What goes on here? Are these fuckers white?
Why do we never hear anything from there?
Most relevant thing that happened there recently: they had presidential elections some weeks ago.
They are not white - there's not such a thing as "a white country" in the Americas anymore.
Because they are a very chill country with an stable economy and, thus, an stable social order.
They are definitely not white, but they are alright.
Nothing, that's the allure.
Not much honestly, I live a comfy life without material worries if that matters
No, we're not
Because we're a pretty small and relatively new country >:)
They sold their nation to the U.S. and are proud of it. I mean, Allende was ELECTED.
How have they managed to remain stable then when South America in general is a shitfest, I'm really suspicious of fucking Chile
Chile seams to have the best gun laws for expatting Americans.
I'm thinking Chile/Argentina is the place to exodus.
Nobody in lat am is white, why the hell do people keep acting like any of those countries are whites? Even some areas in Europe itself aren't really white anymore, and I'm talking about the native Europeans that live there.
Why would I go to a spic mongrelized 3rd world country to leave a spic mongrelized 1st world one. If I'm leaving this place, in going to southeastern Central Europe (Slovenia, Czech, Austria)
Hola maldito animal. Greeks like Chilean weons.
Not everything in South America is a shithole. In the the Southern Cone (Chile, Argentina and Uruguay) we have the highest life expectancy, the highest Human Development Index of Latin America, high standard of living, significant participation in the global markets and emerging economies. We are not as developed as US or Europe, logically, but we are almost there.
Immigrants are A BIG problem, though.
More people in agentina have my last name than the US or europe.
Consensus says 1.5 million people speak German in Cordoba.
Nice mountains, good minerals, fishing, hunting, and dino bones.
Sounds good.
British buyed loads land which they planted Vineyards on.
Chilien people pick the grapes for british owners of vineyards.
They now export chillien wine around world.
The climate is amazing for wine due high temps day cold temps night.
No chemicals needed the cold and high up postion of the vineyards kill bugs at night.
British have made some best money makeing vineyards here.
As vineyards get older it will be bedt wine in world.
We love Greeks too! A lot of our teachers still have a little too much love for El Estagirita, in fact...
Mmm, our biggest and most important vieyards are 100% in the hands of our local, Castilian-Basque elite tho... See Cousiño-Macul, et al.
>The british did.
We literally call the old spanish last names, wine last names, cause all old vineyards are spanish.
What the british did had was nitrate plants.
The working condition were so bad that they created our extreme syndicalist left wing.
Chileans are fat.
>What goes on here?
>Are these fuckers white?
we have a white population but most of us are mestizo
>Why do we never hear anything from there?
nothing interesting happens here
Hasn't Argentina been broke for over 15 years?
Nothing goes on here, move along now.
Not really.
Memes! If you actually go and see for yourself past the memes, you'll see they're doing mighty fine.
They are doing fine, but they just recently realised some complicated things like the inflation they have and the difference that makes an stable growth rate.
No. We had an economic depression from 1998 to 2002, but it was just Jews jewing us (really large story/complex economic and historic explanation). Our country has been recovering even since, although we still deal with the eternal debt and drastic economic changes, including right now, but the vast majority of us are doing just fine.
theyre mostly mestizos, just like here
will be getting second bacelors science in natural resources after a fucking BS in chem with no jobs.
planning on following this path at 30. fuck me, right?
>my master's degree wife is pissed. we can speak spanish -ty highschool
what are my chances, Sup Forums?
if you work you will do it fine
the problem is that many people are in welfare and always complaining that they don't have enough money
how much would 5 acres of nice south east hillside be in chile?
planning on rooting genetics of bourgogne 20k bottles of pinot noir there in the next five years. I just need 5 acres....plus 200 for the cattle, pigs, chickens, forests, and kitchen garden.
>El puto zambo
>Le 56%
Are you high? I read the post 3 times and I still can't figure it out
>British education
Balmaceda did the impossible to steal the nitrate from you fuckers and the dude ended up an heroing
That's literally all your role here, everything else was spain
>Da j00s
Because it's the least shitty country in SA, and the closest to being white. It's like a superior Argentina, without the famous athletes, beef, and wine. You don't hear about it because it's not a shithole, unlike every other country in the region. It's like Spain, lots of thieves and pick pockets, but violent crime is almost non-existent.
i mean i'm getting the forestry degree at age 30 and then planning on heading down there. it's a booming industry of with a huge push for development into 1st world.
i'm drunk off 2 bottles of chilean pinot.
It's not third world though, you seem to have it confused with every other country in South America.
What's it like outside of Puerto Montt? I'm seriously 50/50 on going there after a few years. I'll ned to brush up on spanish...but I have some bitcoins saved up for land
>and the closest to being white
>what is Uruguay
>It's like a superior Argentina
If someone asks for the time with a nigger accent, hold your pockets and run to a cop, or fight
Accurate. But sadly that's not going to be the case in the future.
Since 2015 we have been getting invaded by niggers and Colombians, like a cheap version of the (((Kalergi Plan))). It's all that cunt Bachelet's doing; in exchange for a position in the UN, she has let hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants. The media is washing brains 24/7 about how the "new chileans" are joyful and educated.
I will fuck off from this land someday because this is going to end disastrously.
I'm not planning on being in "nigger" territory. I suspect gun laws are american tier? Planning jeffersonian estate in los lagos. Hire some natives to run to the city for supplies. Be wine baron. Educate and make the locals rich
>no white country in the americas
>canada isnt white
sure. we are over 85% white, the rest are chinks which are pretty close, then a few natives and runaway slaves here and there
>Violent crime is almost non existent
>Watch new this morning
>7 severed human heads found in dump
While it is low, it still happens
Pretty sure you don't hear about it because local news aren't that important
Really long story, mate. And it's 30ºC at midnight.
If you are really interested, try looking it up on the Internet. Our 2001 crisis and how we recovered is world-wide known.
Also, we're mostly mestizos. There are some of us who look kinda European, but the 56% meme is present here as well.
You'd have to be a cop or work to the military to get a gun easily (and carry it around), it's not as free as 'murica
But hey, you can try
How's the story called?
"The argentinian depression"?
Best shaped country
Can I do reserves? West of Los Muermos and Tegualda look ideal wine country to me.....
You have no clue how bad it really is leaf. Don't trust Wikipedia, they use old obfuscated data. There was a thread on this a few weeks ago, Canada is closer to 60% white at this point and dropping rapidly. Don't worry older bro we're close behind you in that department, I guess we'll die together
Well we ARE full, of course, but with that said, it depends on the zone of the country you're aiming for. Soil and real estate in general in our central valley, which is ideal for vineyards, is quite expensive. Land to the south is a lot cheaper - some faggot I know bought a hectare for ~15.000 usd near pic related - but if you're just looking to grown vines I guess it's far from ideal.
Yeah, Canada might be majority european descendant (as US, Uruguay or Argentina), but we aren't white/european nations. We were all multicultural nations since the very beginning. That's what I tried to say.
I'm looking at los lagos. Low population, ideal climate.
I ain't sure about that
Esto nombrara a (((ellos))) o no?
>since the very beginning
No. The US at least (I don't know about Canada) was absolutely intended to be a white country. It limited citizenship only to whites.
>This what Piñera actually believes about himself
Let me read it really fast to testify how well it is explained. Give me a min.
The last news worthy thing to happen in chile was when that miners got trapped a few years ago
>Abre un almacen con su señora
>Caza palomas en la moneda
>Viven con 20 personas en un cuarto de 2x2
It's called 'Everyone is at fault except our country."
>genocides natives
>better long lasting effect than any other policy enacted by any other president.
I wonder what would have happened if Chile had someone do this early on.
Yeah, Argentina also has explicitly in our Constitution -and still in force- that we must only accept european people. But we all had native americans and even slaves in our countries already. We were multicultural nations.
I'd say 20% is white, 50% are Caucasoid mestizos and the rest are natives/darker Mestizos.
Early on they tried but the conquistador responsible was sacked by some reason. Afterwards it was too late and Mapuches are pretty much the mightiest natives of America in terms of war. I don't really like them, but I respect them a lot.
>are these fuckers white
Lol. No.
Wrong. The crisis started well before the explosion in the 70's with the massive debt the Junta put us. And the Junta was part of Operation Condor, i.e. USA.
Believe it or not, Latin America -not only Argentina- is the result of external boycott. Especially UK in our case.
>Leader gets rekt
>alright you're in charge now
>new leader gets rekt
>the cycle continues
They were fucking SAVAGE
Ok, read it. It's a good start.
what are land laws like? can I hold land in allodial title?
>-and still in force-
nigger, they let senegalese in
South has some Slavs, Germans, Spaniards and Italians but its pretty much a redskin wasteland flooded with immigrants after Pinochet left
Yeah, I know, it's a joke. Even in 2006 with Plan Patria Grande they allowed millions of Latin American immigrants without even primary school finished to enter the country.
But what I tried to say is that it is in theory and legally still in force and active. It's not like it was in the Constitution pre 1900s, we still have it right now.
As in absolute, unlimited property? Nope. All our land property is limited by the rights of others and all that mumbo jumbo (which basically means you can't, for example, listen to overly loud music during the weekends, etc.) but the most important limit comes from our territorial tax, which is a small percentage of the "public" value of the estate.
Give me your Discord.
I-I don't have one, user. I mean I had one in the somewhat distant past, but I completely forgot about my login info and the mail I used. Are you the former O'Higgings from Sup Forums, per chance?
Make one. I have something extremely important to tell you.
>(really large story/complex economic and historic explanation)
Dale, culturizame
I fantasize about fleeing Murica and finding a nice small village in Chile or whatnot and find an intelligent, sweet mestiza girl to bleach.
I'm a small business owner, I'm an old soul, and I would love a traditionalist South American girl from outside the degenerate Western World to care for and bear offspring with. I know Argies don't like burgers/Anglos
>muh Falkland Islands!!!111
but you Chileans are cool with Muricans, right? I'd be happy to turn my back on all this madness and start over in a rustic, small town.
Everyone here loves americans and europeans, the ones we don't get along with are peruvians and other sudacas
If you are somewhat good looking you'll make girls fall , and it isn't very hard to find a tradional wife, that if, if you can maintain her, or shell have to work too.
By the way, you'll have to rethink the "small town" a little bit, most of our small towns are taken over by migrants.
jesus fucking christ, these guys definitely have something against disposable email accounts
anyway, /hn7WZ
You are no longer being cute. I am sorry. I will cease all contact now.
my gf is from there
she left to work in peru and now lives with me in america. knowing how much of a shithole peru is, I cant imagine that leaving a place to reside in peru could be a "good place" under any circumstance
bunch of larpers with a retarded flag
Stupid long country with a retarded Texas flag.
>Everyone here loves americans and europeans, the ones we don't get along with are peruvians and other sudacas
Beautiful, you affirm my hunch that you all are the most based in Latin America. I have blue eyes, fair skin, and I'm well-sculpted at the gym, no worries. It's just amazing in 2017, that asking for a girl who knows how to cook, give me back rubs, and talk about the Bible with are few and far between.
I wonder whether the demographic situation from the Mexican mestizo invasion, or the post-modernist Cultural Marxist movement (some men have vaginas, only white males can be racist) shit will do more damage to my country in the long term, but I'm ready to pack my backs and pack my shit and head to a comfy little town in Chile somewhere. I'd be a good contribution to your gene pool, and a caring, sincere member of the community, as long as we can keep the kikery/Hollywood bullshit out.
I don't want to give up on Murica yet, but it's becoming a foregone conclusion at this point with the demographic trends and the pop culture. Not somewhere in which I'd want my children to grow up in, and my Spanish is good enough to get by.
Oh well! I guess at least I have a Discord now, haha.
chile is white
Sorry leaf. You had your whiteness revoked with your bitch of a leader.
So why only Bolivians and Haitians want to migrate to your countries?
Wow. You have a building. And a river. I think.
I do??
Yes. It's nice, too.