols to Love Live, honestly
It's all good.
>listening to Kumikyoku many years ago
>Agent yoru wo iku is pretty catchy
>want to play im@s after hearing the other songs
>can't speak nipponese
>anime announced, hyped as fuck
>enjoyed it a lot as well as the movie
>Watch Wake up, Girls!
>was entertained despite it's faults
>im@s CG anime comes out
>didn't like it very much
>stop watching idolshit for a while
>months later, i'm on a rhythm game binge
>some user recommends Love Live School Idol Festival
>immediately get hooked on the songs and characters
>marathon S1 and S2 a few days later
>teared up at the ending of the movie
>Project Sunshine is announced
>watch the 1st PV for Kimi no Kokoro wa kagayaiteru kai
>mai waifu finally finds me