Say something nice about this little girl

Say something nice about this little girl

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He's a pretty fairy

*She's a pretty fairy

She's a big guy.

He is cute, but he really needs a serious beating sometimes soon, because his arrogance is annoying. Still can't believe how patient the other characters are with him, especially Viktor after that "Nikiforov is dead" speech and him insulting Viktors marriage.

He didn't deserve to win "best animation" but crunchyroll has bad taste anyways

He has a hot boyfriend.

I heard he has a cute boyfriend.

>One week later and faggot still think CR popularity awards matters at all

That was savage, but he's a edgy teen so I can overlook that. Plus he really likes Yuuri more than he likes Victor already so they're even.

He looks great in a ponytail. Lilia has some taste.

So how does he see Viktor, if he is neither a friend to him nor a skater he looks up to?

he is tsundere done right and overpower shounen protagonist from outside perspective.

Will he look like his dedushka when he gets old?

Why do YoIfags act like being a teen is somehow a good excuse? The rest of this board never had any problems hating teenage characters for being shitheads

I don't think being teen excuses everything, I think being a teen just says he can a shithead because teenages can act like shitheads, not all of them of course. If he was older then some of his acts are inexcusable because he had room to grow but didn't.

This. He is rude and disrespectful, to the point that he doesn't really care about anybody than himself. It's cute when autists like the Gook are like that, but Yurio isn't an autist, he's just extremely arrogant and his bitch attitude is highly unlikeable.

How come he haven't had any friend all his life? like not even a single one?

Victor has great influence on both Yuris but for Yurio is mostly on the negative side because he's obsessed with being amazing and with Victor's influence people could see it even more. He probably likes Victor but likes Victor's achievements more than the guy himself.

Yurio's personality won't change much, he's gonna stay arrogant due to his success. If you are good enough for gold why would you change? Most winning athletes are self-absorbed assholes like him.

You think someone like Yurio can actually make friends easily? his first friend had to almost kidnap him and ask directly.

he's an abrasive cocky asshole

You mean like a KGB agent?

Viktor and Yurio relations are interesting. I think Fairy genuinely cares for Viktor and even likes him in his own way. The whole "Nikiforov is dead" speech seems to be a repeat of "You should retire" form episode 1 and we learnt that's Yurio method to motivate others.

I guess because the characters don't call him on his shit. He's the worst to Yuuri, and he basically ignores his behavior and doesn't hold it against him. Even Victor didn't get as angry as he could have here

No, like his dedushka. I mean, they have kinda the same angry look.

t. Loser

Why did Viktor fall in love with Piggy? Kubo said that Yuuri is someone who "sees Viktor in a new light". But what exactly is Yuuris difference to any other skater who looks up to Viktor (probably almost everyone?)

No time to make friends? Viktor is kinda the same

Annoying edgelord

His pretty face, duh.

What makes you think he had no friends? Otabek just was the first one to ask directly. Yurio was surpised because he never thought about the concept of friendship, doesnt mean he wasnt friendly with Mila and the rest in his own way.

Best boy of the series.

I was rewatching and I strongly believe Victor wasn't in love first, just came to love him later. Yuuri avoided him in the GPF day, then later basically humped him asking to be his coach, months later he's skating his routine nicely and he's out of shape. Victor probably started to genuinely love him in episode 4, in my opinion. Yuuri always idolized Victor but he never flat out expressed it, even if he's thinking to himself all the time he's not even worth of Victor's time.

Now stop lying.

Yuuri saw Victor's potential as coach before anyone else.

The banquet and living together after obviously. He treated him differently from other people. Later on, Yuuri just allowed him to be himself. He also needed him and asked him. Compare to Yurio who just wanted his choreography to Yuuri who wanted the man. I can also see him being interested in him because he asked him something surprising, to be his coach. I doubt anyone else had ever asked that of him, why would they.

I'm actually interested in why Yuuri asked him to be a coach of all things. And I also don't think Yuuri ever really showed Victor how much he idolized him like other people did. He humped him, dumped him and then ignored him.

JJ is objectively best boy, you are right.
t. not Kubo

That doesn't answer the question. What exactly makes Yuuri special in Viktors eyes?

He's worst to Yuuri because Yuuri doesn't take his bratty behavior seriously, meanwhile Victor can act like this.

That's not exactly true, if you count Yurio asking him for a free skate choreography.

His coach is like: "Joe, you are embarassing, stop it"

I mean it.

Yuuri came to his life like a fucking cannonball. Victor needed someone who threated him like a person and dared to get inside his comfort zone. Which is funny because Yuuri needed the opposite.

Besides probably no one had told Victor he can be himself. He's a little girl deep inside.

Who is that cutie?

Even if he idolizes Victor, he treates him differently from everyone else, he doesn't want to beat his scores or destroy his ego, his most genuine wish was he could skate with Victor since he was a kid. The series always shows people treating Victor like a god and he has to adjust himself to it, while even if Yuuri idolizes him, he calls out on his shit and treats him like other person. He even said that doesn't want Victor to pretend he's something else, just act normally.

You can't explain why you fall in love. Yuuri shocked him from day one. Then they had a nice time living and working together for one. It just seemed pretty natural to me they got closer and he fell in love with him. Yuuri didn't treat him like some untouchable god either, always surprised him and didn't try to force him to play a role.

Episode 4 and 10 hinted that Piggy was the first person who wanted Victor to simply be himself. Plus they are coach-skater so obviously Pigs see him in a different way than others

you don't. a choreographer is not a coach

So basically Viktor fell in love with Yuuri because he was a lazy fatty and it was something that inspired Viktor.

>What exactly makes Yuuri special in Viktors eyes

Joseph Johnson, US skater

After a certain age you stop giving a shit. He'll grow out of it, he already has a sweet side. It's only when they're literally never nice that you have to worry.

Ice dancer*

I love him and I want him to be happy. With otabek preferably.

He's not lazy. If anything Pig always pushed himself a ton. Yuuko and Nishigori said he used his free time to skate, and he had a bunch. He'd rather spend his time with skating than making friends or being more sociable in general. Skating was the only thing he could trust to make him feel less anxious.

Can Otabek break the rules of islam for this pretty boy?

I'm actually 100% convinced he fell in love right there. The visuals were pretty obvious, typical "oh fuck I just fell for him" scene with added loud gasp. I'm pretty sure the people around Victor noticed considering their reactions to Victor moving to Japan and commentary, specially Chris and Yurio.

>replying seriously

No? Victor wouldn't like a lazy fatty.

That's fucking gay, bro.

No homo

Fairy is his new religion. Praise be.

I don't think it was baiting so why not reply? just discussing.

>Some of the items in your order cannot be shipped to the selected address.

>Victor probably started to genuinely love him in episode 4

I think it was episode 6. It's the first time Victor acts completely different around Yuuri

It's a pretty typical fall in love reaction yeah. Same with this scene.

This is now a Gook thread.

What the fuck is wrong with his eyes?

I know you are joking but it's true!

Yurio behavior at Hasetsu seemed like he was actively cockblocking them before they get any close. They wouldn't have been able to do anything with Yurio in the room inside Victor's room.

Gook is one of the best looking guys in the show, if only he took his autism mask off while perfoming. He'd be 110% eros.

when is someone going to post the full images

Very high work ethic and gorgeous ethereal moves

Yes, same user and in fact I do believe Yuuri fell in that scene for the same reasons.

I hope 2nd season will give him some development

they are just good bros. victor is russian.

I hope he will be relevant in s2.

I know it's gay, just saying it's really really gay.

>All these fujoshis

Wew lad, fuck me up

What did he mean by this /yoi/?

I bet he will be deported in 2nd season

It's completely socialist.

Fuck off Remfag

He was skating eros, and in order to find it he decided the only way was for him to become a beautiful woman and seduce victor because that was his true eros.

so by "The performance has already begun" he meant he had already begun the seduction

I want to fuck her in her holes

I will marry him so he can stay.

This but at that point he was skating/seducing as himself, he dropped the woman thing in ep 6

Would your conservative burger family let you marry a mexican-american?

Georgi blessed your marriage, user


Please treat him well

All Gook ships are good ships.

They already kind of hinted at it. When he saw Emil perform and land a quad loop, he got so triggered he fucked up is free skate. And then JJ did the same thing and it sounded like he took it as a challenge and even smiled.

What the literal fuck?

can someone post the collage picture of victor being effay?

Here you go, user.

I hope they make more LINE stickers.

>Gook abuse
Do Kazakhs hate Koreans?
I don't think Gook and Otabek could be friends, they're both too quiet.

Would you sleep with a married piglet?

Thanks a bunch

Yes. I'm seriously considering getting this daki. The pit of shame is brightened by my love for the Pig.