Become the most hated leader in history so the entire world will unite against you and thus bring about true peace

>Become the most hated leader in history so the entire world will unite against you and thus bring about true peace

Would this work?


I think so
It worked in CG

No. There have been plenty of hated dictators and world peace has never been achieved. The moment they die, the cycle repeats itself. World peace will never happen unless the population dwindles to like 1000 total humans.

Ever read a history book? It doesn't happen.

Not for long, some psycho will eventually fuck it up by goading everyone to fight each other again.

It might work in Naruto where he's literally unstoppable.
So he'd make peace my being this ever-looming threat that'll show up if the villages ever start falling apart.


To be fair we are talking about people that were hated by literally everyone in the planet while he was still alive
While the hate for hitler is only a euro-american-jewish thing asians or sandniggers couldnt give a fuck

There has never been someone universally hatedin the planet

No. What happens after you die? The common foe is vanquished and therefore there's nothing binding former enemies together any longer.

Well, the difference here is that Sasuke can become immortal because the Rinnegan is stupid so that flaw becomes null.

One could argue that thanks to Nazis made germany become friends with france

And pitted the US against the USSR for 50 years.

It worked in Watchmen, although not hated.


And then Nazi became a buzzword that has completely lost all meaning thanks to certain groups overusing it for everything and anyone that doesn't conform with their pointview.

People cried wolf for so long that the moment a real nazi actually comes into picture people will no longer care because the word has been used to describe everything under the skies.

The issue here is that Sasuke could become immortal and literally nothing would be able to fight him with Naruto dead.

isn't this Garou's pla--


Well thanks to America we're about to find out

>cause global warfare in order to prevent global warfare.
Off yourself.

You're also retarded for thinking wars aren't fought primarily for bureaucratic interests. The only people waging ideological wars are the jihadists and other associated terrorists.

>There have been plenty of hated dictators
There hasn't been a single dictator with the power to conquer the whole planet.
Without Naruto existing, Sasuke would be literally unstoppable.

>>cause global warfare in order to prevent global warfare.
That wasn't Sasuke's plan, though.
His plan was to be the absolute strongest being in the world so that when villages started having conflicts he would swoop in and completely destroy them, so that future generations would stop warring in fear of Sasuke.
The Rinnegan would allow Sasuke to live forever, too, so even that isn't a problem.

>The Rinnegan would allow Sasuke to live forever, too,
did it? I didn't let the original sage do it

No. The cause and catalyst for conflict is inside of each and ever individual human being.

I never understood the Zero Requiem myself.

Well Lelouch did it, doesn't seem like the peace last long

I think thats because most of the world (in the show)has already been conquered and is literally 3 super powers or 4.

>Would this simplistic plot solve all complex issues?
No. At most it can be the solution to a particular issue at a given time. It is not the end-all solution to everything.

Well, maybe in fiction but it's fiction.
Gotta give it to ONE for his ability to rip on chuuni villain plots and such.

ZR was about helping people move toward the future. The culmination of all the world's conflicts and hangups is some douchey teen enslaves the entire world. Lelouch became the greatest evil in order to be conquered by the greatest good (Zero), wiping the slate clean and opening a new chapter in human history where people would communicate with each out and cooperate on solving the issues of the day. It's bullshit, one tremendous lie, but everyone believes it and that's what matters.

The thing is the wacky Hitler stuff was never necessary. Atonement was at the core of the plan and Lelouch and Suzaku wanted punishment for the things they've done and the people they have/got harmed and killed. Lelouch especially wanted to make up for the Euphienator thing and acted like a massive asshole to eclipse that event, then paying the price for all these things with his life.

To be fair, Lelouch stopped giving a fuck about the world after Nunnally supposed death. He just wanted the most flamboyant way to leave the stage, with the added benefits of erasing the Euphinator incident from everyone's memories and resetting the balance of the world powers. Probably Britannia got divided after his death with the capital being nuked and the last emperor becoming the most hated person in the world. Not world peace but a global scenario where no country would be strong enough to bully others.

Basically this.

Sasuke was too socially retarded to learn Talk no Jutsu, so he took the easy way out and tried to become a monster everyone would unite against to hate/blame.

Pain's nuclear jutsu deterrent plan was better, still stupid though.

Trump will have your answer in 4 years. Or 8.

His plan really working in IRL.

well it seemed to work in code geass

though sequel now likely has some bullshit being devised to either say it didnt work or show how someone fucked it all up again.

Well, working in the sense that there are no world wars, but the world is still pretty fucked.

It's not ideal in RL. In Nurutu he planned to be the only one with the nuke and to use it when people stopped fearing it. It's not the same as nuclear deterrent

every single fucking time

It's more like he planned to sell use of the nuke to countries, he was more like a distributor.

Still, being the only distributor means he's probably going to be targeted.

The better thing to do would have been to teach the countries how to properly use their bijuu as nukes.

Just like how the Western powers and Russia remained best friends once they got rid of Hitler?

Eh, there's too many supporters and stuff. I personally see it as people just gradually mellowing out and getting jaded at the unfulfilled promises. It's not like there's a Dr. Manhattan out there that everyone can unite against. The key is for the anger and fear to be constant and consistent enough to remain a valid threat in the eyes of the people.

Sasuke won't die, that was the point of his argument

But nobody would be able to get rid of him ,that's the point mongoloid

It worked with The World vs Madara and Obito
It would have worked just fine for Sasuke.

Why do the Japs keep repeating this fucking shit.
I've seen so many variations of this and some type of human instrumentality type deal


Well the Jewish people are alive and I don't see world peace.

Unfortunately there are some degenerates that don't hate him

I like how they put "freedom" into quotation marks.

yes a common threat with a lasting image can unite groups. But if they become disillusioned they're back at each other's throats.

>Read Naruto again but start with Kakashi's back story
>Treat Kakashi as the main character of a story about his recovery from self-doubt and loneliness
>Make the chapter before the time skip the true ending, or just after the pain arc

Fixed Naruto for everyone.

Trump's trying that now as we speak, let's see what happens.

Epic meme, friend.


If anything, Trump shows that it could never work. How many fans/supporters has he drawn in that do it purely because its not PC or not popular? The guy went out of his way to piss everybody off and still didn't get below a 37% approval rating.

Anyone trying to be decisive is destined to fail because they'll draw in a decent sized base for that very reason.

>Jewish people are alive
>I don't see world peace
Really makes you think

>There hasn't been a single dictator with the power to conquer the whole planet.

It didn't because nothing ever ends, Adrian.

Fucking savage.

I thought Pain's plan was to demonstrate the power of the nuke and then not use it again, Fat Man/Little Boy style.


What are you implying?

How long did the peace last in Code Gayass Sup Forums?

Have you been living under a rock for the last two days?

Yeah but he said people would forget about it eventually and he'd have to redo it

That can mean one of two things when you think about it.

I know about Trump, dumbass. I'm asking how that relates to the post you replied to.

ask lelouch