Dragon Ball Super

How hard will Vegeta job?

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>that fucking elephant was dead for like three seconds before Whis rewinded time

So let me get this straight
Dragon Ball -> Kai -> Kai episode 98 -> Kai (2014) -> Super -> GT

I'm already halfway through Kai so I'm not switching to Z

>we will never see elephant bro fight

Porn anchor for newly revealed ladies. Imgur em and post the link in a reply please.

So far we've got:

Girl Broly: m.imgur.com/2s3zWUJ

leave krillin to me


Don't bother with the Beerus or Frieza arc in Super, watch the movies instead, and don't bother with GT unless you really just want to suffer.

Skip GT. piece of garbage made me hate this franchise until battle of gods

Super comes before the last (or last two) episode of Kai 2014.

GT is shit and made obsolute by Super.

If you want to watch it just remember it's an alternative version.