How can Jim attack an ally like Peterson so easily? I thought Jim was on our side...

How can Jim attack an ally like Peterson so easily? I thought Jim was on our side. Can we defeat Islam and feminists without a United front?

Other urls found in this thread:

Jim is chaotic like Sup Forums

No, him and his fanboys are basically just Destiny on the other side of the spectrum.

>How can Jim attack an ally like Peterson so easily? I thought Jim was on our side. Can we defeat Islam and feminists without a United front?

That sure sounds collectivist to me user

I’d go gay for Jim

You already made this shit thread leaf. Don't be surprised that nobody is falling for your concern trolling

Enough of this E-celeb shittery.

Fuck off with your literally who e-celeb garbage

Jim isn’t an e-celeb

He is a prophet


How new are you?

youtube faggotry should be banned

Sage and report guys

What is the difference between discussing a man like Peterson and a man like Jim? They both express opinions and further an argument. Why is anything discussing "e celebs" considered cancer while discussing people who do the same things irl not?

Because free speech gives you the right to make fun of everybody.

The video OP talks about:

>Attack Peterson
What did he do? Where?

This leaf makes this thread identically every day, report it for spam at this point, boys.

Sayori is best girl you don't deserve her, fuck all of you.


this is a bad post

>Patreon ebegger cries because other people get donated more money than he does

Holy shit this was like a month ago, fuck your shitty eceleb faggot.

Reminder that your hero Jim is so fragile that every time he gets BTFO he has to take a few months off and create an entirely new persona because his shallow insecurity gets the better of him. He's already changed it SEVEN times now and is almost at the point of doing it again, except this one is tied to a Patreon account funded by ex-Cucks of Kojima ball lickers.

sage for cvopypasta you degenerate leaf