How long did it take for you to realize that Mars is the best girl?

How long did it take for you to realize that Mars is the best girl?

Sorry, I didn't realize it yet, Venus is still best girl

Well, she's a close second. So there is no reason to insult your taste.

Glad we can be friends

They seem to share a lot after all.

>others named after planets
>main character named after a moon named Moon


>implying the moon is not the biggest planet in the night sky



Yes, you heard that right. Planet.
Pluto isn't a planet either according to modern astronomy. And it's even smaller than earths moon anyway.
The definition of a planet is arbitrary and changes with history. There are magical space cats called Artemis and Diana - named after Ancient Greek gods, so the reasonable thing is to conclude that the astronomy is ancient as well.

The second I saw her in her debut episode


correct opinion

Truly the sexiest.


I can respect your taste, but pic related is clearly superior.

What we call moon and planet are extremely arbitrary.


Right at the beginning, but then I un-realized it when Saturn showed up and became the true best girl.

Mars is still high-tier though.

You misspelled Jupiter.

No, Planets orbit Stars, Moons orbit Planets.
The difference between a planet and a planetoid is arbitrary.

What about moons that orbit moons?

You're an idiot that thinks he is smart. The moon also orbits the sun just like the earth.

>Implying owls are birds.

Mars is really great, but my heart belongs to Venus and Mercury

I want Ami and Saturn.

Would settle for Haruna.

I had completely forgotten about that meme. This gave me great nostalgia.

Right away, but that was back when the OP only had three girls.

Mercury > Venus > Moon > Mars = Jupiter

I like your taste

>tfw she will never be real and you will never do lewd things like holding hands with her

Feels bad

if this actually exists pls link



I just like tomboys